Who just win herself a trip to New York?


Salam & hello everyone! Few of my beloved a friends have made it to the final for the Catwalk to New York contest! Yes, we are all excited and though of getting a ticket to be there rooting for them! It was held in Neverland KL. First of all sorry for such a miserable quality of photos. My phone camera does not work well in dimmed and dark room. :( I hope you enjoy reading!

Here were are being very punctual arrive on 7pm sharp. Sadly the event started late at 8pm. 1 hour of waiting and chewing some finger foods.

My camera could not take nice pictures due to how far we are so I able to get clear picture through the screen beside us. Here are the Emcee giving some introduction! We are all really excited to see our girls doing their thing! This is basically their last challenge after a few round of challenge they have to face. Such as Makeup Contest and outfit pick up contest. Yes, they were all judged fairly due to all aspect. Not because of they are being skinny or whatever like some of the past contestant were complaining because they did get chosen to be in the finals. It takes efforts baby!

Here were are excitedly and nervously waiting for our girls to come out! Below are the first contestant doing her thing! They did not walk along tho, a professional model is paired up with them during the catwalk show.

Here is Wiida! Could not get her picture on the runway, it were all blurr. Sad me.

Here is Erieqa! Work it baby! 

Lastly, the girl who we are rooting for is Kak Fyna! A very very know beauty blogger and youtuber! She came all the way from Kedah! One sad thing during her turn is that her video were not played during her catwalk. It was mixed up with another person. People were confused and suddenly kept silent. i feel bad for it. :( I hope this kinda thing wont happen again. Fyna looks a bit confuse due to the technical error. Its ok babe! You work it! You look awesome up there!

Here are all of the contestant with the models doing some final pose!

So who will go to the fully paid sponsors to New York and watch the New York fashion week?
Its, Wiidaaaaa!

and another contestant named
(Fifi if you are reading this, just wanna tell you that you are so gorgeous babe! Any fitness tip? hehe)

Media interviewing both winners! Sorry Wiida you "kene tarik so roughly" because the media "cant wait" to interview you from someone because we were so excited and hug when we saw you . We were all stunned that time. 
:( We were all there to support! 

Along that, we all here to be together to give some support! I went to the event with Sabby. And also got to meet my childhood best friend Naddy! Also Arissa! Thank you for the below picture!

With le catwalk baby! Erieqa & Wiida! We suppose to meet Fyna but she was in a hurry to go back to her  hometown. :( Hope to meet you soon!

Then I got to meet Syafiqah for the first time! She is like one of my est blog readers! Hehe, Nice to meet you babe!

All the girls!!! Nice to meet all of you and hoping to meet all of you again and again and again! Thank you Arissa for this picture!
**This what happens if you use to much of a high SPF concealer under a flash camera! disaster! Hahahaha! look at my face!

Again, congratulations Wiida!
Oh Wiida! I are really happy for you as well as hoping you could pack us all in your back to go to New York! Hahahaha! Now lets just imagine Wiida in New York Fashion week like video below. Imagine your self rubbing shoulder with all amazing designers and people!What an experience of a life time! Arrrgghhh! Again, Congratulation Wiida! Don't forget us when you are there! <3



  1. Aww....so sweet la sab nie...bile dpt jumpe lg my idol nie...hehe..

    1. amboi awk ni.. suka wt kita blushing..haha.. ada rezeki kita jmpa k... ^_^

  2. Yeahhh congrats wiida and fifi! :)))

    Babee, i x perasan pun if u x mention about using spf concealer tuuuu

  3. apa rahsia selalu nampak cantik & elegan...?? jelez kite taw! heee....teringin nk jumpa u lagi...

    1. (/ω\) ehhh mana ada.... haha... yes! nk jmpa awk lg! hopefully soon! ^_^

  4. Congratulation to the Winners!! to NY tu!!! awhhh..BESTNYAAAAAAAAAAA~hehehee

    gosh, kesian nya dekat Kak Fyna..macam sabotaj je sebab kak fyna wearing hijabs..hurmm :(
    I feel bad for her..but still, she always inspired people and gorgeous..

    Thank You for sharing this moment dear...

    1. kaaannnnnnnnnn!!!! aaarrrggghhhhhhh! aah.. ada technical difficulties jap... :(

      your welcome dear!

  5. Bestnya! bestnya! Sedih tak dapat pergi

  6. wow! she can check out Michelle Phan's em store too!!! *omg!!*

  7. Yeahhhh... Wiida menang! Tak sia-sia vote banyak-banyak. Hehe. Tapi vote juri lagi banyak dan penting! Weeehhhooooooooooooooooooo. Bestnya Sab di sana. Teringin nak join tapi tak dapat! Huhu. :- |

    1. alhamdulilah untuk dia! ^_^ xpela awk busy, sokongan and doa ntuk dia dah cukup baik dah! <3

  8. Aww so sweet of you Sabby <3 *curi gambar sikit boleh tak?
    And OHMAGADDDD NEW YORK is my dream city!! One day kita pergi k sab!!
