Benefit Powderful Weapon


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. I have kept this for the longest time. This event were held last year and we can't blog about it yet because we don't want you to get too excited, its too early! hehe... So this event were held in Sunway Pyramid just beside the "human made" beaches. The event was started with a little commotion where this lady have a problem on oily skin and her powderful weapon got  stolen by this bad guys. So she needed help. Then come Agen Zero Shine with a 4x4 bike. It was cute! hehe... She kinda belasah that guy and got the powderful weapon for the girl. So what is the "POWDERFUL WEAPON" that I try to tell here?

Presenting to you, the sister to the famous PORE-fessional. The Benefit Porefessional Powder. It were launch earlier in the states and I bet you can find lots of review in the net. The event continue with some activities where we got to go and play archery to get this secret weapon.

Yeay! We got our self the Agent Zero Shine weapon! We got the chance to try the product before it was lauch which I am very honoured! Below are some test we conduct during the event. We sprayed our had with some body oil Benefit Cosmetics provide for us, The a lil tap of the product and swiping. I am surprise how light and matte my skin are. Will go in depth more of this product in a single review post.

This product is uniquely design First impression, its is travel friendly! It made out of a sturdy plastic case and it comes with a brush! The brush is super soft and portable. You can insert it back in the bottle it self. It claims to be a powder that Controls shine, Helps smooth look of pores, Mattifying, PORE-perfecting, Ultra-lightweight, Invisible finish. Its a ultra lightweight powder controls shine and helps smooth the look of pores in one ultra-sheer shade for all skin tones. Again, I will review more about this product soon. This product will be available in all participating Benefit Cosmetics Counter in February 2014 for a suggested price RM115. Stay tune!

Are you excited for this? What is your first impression?