Carmex Protecting Lip Balm Click Stick (Original)


Salam & hello everyone!
Today I am going to review the famous Carmex lip balm. I heard so many You tubers loving this, so I gotta have and try this! Its also claims as a No. 1 best selling lip balm in america also featuring in Oprah Winfrey Show!

Name : Carmex Lip Balm (Original) SPF 15
Price : RM18.00
Where to buy : I bought mine at Supermodel Secrets.
Availability : Comes in many different flavor.
Made in : USA
Net Weight : 0.15oz
Ingredient : Petrolatum, Lanolin, Meadow Foam, Seed Oil, Cocoa Butter, Camphor, Menthol, Phenol, Salicylic Acid In A Mixture Of Waxes And Fragrance.

Super moisturizing and instant effect. Keeps my lips supple all day and yes! It has 15SPF. It also claims to really protect you lips from sun burn although I don't really get lip sunburn. ? .It really hydrates, heals and protect.  

The scent... Oh my... I hate it. :( Despite how well it moisturize my lips, the scent are just out of control. Even in public, when I wanna apply my lip balm people kinda turn and look at me as they smell something. Its not stink or smells bad, its just smells too minty and super powering. And the sticks kinda easily melts and you may making a mess if you dont twist it properly.

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I was quite disappointed with this product. But still I'm using it although it smells pretty weird. It really protect my lips. If you are really fussy about the scent, well its up too you! I love how it moisturize but not how it smells. I'm looking forward to try different flavor see if this can overcome my downside of the scent. hehe.

This product were bought by my self

Hugs and kisses

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  1. i also don't like minty lip products..the menthol kinda defeat the purpose of moisturization

    1. i kinda like it but this one is too extreme! the scent bugging me off.. :(
