Beauty Expo 2013


Salam & hello everyone!
I just got back from KLCC for covering this ala ala IMATS Malaysia gitew. Its the 2013 Beauty Expo! The baddest, talk about beauty event every year! Lots of well know brand are here ya know! So let the picture do the talking shall we? I might say I manage to take 40% of the whole expo! Its a really big expo I might say! They are all divided into 5 Halls. Imagine that!

This are just some of them. There are more than this including some booth such as hair academy. Salon stuff such as big size industrial shampoo bottle and more. The ones that you can see in Saloon. These are just some of the ordinary ones. Along with hair tools and bag like below. I was quite surprise to see Violent Lips available there! It was pretty famous among the Youtubers

False lashes galore, this as i said, just some of it. They have pretty much sales. I say Koji Dollywink booth but they did not let me to take picture. Pretty funny, I wanted to help promote there booth because I kinda like a fan of that brand. What i can recall is they are selling the famous Koji False Lashes RM95 for 2 packet (1 packed 2 pairs). Brand such as Nica and otehrs too are available! These brushes are from Nica. Its one of my friend favorite brush! Its on sale, 20% off! 

Another heaven for nail polish fan and salon mani pedi owners. Nail polish just out of your imagination choices! From nail art accesories, acrylic paint, brush, rhinestone, sticker. You name it! I saw Orly and OPI! OPI also did not let me take some pictures, below are some pictures I get to shoot before I got warning of not taking pictures. Pretty sad. Oh well yes they also have massive promotion there. And some UBU brand that you would be familiar in Watsons store.

There is not much of books and magazine books. These are the only I can see there. Pretty handy for you salon owner out there or students!

One of the best part. Mask galore! Beauty Diary and more! 6 for RM10! Aaaa... From Sophie Monk, Sanrio and more! Now go get your lifetime supply of mask! haha!

 Makeup galore ladies. If you are a MUA, you better come here and check these professional makeup lines! Yes, they have massive promotion over here! All that rare stuff that not for daily use are also here! I saw face paint, latex and more!

 Some of the familiar brands that you can find in retails shop such as these! Oriks have a massive promotion too! 3 products with a price of 2 with discount some more! They are promoting their best selling BB Cream. Along with that my great finds is the Canmake. This one you gotta look closely, because its in a booth somewhere not very easy to find. The eyeshadow is in super promotion! 2 for RM20 and some 2 for RM30. Should I say more? How awesome is that! And I saw Essence booth, not sure if they got some sale going on. Shizen are also having a promotion, 3 products for a 2 product price if I am not mistaken. I like the lip pink stains, the promoter got me to try it.

 Lastly I saw this booth, for non-muslim if you are interested in a free consultation on beauty surgery or botox filler. Do drop to this booth! They are very famous in Korea! They have a promotion too as below!

Well, thats all! If you got the time do do do come! Starting from 5 October 2013 (Saturday) till 7 October 2013 (Monday) this expo is open for public! I warn you! Do come early as possible if you hate crowd!

Date :
5 October - 7 October

Time :
From 10.00am

Location :
KLCC Convention Center

Direction :
If you know KLCC Guardian that is located near Sephora KLCC, You will see a Maybank ATM Center there. There is a long hallway. Go straight in the hall way (lorong) and turn left. (Direction to Aquaria) You  will see an escalator. Go to the first escalator you saw, it will direct you to Hall 4.

Hugs and kisses

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  1. OMG! thanks for the fast blogpost babe! ^^

    1. No problem! Got to post today, so people can get info and can go tomorrow. haha

  2. Bestnyeerrrrr...definitely goin...Sab x shop ap2 ke kat sane?

    1. ahahaha.., hah... walaupun tgh kering poket ni, td pn dh cilok 6 keping mask. hahahaha... xleh tahan >,<

    2. haha...nie yg takot nk pegi nie...nnti tergode..

  3. hari nie jugak pergi...dekat dah nie...thanks for the info...

  4. Ohsem gila Sab!! Nak pergi, skrg rasa dah jadi make up jungkie, influenced gila by you guys.. haha

    1. hahaha! beli.... beli....... makeup............ beli......... :P

  5. Wahh memang feeling IMATS laaa. Tapi kalau lagi banyak famous brands lagi best kot.

    1. btul.. stuju.. hope in the future they consider this... igt xramai ke suka makeup kat malaysia ni.

  6. Bestnya! Sab, ada tak brand essence edisi Twilight : Breaking Dawn? Kalau ada, nak kirim. Pweasee... uhuk. :(

    1. xde lak yg tu dear... semua yg basic, yg collection sab xnmpak...

  7. This is a restricted event. Kalau pergi sini kena bawak duit cukup2. Jangan bawak credit card, debit crd whatsoever card. Cash only! hahahaha.
