My Most Adventurous Challenge

*This is a sponsored post

Salam & hello everyone!
Last Sunday I went to Sunway pyramid for some... well.. challenge? As mention in the email, I need to bright extra clothes due I may get wet? What? Haha! Thats cool!

So Nestle Drumstick gave us all a challenge! Its called "MOST ADVENTUROUS CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE CHALLENGE CHALLENGE (echo)... And I accept it! Get wet huh?

So basically we have to get in the tent, run to a room at the end of the tent and grab a Nestle Drumstick. While in the room, the door will be closed temporary. Yes it is dark. Then they will instruct you to run, not run! Run like hell! out of the tent. If you manage to run out of the tent withing 5 seconds, you will get 2 ALL PARK PASSES TO THE SUNWAY PYRAMID PARK and RM50 cash! Well, its not gonna be easy because while your way out these fellas are going to give you.. eh.. obstacles? yeah, cold ice water out of nowhere, jelly and punching!

I was pretty excited and kinda hyper on that day waiting my name to be called for my turn! Suddenly....

And I went in....

And I'm out! Withing 5 seconds! But..................

I slipped the ice cream! Huwaaaaaaaaaaa! I just lost an opportunity of a cold hard cash of RM50! Well! What to do for a butterfinger like meh!

Put Peanut Butter, and I taste like peanut butter jelly sandwich. -_-

But I still got a All Park pass to Sunway Lagoon! Wuhoooo! I really want to go for the Vuvuzella ride and 4x4 ride! Will be going after Raya Haji Holiday maybe! Suddenly, Mr. T got burn by me. Haha! I said that i am going to the Sunway Pyramid park and if he wanna follow, he have to get his ticket by himself! Haha! So Mr. T being really sporting on that day, he accept the challenge! Wuhuuu!

Anddd............ he won him self 2 Tickets to the Sunway Pyramid All Park passes and RM50 cash! Coz he manage to get out withing 5 seconds! Impressive!

Well, I had fun! Group photo time!
From Left to Right : Anis, Wiida, Me, lily, Mira, Hanis
 Also, don't forget to try your chances of this contest!

Get the code and just SMS!

During the event we also get free ice cream! Just flash your LINE apps and get free ice cream!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Waaaaa.. bestnya! Ada orang menangkan RM50..

  2. haha I wish to join too to win RM50 plus entrance tix...well and also get ice cream for free :)

    1. Ya, RM50 and All park pass to sunway that cost more than rm100! i cant wait to go there! hehe

  3. wow..seronoknya main game sampai basah... cun..

  4. Bestnya, Sab! Last pergi Sunway Lagoon pada 1997. Wahaha.. Sekarang mahal tiket. Huhu.

    1. eh mcm sama lah! sab last pergi masa mak ngandungkan adik lelaki sab, pastu dh xpergi dah.. haha
