Hulla Dance with Kinohimitsu

Salam & hello everyone!
Yeahhhhhhhh!!!! The Butterfly Project is holding another crazy fabulous awesome beautylicious sprinkles and popsicles event again! This time 50 awesome bloggers who really show why they want to go to the party will be pick and get the invites! Oh please I wanna go!

This time a collaboration with the well know beauty drink brand Kinohimitsu!
As you know Kinohimitsu is a product possed on natural based extract. The delicious drink that you can consume one everyday will gives you lots of benefits! Its all about Beauty Health & Detox!

Why I want to party with Kinohimitsu in this hula hula party theme because I want to have some fun jiggling beach theme partaaay! I bet we all gonna have fun in this tropical fun filling event!
Having fun together with all the bloggers as well as having some fun time knowing more about Kinohimitsu products! Its all about beauty and coconut baby! Kinohimitsu is famous for their beauty drink! I can see a full line up of all range in Kinohimitsu! I want to learn more about all of them! Arrrgghh! Along side having fun during the Luau Party, I get to be closer to Kinohimitsu! Beauty and fun all together just like easy and fun as drinking Kinohimitsu! Coconut Jiggling baby! And flowers necklace maybe? I need some Lilo and Stitch dance lesson now!

Here are the details of the event :

So this is what I imagine my self in the party...
Now lets do some dance!


So again thanks to,
 photo butterfly_black_silhouette_zpscc303ee7.png 

and main sponsors,

for this opportunity. Hope I will get picked!


  1. i ended up reading this post speechless. that last piece of artwork is a killer la sab!! :D

  2. Drooling kejap tgok sab joget! Confirm dpt...;)

  3. OMG!! stunned!!
    the animated picture of you with hulla dance was awesome!!! AMAZED!
    you absolutely gonna get it dear..
    buat pika rasa lemah je nak join...mesti tak dapat sebab tak reti bua hebat2 macam ni.. T___T

    1. alo simple je ni babe! eh jgn la putus asa! ada 49 space tau! its not a competition but as long as you show your passion and effort in sya Allah dpt! ^_^

  4. Haha.. comel je Sab 'mini' tu menari hulla. :D

  5. pic last tu ohsem gle laaaa....tahniah terpilih tapi ase macam lemah jee nak join...hiksss!!

    1. Ala xmo ckp cm tu! Ada byk tempat kosong! Do please enter!

  6. Wehhh kau buat sabrina menari tu guna software apa dohhhh. Lawak laaa
