Pixy makeup Remover Series Lotion & Foam Review


Salam & hello everyone! I have another makeup remover recommendation to you guys! Been loving this for the past week! Now I wanna dance!

Salam & hello everyone!

Name : Pixy Gentle & Moist Cleansing Lotion
Price : RM11.90 for 100ml, for RM6.50 50ml
Where to buy : Participating pharmacies
Made in : Indonesia
Net Weight : 100ml and 50ml for travel size
Main Ingredient : Key ingredient, Natural honey

I love the packaging, its super light weight and travel friendly! It is also convenient, I don't have to shake it up to use it like the ordinary water+oil makeup remover. It removes my makeup effortlessly without leaving any dry feeling to the skin since it does not contain alcohol. It smells refreshing too! Points to how affordable they are and convenient to get. You can get these at most pharmacies!

So far I just love this product. No dislike! Awesome!

Name : Pixy Single Step Liquid Foam for Makeup
Price :  RM11.90 for 100ml, for RM6.50 50ml
Where to buy : Participating Pharmacies
Made in : Indonesia
Net Weight : 100ml and 50ml for travel size
Main Ingredient : Key ingredient, Natural honey

Not too foamy which I like and removes my face makeup easily. Really makes my makeup removing routine easy and fast. Sames goes to the lotion, the packaging is travel friendly and the price is just beyond awesome! Does not contains alcohol which will cause drying to your skin!

This cleanser serve the point of only removing your makeup while leaving its hydrated, no benefits such as the ordinary cleanser for example whitening and so on.

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I honestly love this two range of product! Such a good combination! Its like clean & double clean! When you are removing your makeup, you got to remember that you are not really removing everything. As you can see in the cleansing test, The Cleansing Lotion removes all makeup effortlessly! Especially on the very pigmented eyeliner, waterproof mascara and the cream shadow. Second step is the cleansing foam. Although it does more help remove stubborn makeup such as the eyeliner and mascara, this help to re-cleansing the makeup such as face makeup, liquid foundation, concealers and blush. So its balance! Clean your waterproof makeup with the lotion and re clean your whole face with the lotion.! My face did not experience drying except for fresh face! I love touching my face after cleansing! I feel so clean! I really recommend this makeup remover! The best part is, it does not sting your eyes because its a water based makeup remover! Also come sin travel size which is pocket friendly!

This product were send to me for product review purposes

Pixy Makeup remover series comes in full size 100ml & 50ml travel size. Both for me are travel friendly!
Lastly, don't forget to join this contest! Who know you might walk away with these fabulous prize!

More info go to :



  1. Interestingly, for a moment I thought it was the brand Western PIXI until li made ​​in Indonesia quite interesting I would like to buy this product to see how it turns out.

    Please Join to my Giveaway for win a 32 Color Cream Eyeshadow Palette! Open Internationally~

    1. sure! give this a try! i love this stuff! Awesome! will check out your giveaway soon! <3

  2. fuhyoh bestnya 1st swipe semua hilang!

  3. Fuyo jugak! Kalah biore wipes tu.. :)

  4. Nak cuba la sebab tanpa alkohol. Sab tak join ke contest Pixy tu? ;)

    1. yep, tnpa alkohol! ^_^ ergh.. sab kayu la kalau nk menari.. hehe

  5. Oh, I think I should tell my indonesian friend to buy it for me next time he visits me in Bkk.

  6. 1 swipe and everything is removed?? seriously, i think i found a cheaper alternative to Bifesta. hehe

  7. Awh so happy to hear the product worked wonderfully for you babe <3 Much love!

  8. Eh! sama lahhh kite....best kan guna yang ni...

  9. Macam best ni.. hari tu dah tengok dekat watson tapi terbeli lain hehe

    1. haha xpe, selalu kan g watsons, nnti leh check it out!

  10. So true.... The Pixy makeup remover is super duper awesome!!!! I have never use a remover so good as this one. It doesn't leave the oily feeling on the skin. It removes everything from the face, even the hard to remove ones. Won't buy another brand for makeup remover...
