Hello, this is my card.


Salam & hello everyone!
Talk about business card, I hesitate my self from making it since last year. I was a bit skeptical about making one. Because I was like, should I have one? Is my blog fit for that? Is there anyone want my card? When I started blogging I never imagine my self having a business card for my blog. Like seriously? Who would wanna ask that! Haha! But after 1 year for just replying by smile, "I don't have a card, sorry" to people who wanted to know my blog url and contact details. I said to my self, I need to make one. After all in this year looking at my blogger friend have it, I think I should have one than. It is not an intention of a "celebrity wannabe" or something, its a way of communication. Easier if you wanna change blog url, contact details and blog opportunities. 

So after 2 months changing and scribbling on what design I want. This is the result! When it comes to branding my blog, I am very picky. I'll make sure that my card is simple, straight forward, and represent my self. Of course the main color have to be pink. Haha. I design my card using Photoshop and as the usual format, CMYK, PDFs bla bla bla. But when I arrive at the printing store, my PDFs image turns out grainy. The graphic looks weird. So I as the graphic designer to fix everything. So this serve a charge of artwork. Its ok, as long as the card turn well. I also added matte lamination and curved edge trimming. So here is the result! I'm excited to bring this along wherever I'm going! hehe.

What do you think of my card? Is the deisgn ok?



  1. Love the design babe <3 The pink hue is so cantik! :)

  2. comel giler!!!pink!!nk satu...hehe..tp xdela nk exchange..I xde kad...seriuosly u should open a shop that sells art and makeup or something..

    1. eh eh salah satu tu kita tgk usaha nk buat la.. secret.. hehe.. in sya Allah...

  3. I love the cover of your business card! :) we should exchange our cards when our next meet up k! :D

  4. Pretty! I love it pink and simple (;

  5. Wah...so pink pink!!!
    If you give me I sure want it cuz it's pretty & I'm sure that your blog deserves recognition with other beauty bloggers & having a business card of your own is a good thing. =)

  6. wooot ! what a beautiful card like u !

  7. so pretty!! definitely represents you, hehe

  8. You're lucky to have a very special set of photshopping skills <3

    1. Alhamdulilah after a year of practice! Thanks to YouTube! hehe

  9. Wahhh ... lawa Nye! Pink pulak tu. Hehe! :D
