BBW PocketBac & EOS Lip Balm


Salam & hello everyone! Haha! I suppose to finish my FYP report now buttt can't resist on doing a blog post now. Serious problem, I think. Well! Fabulous Find series! Where I will share awesome finds of deals and where to shop! This time is the famous Bath & Body Works Pocket Bac ( Fragrance Hand Sanitize ) and the rambutan looking lip balm, the EOS Lip Balm! I think some of you may know I seriously love the EOS Lip Balm maybe because how ergonomic they are. Haha! (Ok I admit it, it is because of the packaging) So we don't have Bath & Body Works and EOS Lip Balms here in Malaysia, so where can you buy it? Especially when the price is super cheap from the other seller. Buy it from Beautiful Beauty Buys!

So what I got is 2 PocketBac from BBW & 1 EOS Lip Balm. I got Berry Freeze and Vanilla Icing for the Pocket Bac. They smell so good! Especially the Berry Freeze! Just like the usual hand sanitizer, this is leaves a cooling and fast absorption when you applied. What cool about this pocketbac is that they have like tons of scent to choose from! I think I wanna get more of these!

I have one EOS Lip Balm that I bought pretty much a few years ago. I got Sweet Mint this time. I always wanted this! As its name, it is minty! Wanna get more of these in the future!

Price :
RM28 each for EOS Lip Balm to Peininsular (postage included!)
RM14 each for PocketBac to Peninsular (postage included!)

More info you can contact her and you can also pre-order from her. She also take orders for the Bath & Body Works candles.

This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

Do you love Pocket Bac & EOS Lip Balm?


  1. Thanks Sabrina. Include postage tu

  2. comel lah dua-dua. dah lah memang tengah cari lip balm! :)

    1. comel eos lip balm tu! pastu buat kita rasa addicted nk apply sbb bentuk bulat dia.

  3. I bought 10 pcs of pocketbac from beautifulbeautybuys few weeks back! :)

  4. lorh lip balm tu hahhahah BOLAT nyer! cute kecik n sng nk bwk lah dlm beg btw slalu pkai yg stick je pon..hehe lawat lah belog i yer hehe sy de invitation nk bg tuh kindly visit my page yar :)))

    1. mmg bolattt! alaa.. dah check it out, tp 7 haribulan sab kene balik jb...

  5. Ala, nak sangat BBW punye barang ! Nape Malaysia takde :(. Jelesnye tengok akak ade brg2 ni xD

    1. kalau ada mesti besstt! sab nk borong candle, sbb kalau nk beli yg besar takut berat.

  6. i definitely need to check Beautiful Beauty Buys ! Thanks for sharing !

  7. Yeay been eyeing the eos balm for years... thanks for the review and info. Skang jugak nak place order ;)

    1. i only have one and this is my second! i want more! <3

  8. Bestnye...Murah also!
    Shall go stalk them now! =D

  9. What a good recommendation Sabrina, I've checked out the page right after reading your blog. In Shaa Allah ada rezeki akan order EOS Lip Balm dgn diorang. I've seen this kind of lip balm on other blogs before, but they never mentioned where to get it. So thanks for the recommendation, appreciate it. ^_^

  10. warghh I really wanna get BBW candles! bila la diorang nak bertapak kat Malaysia >.<

    1. same! i want the big 3 wicks candles and mason jar. its quite fragile to be shipped.

  11. salam..da follow :) thanks join segmen "i will follow you" by Syira Lokman..jgn lupa follow blog peserta lain...tggu keputusan 3 blog yg akan direview eh ? tq ! ^_^

  12. Oh, I saw the EOS lip balm on my favourite UK blogger, and fell in love with its packaging instantly! Isn't it a bit quirky? Even The Body Shop is releasing ball lip balms like this! What's even quirkier, EOS released lip balms in cube packaging recently. How fun is that? :D
    Thanks, Sabrina for telling me where I can get this!
    - Mira

    1. the packaging i think attract anyone! hehe... really? oh i should google it. thanks for the info!

  13. Lip smacke ade jual x??
