Luau Party with Kinohimitsu


Salam & hellooo everyone! My November have been rocked by The Butterfly Project event again! After posting on why i want to party with Kinohimitsu on this Luau Party, you can read the post here (link), I get to the invite list! Alhamdulilah! Woot woot! Thank you so much for the invitation! Last Wednesday I am with the other 49 butterflies from The Butterfly Project have been invited to the Luau Party. A Hawaii theme Party, imagine grass skirts and floral tribal decorations! It was held at Villa Manja Spa located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur. It was my first time going there. I bet Tammy from Plus Size Kitten, that this is her favorite place to do Spas! Because I often see she going her for some pampering treat! I got to say, this place is exquisite! Totally out of my imagination. The house is decorated with antique, "Balinese" decoration. The ambiance is also calming at the same time quite eerie if I went there alone. hehe. Its meant for relaxation right, so the surrounding is very peace and quite. I went there with Sabby, Liza and Innanie! Again, Thank you Sabby for the ride! <3

Then more butterflies arrive! Left to Right : Sabby, Liza, Lily, Innanie, Mieza, Arissa

Let's look at the inside! The inside no need more decoration because the place is beautiful enough and really suits the party theme. Of course! Featuring Kinohimitsu Products and also featuring the new product from them called the Bio-Booster. Look at the second picture. Do you wish your living room was like that? I bet my cat would love it cause got fish in there. So pretty! Hehe <3. Then of course the food! It was delicious! I love love love the chicken grill. Forgot to take picture of the food! More focusing on eating! hehe. The food section is located outside, and we also given a card to go to 4 booth to claim our goody bags! Yeah! From testing the new Bio-Booster powder, Spin & Win section, cupcakes and more!

 Akak sporting nak amik gambar! Hehe. She is serving the Kinohimitsu drink for us! 

This is the spin & win section! The big prize is a RM300+ voucher to Villa Manja Spa! I was so busy eating. Haha. Three lucky girls already got it all!

There were a lot of activities in the party! Sorry for not taking lots of pictures, my iPhone does not cooperate in dark lighting. *cry*. There were also fun games and activities! One of them is "fill in the bottle with water with sponge". Ok I just created the name my self where the title is self explanatory. hehe. Below are the winners for the best dress contest! Congratulations ladies! Of course! Some dancing performance is a must!

One of my favorite moments are capturing the fun with my girls! I love setup! I think the idea of having this is genius! Would love to have it on my wedding day. Can I? In sha Allah. hehe. I love how the provide you the props and the lighting are just super nice! Lets have a look at all of the pictures! Thank you girls for making my night awesome! Cherish every moment of it!

Night is ended with a great group photo! Thank you everyone for making this happen! Goody bag? Awesomeness! I have start drinking them! I am loving the Diamond Drink from Kinohimitsu! I think I wanna consume them for my daily beauty supplement. Thanks to this event to let me try it out or I would have just missed this! Aaaa.., I think thats all! 2013 is ending beautifully. Words can't express my gratitude for all this blessing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :') The Butterfly Project, Kinohimitsu, 123cheese, and all of you.



  1. Bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. alaa... naddd.... xmo la ckp cm tu.. huhu

    2. Aww baby all I'm saying is I'm so so proud of you!! *hugssss*

  2. alaaa lupa nak snap pict kat depan gate tu...btw edazz punye performance mlm tu mmg trbaik

  3. i xde dlm list tuh..argh sedih ;( u r lucky sab

    1. its ok, there will be more events in the future, its does not take luck but perseverance. don't give up ok! ^_^

  4. Was so awesome seeing you there babe! Lovely post and pictures! <3

    1. yeah! meet you personally at last! hope to meet you again! <3

  5. Fun fun fun!! Tp cian sab bwk lappy ...mesti penat kn...hope to see u again;)

  6. Replies
    1. hehe.. giving the readers of the vibe during the event! hehe

  7. Sabrina! thanks for the photo~~ can I use that best dress collage photo on my blog? I will put in the source link. =p didn't get to snap those photo with my camera so asking around for photo now. =x
