Nature Republic Garden Recipe Wash Off Pack in Carrot


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Remember my last shop tour post for Nature Republic new store at Times Square (read it here- link ). If you have seen it you know one of my haul is this mask pack that I am pretty excited to try. I am a fan of "spreading" type of mask than the sheet mask because I find it fun to use. Nature Republic is a Korean Brand focus on natural resources in their products. This is one of their product in their Garden recipe Wash Off Pack Line. I have picked up Carrot. There were not a lot of choices when I was there. There are suppose to be 5 different type of these. The only one I saw during that day is this Carrot one and the Kohlrabi Pack. So I grab the carrot one because it said its for firming. I'm reaching to my "middle" 20's so I though its time for firming care. Hehe. I have use it since I have bought it and tested it around 3 times.

This pack claims to be a product that have all kinds of vitamins & minerals with 7 kinds of fruit contents. One of it is the carrot which rich in vitamin A that provide elasticity for a firmer and energize skin.

My thoughts. Of course the packaging attract me. I love how it comes in a jar with these cute cartoon design on it. I know jar product may comes to the fact that they are not hygienic, but I kinda like this packaging. I use my left alone foundation brush to apply this all over my face. I don't use this brush in my makeup routine because I find its very tiring to use for foundation application. So I use this as a "spreading brush" for mask pack like this. As you open, a slight smell of "veggies" came out of the jar. The texture of this mask is very "goowyy". Kinda like a soft jelly with a hint of orange colour in it. One scoop is enough for the whole face. Talk about price wise, this pack is RM34.90 for 190ml.  I scoop is equivilant to 3-4ml of this product. You basically can use it like 47 times! 

How to use it? Spread the right amount on the entire face. Look at me! So lazy to wear my hijab, just wear my towel to cover my head. Haha. Ok back to explanation. Ok spread it all over your face. From my experience, I felt a cooling sensation when applying this. Which I like. The "veggies" smell does not bother me. It was okay. Then, leave it for 10-15 minutes. Usually i will wait until 15 minutes. Around 8-10 minutes it will get dry. Your face will feel a little tight. After 15 minutes, it will fully dry and then you can peel it off actually. But it is not easy. It is better to just rinse it with lukewarm water. My experience, my skin feel fresh and "cool" after that. It feel "bouncy" a little bit after that too. In term of firmness, I don't really can tell. Overall, I like this mask during my pampering night for that fresh and "awake" skin feeling.

Name : Garden Recipe Carrot Wash Pack
Price : RM34.90
Where To Buy : All Nature Republic Outlets (List)
Made in : Korea
Net Weight : 190ml for full size jar & 8ml for travel pack
**Disclaimer - This product(s) was obtain from a gift/door gift on attending a launch/beauty event I went before.

This Garden recipe wash off pack also comes in 5 different types. Purchase the full size jar for RM34.90 or the travel pack 8ml for RM9.90.

have you tried any wash off pack mask? What is it?


  1. i'm a fan of spread on mask too! found it rather fun to use than sheet mask, hehe :p The price is good, I might buy 1 if I got to visit any NR outlet ^_^

    1. Same! i find it gets to your entire face more effectively than sheet mask that is always dripping...

  2. ni macam best...i like the color just like carrot ni!!hahhaha!! i now love spreadmask more than sheet mask because they r more effective!

  3. Oh I love the packaging and the fact that it is a spread on mask! It's quite affordable also; maybe will go and buy it and give it a try lol! <3

  4. Im using The Faceshop Pore Minimizer Clay Mask and i love it so much!But seeing your post makes me want to try this veggie mask too! <3

    1. is it the clay mask? sab rasa sab ada yg tu gak.. hehe... try la! ^^

  5. I actually did pick those up when I visited NR outlet in TS, but don't know why I ended up putting it down again. LOL, I shall go and buy it soon then. Hahaha, thanks for the review!

    1. yeke.. hehe... mana tau ada macam2 lg type, leh pilih yg lain! welcome dear.. ^^

  6. I love spread on jgak...I think lg jimat using spread on sbb kte bole bajet the amount kn..klo pkai sheet single use je..

  7. Macam kurang dah eye bag. Sab pakai krim mata brand apa? Sangat cool dan comel la Sab pakai tuala. Jarang tau orang review mask pakai tuala. Hikhik. (^-^)"

    1. maybe lighting kot, xnmpak sgt bag nya tu.. haha.. tu la, duduk rumah mana pakai tudung, nk pakai msk, lupa lak yg nk kene amik gmbar. grab je la tuala. :P

  8. Hmmm, now that you've blogged about it, I realized I actually haven't tried this type of mask. Looks fun to use and I agree the sheet mask dripping can be quite annoying. Good article and lovely pics of u! Hope to meet u soon!

  9. i love this! tried this so many time before and its so so much cheaper in korea than in malaysia..are you a fan of nature republic? you should try holika holika make up too..

    1. Oh my. its must be heaven to shop korean cosmetics there! hehe... im still trying a few from nature republic. for now, korean cosmetics, i kinda like etude house. havent tried holika holika, but they seems pretty good! should try it soon!

  10. awww..soo cute! I usually don't go for the spread type mask because I'm just too lazy but sometimes I do..hahah..the case looks so cute!!

    1. cute kan... its fun to spread on your face la! hehe

  11. Wow..this sounds so good. Will try it next after I run out of my mask. I have too much already. Hehe

    1. hehe.. if you feel like buying a new one, try this one!

  12. This sounds interesting! I'm very curious about the veggie smell thing. Hehe! Thanks for sharing Sabrina dear! =D xx

  13. Hi ! i love your review . Skrg ni i really love TheFaceShop Pearl sheet mask . You should try ^^ . Nak tanya , if you pernah terjumpa or ternampak wash off Pearl mask bcs lepas baca review awak , i rasa macam nak guna wash off pack pulak hahaha

    1. will try that one soon! aah, sab suka peel off type sbb macam lagi letak at muka. hihi
