ZA Perfect Solution Restoring Collagen Cream Review

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Salam & hello everyone!
Today product review! Its the cream from the Perfect Solution Range from ZA. You can see the full range news here (click me). One of my favorite is this collagen cream. Let's get on with the info shall we....

Name : ZA Perfect Solution Restoring Collagen Cream
Price : RM 45.90
Where to buy : Any participating pharmacies such as Watsons, Guardian, AEON Wellness.
Availability : Comes in a full skincare range, Cleanser, Toner, Lotion and this cream.
Made in : Vietnam
Net Weight : 40g
Main Ingredient : Yuzu Citrus Seed extract and marine collagen

What I like about this cream is that is feels so good when applying it. I found that my skin is brighter and more supple. It is not thick and recommend to use it during the night. Its more of a gel texture and the scent is not overpowering. Its smells refreshing. It absorb pretty well. The price are to me affordable too for a good collagen cream like this. Lots of awesome ingredient included in this collagen. Aaaa I just love how it feels on my skin!

One thing I found that it does not help is with my pores. During the day when I am wearing this cream, my pores enlarge and my foundation kinda cakey. I think its kinda thick to use during the day. The packaging are also as always not hygienic because it comes with a jar. 

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I love to include this in my night time skincare routine and I recommend this to any skin type. Its not heavy as most night cream.

This product was obtain from a gift/door gift on attending a launch/beauty event I went before.

Hugs and kisses

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