2014 Resolution & Goals


Salam & hello everyone! Happy New Year! *Pops confetti* I hope you all are doing great. 2013 have ended and I have done a recap on it in this post (link). Cherish the good times and throw everything to the bad things happen. So what is my resolution for 2014? I have lots of plan for this year and I hope Allah will ease my journey for everything. So I have set my goal setting board in a frame to where I always do my work. It will remind me not to spend on non necessities and focus on my goals!

Have a good camera & a tripod
I want a camera like so badly. Since last year I have been putting this in my yearly resolution but still can't manage to get it do to financial problem. In sya Allah, this year I will get it! I want either the Sony Nex 5R or the Canon Rebel T3i along with a tripod. I really want a good compact camera where I can start doing videos and have a nice picture during low light situation. Aja aja fighting! I will save for it!

Have a lighting setup
When I already get my camera, I want to buy myself either a right light and a soft-box for lighting purposes. I really want to make a good quality videos as well as taking pictures in my room. My room does not have a good lighting. I always need to depend on the sunlight on the balcony which is quite frustrating.

Start a YouTube channel
I know I know. I have been stating that I wanna start YouTube videos but never get my self in to it yet. I need a camera first! What YouTube video I am looking forward too? Maybe some DIY videos, some beauty stuff and maybe a time lapse painting video! Anything girly!

Graduate my Degree
Of course, one of the day I will wait for! My convocation day where I will be officially graduate my Degree! I can't wait for that day!

Blog Achievement
I want my blog to achieve more! The first goal I am looking forward is my blog hits 1,000,0000 million hits. I am 60% there. In sya Allah by December 2014 I can achieve that! ^_^. Another thing is I wish that my blog hits will achieve 3000 hits daily. I will try my best!

Have the perfect makeup storage
My makeup and skincare have grown time to time. Alhamdulilah. So i want to keep it properly. I have sketch on how I want to organize everything. Along with that I want it to be the background of my YouTube videos. I want a nice chest of drawer and more small drawer. I already got 3 of them and I need maybe another 5. And I will stare at my makeup storage everyday with smile because I am obsessed with it! Hehe

Have a desktop computer
This is one of the last thing I want, if I got some extra money, I want to invest in a good desktop computer. I really want the iMac 21.5 inch but that is super costly. If I can already get the Hp Pavillion Envy Recline 23 inch that have made me happy enough. I want a good desktop computer so I can do my work properly and also start back to gaming! Oh yeah!

My dream business
I still can't reveal this this publicity because I afraid if I can't make it, it will disappoint me. This thing have been in my life for years. I am still trying and saving for it because it is a pretty big thing that will happen in my life. Clue? It is a business I wanted to do for so long and love. I hope this year will be an official year for that thing to happen in my life. I also have finish my study so I can focus on it. Pray hard, amin! May this be a reality and I can't wait to share it with you guys what is the name ans what it is. *wink* *wink*.

Be happy
A lot of things have happen to be for the past year. Allah know my tears and things that happen to me that I don't really tell to people even to close friends. All I want is to be happy and worry less. I want to be more successful and achieve all my dreams. Live the lifestyle that I have dream of and willing to be positive all the time. I want to eat healthy and be more active. Eating healthy does cost. So I need to work hard to gain it. Be more close to Allah and just be me. I hope 2014 will be more awesome and lots of opportunities for me to grab to be up closer to my dreams!

What is your 2014 resolution? Leave a link below if you have done a blog-post about it so I can read!



  1. A vision board!! Wow! It's been a while since I last saw it! :D *now I wanna make mine too!*
    Dear, I love how you're so positive about yourself. To be perfectly honest, you make me want to be more grateful towards all the things in life. Alhamdulillah.
    It's a really nice post! let me congratulate you in advance as you're graduating this year. :D
    Do share when you finally ventured on business. Would love to know about it as I have the same dream too!
    Keep your head in the game! Cheers! Love, Mira.

    1. Yeap! A vision board! ^_^ Do make it! It really helps! like what i did last year, i wanted to buy an iPhone 5. It really discipline my self to save and at last i got it! hehe... Thank you dear! In sya Allah, may Allah ease everything and it will become a reality!

  2. So mysterious yah your business! Can't wait and hope it will be a successful one!! <3 ^^ You have big dreams *thumbs up*!

    1. Hehe, im hoping for that! been wanna reveal it since last year but i never get to. Hope this year it will be. Thank you!

  3. I think there's a typo in your blog achievement, you actually meant Dec 2014 right? :p Wishing you all the best in achieving all of your dreams in this new year :D

    1. Oh! I did not see that, thanks! i corrected it. ^_^ you too! thank you! all the best for 2014! lets rock it!

  4. Hi and happy new year, Sab.
    I hope that all your dreams and wishes will come true.
    Hope there will be more joys, more fun and more smile throughout this year.
    And I am so excited to watch your Youtube videos soon.
    Congrats for finished your degree!!
    And here's my 2014 resolution :)

    1. Hi and happy new year to you too Aishah!
      Amin... In sya Allah... :)

  5. Your first two resolutions are my resolutions too! But damn, they are so expensive!

    1. *high five* hehe... yeaaaaaa... its ok. lets save for it!

  6. Happy New Year to u and hope u will achieve ur goals and resolution. InsyaAllah. :)

    1. Happy New year and thank you! amin.. in sya Allah. ^_^

  7. you make me all hyped up and motivated upon reading this resolution! may Allah bless us all with whatever necessities we need and may we become a better servant to Him as the year pass by :) all the best Sab ^_^

    1. oh yeay! Amin amin amin... all the best to you my dear!

  8. Happy new year! Wish you will achieve your resolutions! :D

