Mary Kay Kohl Eyeliner Fall 2013 Color Fairytales & Fantasy Collection


Salam & hello everyone! Aaa... I'm back! If you have been following my in Instagram, (where you should! hehe, JK!) you may know that I went for a lil getaway to Langkawi for a short trip with my family. I decided to get away from my laptop for some resting days and just enjoy nature! I had a great time and looking forward to go again. Will blog soon about my trip to the Island! So well, I miss blogging! Now I want to review this awesome eyeliner from Mary Kay I got recently. Which is cool, because its not black in color. I have so many black eyeliner and would love to try this dark colored eyeliners. This came and just perfect!

As you know, this collection is from the Fall 2013 Color Fairytales & Fantasy Collection. I have reviewed the Nail polish as well as the glossy lip stain before. You can read it here, Nail Polish (link), Glossy Lip Stain (link). The collection featured dark color to suits the Fall season. I love the dark Maroon color as well as the dark blue color they use for this collection. Its like another option for plain black. Not too bold but just nice. They came in a exquisite packaging design. Very nice indeed. As you can see they have this sharpener and sponge applicator at the back of the eyeliner which is very convenient. I love how ergonomic they are! Hehe. I use the sponge to smudge of the color. I find it is quite hard to blend although using the sponge. The texture of the eyeliner is "dry-creamy". I don't know how it explains, but its kinda like the Maybelline Color tattoo texture, but thicker. The tip is quite soft too and broke easily if you press it too hard on your lid. It is very very pigmented! It does not crease at all and stays on your lid like forever! Well, until you remove it with a makeup remover tho. Haha! Overall I can say, although its very hard to blend out, I really love the color and texture. I just love the color and I think it suits all skin tone!

Name : Mary Kay Khol Eyeliner in Mulberry Forest &  Blue Knight
Price : RM48+ / USD16
Where To Buy : Your nearest Mary Kay consultant (click here to find where)
Made in : USA

More info go to :
Official Website :

This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

What do you think of the khol eyeliner? Which eye look I have done you like?


  1. wow!!!i love the colours!! want!!

    1. nice! if you are looking for these color, u can get your hands on these!

  2. but the texture doesn't look smooth on ur left eyes...

  3. wow pekatnya gitu...^^

  4. Dua-dua warna cantik. Mulberry Forest tu antara warna fav saya! Suka tengok Smokey Purple Look, cantik la... :)

  5. Berani ko pakai warna pekat cenggini! Dari muka ko cina terus jadi arab lol. And you look damn sexy with those eyes!

    1. ahahahaha! apela ko ni! aku jd Ci-rab lah! thank you syg!

  6. Replies
    1. alololo, ni time rajin je Innanie. Xselalu sempat buat cm ni bila time keluar. Bila kat rumah tgn ni rajin menconteng, jadi la cm ni. hehe

  7. Wow...I love the smoky purple look that you've created.
    So seductive la... Cantik... =)

  8. the colour look nice but hard to blend is it?

  9. i love the berry colour! never seen anything like it before but the price is quite expensive erkk. I'm willing to spend the same amount of money on lipstick but quite hesitant when it comes to eyeliner cuz I mainly use black liquid eye liner. :p

    1. haha! true for an eyeliner, i always grab for black, but the knight blue seems like a go to option for me. it looks like black.

  10. Hi, Sabrina! I love all your posts on beauty! I also have that Kohl eyeliner but in bleu nuit color! Haven't used it though!

    By the way, you're from Malaysia right? Are you friends with Yuyu Zulaikha? I met her during the Mary Kay model contest in Hong Kong last year! :)


  11. Hi, Sabrina! I love all your posts on beauty! I also have that Kohl eyeliner but in bleu nuit color! Haven't used it though!

    By the way, you're from Malaysia right? Are you friends with Yuyu Zulaikha? I met her during the Mary Kay model contest in Hong Kong last year! :)

    xo, Yani

    1. Hello Yani! Thank you so much! Yep I am from Malaysia, and yes I know the ever so cute Yuyu Zuaikha! I meet her once.

  12. Cantik warna...kebetulan mmg tgh cari eyeliner...senang nak cuci x

    1. yg ni susah sikit nk remove tapi tahan lama. kalau pakai a proper makeup remover senang remove. :)
