30 Days Malaysia Beauty Challenge Completed


Salam & Hello everyone!
If you have been following my instagram, you may notice that I have post a lot of beauty related stuff each day with the tag #30daysmalaysianbeautychallenge ! This tag is basically just for fun! Although some of them thought it was a contest. -__-. Basically, we need to post each day with the subject stated in each days. I may skipped some days because sometimes I don't have the time and been a lil busy sometimes. Phew, this tag does take a lot of hard work! Haha! But it is really fun! I also made a lot of new friends that have the same interest as me! Makeupsss!!!!

Day by day a lot of people participate but I kinda feel annoyed when some instashop use the tag for their business purposes and the thing does not even related to the tag at all and they don't even participate. Because I like to see others favorite stuff by just clicking the tag and we can see others picture that uses the tag. Sorry but whatever if you wanna call me sombong or what but come on. The tag was created for us to share what we love, but the someone else use and post picture that aren't related to the tag for attention. Some people just don't care. But what to do right. >,< 

Whatever. Anyways, thank you Fyna for inviting me to this tag! She is the one who created it!

Guys, if you still don't know who Fyna is do do do check her blog and youtube!
She is like the mother of makeup and hijab tutorial in Malaysia!

Thank you for everyone! I really appreciate the new friendship we made! Never knew makeup can keep us together! I love you guys!

Follow my Instagram!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Wahhhh. Congrats! I managed until hari ke 7 je. Boo!

    1. haha! its pretty hard work! i thought its gonna be easy.. haha! lucky i mange to post all!

  2. I always stalk your insta so of course always tengok update awk punya #30daysmalaysianbeautychallenge.
    yup, kadangkala sampai agak annoying gak bila terima komen yg takde kaitan apa yg kita post =.=

    1. aw... thank you dear! haha... tp nk wat macam mana kan. ada kat sab tgk org tegur, tp kene marah balik. so baik diam je la... :)

  3. i missed the last one, but i will do it soon..it was fun..i get to shop my stash and rediscover products I used to love...there were times when my hashtags don't work, so when i post pictures only my followers can see it because it does not come up within the hashtag..

    1. do post it! would love to see! ^_^ ya.. instagram get pretty weird sometime.. hehe... its really fun! especially from you! most of the product we can find here! new discovery! <3

  4. Best kan challenge tu boleh dapat ramai kawan. Saya pun dah complete. Hehe. ;)

  5. hai sabrina sy kenali awak melalui 30daysmalaysianbeautychallenge and your insta...serius you look beautiful and sweet..^^

  6. Seriously I pun annoyed juga dengan instashop yang dok menyibuk. Gambar dengan boyf pun nak guna hashtag tu juga -.-

  7. seems soo fun,i shall try it too la!


  8. I couldn't do it at that time. Was having a nit of downturn in life but hey, maybe later? Congrats Sab for completing the challenge. I truly enjoyed seeing yours & others.

    1. it was pretty tough tho! i also find some days i skip but then i have to post like 1-3 theme in one day to cover the past days. hehe thanks!

  9. this I never completed >.< until hari ke-4 je haha.
