Pixy UV Whitening Two Way Cake Perfect Fit SPF 15 in Natural Beige Review


Salam & hello everyone!
I never really reviews powder because I cant really seems to differentiate between who actually performs, my foundation or my powder. But recently I have been trying this due to my lazy foundation days. I got to try this alone on my face. So let see what I think about it.

Name : Pixy UV Whitening Two Way Cake Perfect Fit SPF 15
Price : RM19.90
Where to buy : Participating Pharmacies, Online Guardian (link)
Availability : 5 shades
Made in : Indonesia
Net Weight : 12.2g

What I like about this powder is that is really match my skin. It looks super natural and does not feel heavy at all. It blends out smoothly! In terms of packaging, it comes in a very high quality plastic package and it comes with a sponge and mirror. Points to that! Along side to the ease of application, I think its pretty good and convenient for touch ups! As I said I love how it blends so smoothly without feeling that much of application. For scent, this powder does have some scent, it is not overpowering tho, but just nice. It have nice fresh powder scent to it. Lastly regarding longevity, this powder stays matte for 1- hours only. It was okay. As I do a lil research this powder have 5 shades. Which is pretty good. Also it have ingredient such as Vitamin C & SPF 15!

So far I don't have any dislike to this product, as to compare to the price, I think its reasonable to what and how it performs.

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I really recommend this for any one who love to use light coverage powders. Just to get that nice fresh face and protected since it have SPF 15 in it. Also really recommend this to young girls out there. Its affordable and suits young girls more because its more natural and light.

This product were send to me for product review purposes

Have you tried any Pixy products? What is that?


  1. I'm using this powder too bila malas nak makeup haha and it gives pretty decent coverage, tersorok juga scars I

    1. true! i dont know why, but this powder is just nice! I love how it feels on application!

  2. sab, kite dah guna ni lama, start dgn Miyami then tukar yg ni sbb senang nak beli plus murah,memang best! :)

    1. true! sab first time pakai, and fell in love with it dah!

  3. shaila pun pengguna pixy ini,sejak habis spm hggalah sekarang...memang best...(^_^)

  4. saya pakai yg yellow beige tu. dah dekat 3 tahun pakai pixy ! sangat2 puas hati.

  5. agree with u Sab. this product memang best! kita pun pakai pxy!

  6. Bedak ni memang superb, been using it fr two years now!

  7. Great review! I pun macam nak cuba bedak ni. Tapi warna-nya tak banyak pilihan kan. Ingat nak cuba Natural Beige sebab Tropical Beige terlalu gelap.

    1. Thank you! ^_^ aah, not that many of shade choices, but the powder is fine and the color does not really obvious. by means if you apply it, it does not really took of your original skin color.

  8. I'm using nc30 for mac. Ape shade yg sesuai untuk pixy?

    1. I am not familiar with Mac shades,but pixy coverage is quite sheer, i think it does not make a big chance of color when you apply it. :)

  9. Hi! I recently bought the powder but in Ivory shade. I've posted a review at my blog. :)

  10. macam mana nk dapatkan produk ni?

    1. Where to buy section kat atas tu ada tulis yunk.. :)
