Wishlist Wednesday #10

Salam & hello everyone!
Yeah its Wednesday! Let's talk about what I really want for so long! Yes indeed, I want a new camera. It really turns me off when I am at an event and the light is dimmed, I am unable to take nice photos. Sad me. My ultimate wishlist is gotta be the sexy iMac 21.5 desktop, but aaa... I don't think I manage to get it around soon. if yes, that would be great. As an option, I found this Pavilion HP 25xi Monitor, so I just need to get a desktop. This would cost around less than RM2500 comparing to the iMac 21.5 that may cost me around RM6000. I need a good desktop for my blogging stuff, designing stuff and gaming.

As mention, yes, I really need a new good DSLR type of camera. I wanted the Canon Rebel T4i but its so bulky. So I might want the Sony Nex 5T. Its much more portable. And I want a camera that have same quality as the DSLR with a flip/tilt screen for selfie. Well not only for selfie, I have lots of plans in the future, I think it will help me a lot for self pictures for reviews and tutorial stuff. Also, I am planning on making YouTube videos! So I am pretty excited for that! But the thing is I am scared is that i heard Sony camera serves alot of problem. That is what I heard. So just let me save up and just go to the camera shop and let the sales man decide for my requirements. hope I can get the camera as soon as possible! Right now I am just using my iPhone camera. Its a good camera during day time and good lighting, but a bad bad bad camera during dimmed lighting and during the night time. Also, this drain out my battery fast. So better start saving up now! <3

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Tak sabar nak subscribe YT video Sab! Yeay! <3 :)

    1. aw.. thank you for being such a great supporter! <3

    2. You're most welcome, dear. Nanti buat la Room Tour, Makeup Collections, DIY, Tutorial & etc.. dan jangan lupa Tubbie sekeluarga. Oh yeah, tak sabar rasanya. :)

    3. in sya Allah.. Sab pn xsabar! hehe

  2. Sab, Sony tu flip screen ke? I'm looking for a new digital camera for vlogging. DSLR is too heave. hee

    1. yep, dia flip ke atas, pretty nice and senang kalau nk buat video or self potrait... and its super light weight too.... >,<

  3. i am also thinking to make YT videos but maybe soon..will definitely be subscribed to your YT account

    1. well, im excited for your yt video too! hehe... hopefully soon! i really want to make diy videos... <3
