Neesya Brightening Gel Cleanser


Salam & hello everyone! Hehehe.. I suppose to finish my report now, er, I can't help my self to blog something before today ends. I bet you guys know about Neesya. I have seen a lot of bloggers blog about this home grown brand. If you are still new to Neesya brand, here a lil preview of this brand. Neesya focus on a skincare that is effective and that can be afford by all ages. It is a Paraben and colorant free products and Sirim verified. Neesya means butterfly in Greek. Neesya skincare is about enriching lives with effective, scientific beauty care, made affordable to everyone.

Now lets talk about this cleanser. This cleanser claims to be a cleanser that helps prepare skin to receive maximum moisture and brightening effects of the Neesya skin care range by dissolving skin-dulling surface impurities without stripping the skin of essential moisture. Formulated with Silver Vine Extract and Alpha-Melight ®, skin benefits from brightening effects even during essential cleansing, while extract of Hamamelis, Aloe and Vitamin B5 hydrate and soften skin. I never tried a gel based cleanser before and this is my first time trying such product.

First notice to this product that this does not lather and foams up. No matter how hard you try to foam it up, it will never be. Second notice is the scent. I love the refreshing scent it have in this cleanser. Since its a gel base cleanser, this really does not leave my skin tight or dry after using it. The only thing I can't really feel is the satisfaction of cleansing the face. Mind psychologically yeah, when it foam we tend to feel it cleanse our face right. Since this does not foams, it makes me feel like I have not having enough cleansing to my face (during my face with makeup even after removing with makeup remover).Exception during my morning routine, I look closely to the mirror after a few splash of water, I can feel my skin is then really clean and refresh. This does makes my skin kinda "awake". I kinda love this during my morning skincare routine when my skin is free from makeup. I think it suits better in the morning and I think this suits better with dry skin due to the texture of the cleanser. The price is affordable, I think it is a good product. Its Paraben free! That is the best.

Name : Neesya Brightening Gel Cleanser
Price : RM29.00
Where To Buy : Neesya Official Web-store (link), or Participating Outlets list here (link)
Made in : Malaysia
Net Weight : 100ml
Ingredient Highlights : Silver Vine Extract, Alpha-Melight™, Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) Aloe Leaf Extract Pro-Vitamin B5, AcquaBiomin™ Gem Blend

More info go to :
Official Website :

This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

Have you tried Neesya Skincare Range?


  1. The packaging looks nice. I would like to try.

    1. I'm sure I would buy a lot of beauty items when I visit KL next year.

  2. Well we have 1 thought in common here, that non-foamy cleanser is better to be used for morning routine, hehe! I have 1 non-foamy gel cleanser, rasa segar lepas pakai tapi macam tak yakin muka ni betul2 cuci ke tak XD

    1. haha! sameee! sbb dia mcm slippery sikit kan masa basuh...

  3. Ada orang pernah syorkan saya cuba produk Neesya ni tapi tak ingat pula siapa. Hehe. :D

  4. nice review ! xx

  5. haha i just noticed that you and wiida have the same background for your product pics...korang ada the same bed sheet ke apa?? hehehe

    1. haha, this bed sheet is pretty popular actually. its from ikea and it does make a good background.

  6. Hi Sabrina,
    Thanks for your review write-up and am glad you like the soap free texture and feel of our Gel Cleanser! Hope you get to try the rest of our range soon too.

    Chris Yong
    Neesya Skincare

    1. Hi Chris, you are welcome. sure! ^_^ Thank you to you too!
