Bubble Gum Wax Party


Salam & hello everyone!
Last week I have encounter something so out of my world! Something I never thought I would done in my life! Thanks to The Butterfly Project team who challenge me to do this! Oh yes I accept it! (Ceh, lepas tu takut) Haha! It was held at Bubblegum wax at Plaza Damas in Hartamas.

 A cozy ambiance welcoming us! Yes its kinda calming inside! I mean it! Yalah, you nak kene "piak" wax kejap lagi kan. haha! 

Mommy to be Illy doing her thing giving us some welcoming speeches and what activities we are going to do next! 

The staff in charge! They are the person who will be in charge in doing that "thing"! hehe... no worries, all of them are really friendly!

Oh yes! Butterfly never fail pampered us in cozy and awesome decorations along with nom nom nom to chew!

Welcome to the candy shop ! Pink pink pink everywhere! Oh yeaaahhh! I freaking love the decorations! Ice creams, Marshmallows, Butt Cookies, Macaroons and fooddd to keep us comfortable! hehe..

Everything is customize so prettaaayy!

Cute butt cookies!

This one is goood stuff! Yummy!
While waiting for the turn for waxing, we were all doing some shoe box decorations! It was actually my turn to be waxed, so i missed half of the session, the girls are doing their creativity stuff to win the awesome prizes!

This is mine! Lame! Haha... I was very tired when I was doing this. But its ok, I was having fun! That is the main thing! <3

So here are the winners!

Edazz won 3rd place with RM150 Bubble Gum Wax voucher!

Ben Dan won 2nd place place with RM300 Bubble Gum Wax voucher!

Drumrolll.... and Alyssa is the champion and walk away eith RM500 Bubblegum wax voucher~! Wooot woot!

 Congratulations everyone! 

See Part 2 of this event which is my first ever experience for brazillian wax! Oh YEAH!
*will be published at 3pm today

Thank you again to The Butterfly Project Malaysia for this oppurtunity!

Do check them out to know more info!

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Tel : 03 - 62115038 / 39
Map :
F-1-7, Block F, Plaza Damas, No.60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Click here to view map location)