Naked 1 Urban Decay | Over a year plus verdict


Salam & hello everyone!
Yes, I am going to tell you about my opinion on the Naked 1 palette by Urban Decay after a 1 year plus using it. Pretty late, I know. I think Naked palette arrival were amazingly accepted by many people and I might say a lot of people love this palette and its like a must have palette although you already have a tons of eye shadow in your vanity right now. I got this on my birthday. Mr.T bought me this for me. Thank you! And I have been using it ever since.

Name : Urban Decay Naked Palette
Price : RM179.00 / 50.00USD
Availability : Sephora Malaysia / Sephora USA / Urban Decay Official Web-store
Made in : USA
Net Weight : 12 eye shadow x 0.05 US oz

As you can see the packaging is much worn out, the gold lettering have somewhat missing and yes, I lost the primer potion that comes with it. When I bought this, they change the edition. The first edition it comes with the double end eyeliner, the second edition it comes with the brush as you can see above, which I don't really use actually. Its so stiff and I don't really like the brush. Its hard to be wash too.

My favorite shades in this palette as you can see is Sin, Naked, Buck and Half Baked. I find theses shades really look nice on my skin tone. When I first swatch this palette I thought I am gonna love Toasted, but I don't know why I don't really reach for that color much often. All shades is touched but not as frequent as the shades listed above.

Lets talk about is it worth the price? Here in Sephora Malaysia, the retail price is RM179. So you do the math (179.00/12=RM14.90+) So each shades pretty much cost like a single eye shadow from a drugstore brand. Plus you get the mini travel primer potion and a eye shadow brush. Pretty neat. But, as you can see I neglected a few shades and I really feel bad for it. (Well not really because I can keep it for future stuff right?) The color payoff for me is pretty good, its smooth and easy to control. Its stay for quite hours even without primer, but much more nicer with primer.

Now lets talk about each shade and what is my favorite shade to use in my daily routine. (From left to right)

Its a light nice subtle shimmery shade that suits for highlighting. Usually i use this to highlight my brow bone
All time favorite for my base lid color, the shimmery is not that bold, and its pinkish peach tone look so nice on my lid. Its super buttery and easy to blend.
Perfect color for contouring. Its a matte light brown shade. I use this to contour my nose bridge.
A glittery shade, pretty like a dupe for SIN but I love to use it for night look. It has a lil chunk of glitter in it.
Perfect defining crease color. Its a matte brown color and I usually use it for my crease. 
A yellow undertone gold. I love to pair this with a plum purple shadow that I got in my Sleek matte palette.
A shimmery chocolate brown color. I also love this color and usually use this on my outer corner to create smokey eye.
A dark chocolate shimmery shade, I don't really reach for this shade, because I don't really wear dark bold shadow everyday, but I totally reach for this color when I wanna create a bold dark shadow on my eye.
A grey undertone pink. Sometimes I'll go for this shade if I wanna create a pink eye shadow base color.
A taupe purple undertone color perfect fit with TOASTED.
A glittery black color, I don't really like this shade because I find it chalky and its fall out.
A dark silver shimmer shade, pretty nice but don't really loving it.

Overall : 
 photo 4star_zps1a84e4db.png
I recommend this palette to any girls that want to explore neutral shades. Many said that Naked 1 is much preferable to Asian skin tone compare to the NAKED 2 palette. If you really new to makeup, this will be like your go to palette. Its a nice palette for you to explore neutral shades . The color payoff is very nice compare to the price. I would not repurchase the palette but I would definitely looking forward to buy the single shadow for the favorite shades listed above.

Lastly I wanna alert you guys about the FAKE Naked Palette that many seller claims to be original. Its pretty sad when people lie just because of profit.


More info check out these blogger post about the comparison of the Original Naked palette and the Fake one. Don't be cheated. But if you really want to buy the fake one, its up to you but still, the seller must tell its a fake one. Come on, DON'T LIE!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Aww... i love UD naked palette. Still wondering should get the first or the second one :O

    1. i actually like the second ones, but i ask some MUA's many preer the naked 1..

  2. Thank goodness I didn't succumb into temptation and get another Naked palette just because it is cheap! I wonder if the same thing is happening to Clarisonic Mia. Cheap is cheaaaap but still RM240 with no guarantee I rather not! Thanks Sab for this post!

    1. pelik right, how come its so cheap... biasala, when some certain brand got popular, other takes advantage. im not sure about clarasonic ones, pretty good deal kan?
      Glad I helped! ^_^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I want a Naked Palette even more after reading your review!

  5. How did you use these shadows? wow! sudah kosong!! (terkejut!)

    1. mostly the soft shades ones. selalu pakai as lid base and shading kot.. hehe

  6. Hit the pan!! Gosh...Mine almost 2 years old d...And it's still new!! How?

  7. do a makeup tutorial using the naked pallette sab! :)

  8. Post some looks you did with this palette maybe?
    Sounds like a good buy but I have a big Sephora blockbuster palette ady >__<

    1. will do! haha.. wow, that certainly more color than this!

  9. tak sangka pulak ade fake ud naked palette..macam2 org buat sekarang ek..

    1. yup! pelikan, the worst part is dieorg tipu yg fake tu original..

  10. Colour die memang cantik sgt :) n yup now days memang kena hati2 better beli direct from sephora jer.. Beli dari org tak sure on the originality.. Kang bazir duit jer

    1. yep! btul, lg best shopping kat authorize shop. dpt paper bag! hehe

  11. Love your blog! Everything is so clear and just great! :)

  12. I bought the Naked 2 palette first and tbh I wasn't too impressed, I really couldn't understand the hype at all but then I went back later to the original and I like it soo much more then the second one. Just because there are more matte shades and the colour are warmer and just look better on my skintone. Nic post!

    1. as i can see you have warm skintone like mine, yep, naked 1 is much preferred to out skintone color! <3

  13. I bought the Naked 2 palette first and tbh I wasn't too impressed, I really couldn't understand the hype at all but then I went back later to the original and I like it soo much more then the second one. Just because there are more matte shades and the colour are warmer and just look better on my skintone. Nic post!

  14. I bought the Naked 2 palette first and tbh I wasn't too impressed, I really couldn't understand the hype at all but then I went back later to the original and I like it soo much more then the second one. Just because there are more matte shades and the colour are warmer and just look better on my skintone. Nic post!

  15. Dulu saya tak suka UD Naked sebab harganya. Haha. Tapi bila dah mula suka, nak beli.. ada pula yang fake. Nak beli online, takut dapat fake. Kalau ada seller yang memang jual ori, harga sudah semestinya mahal dari Sephora. Nak beli sendiri, jauh. Oh my! Huhu... T_T

    1. dear, baik beli sephora. mmg byk fake sekarang... kalau u nk kirim sab leh belikan, harga asal xde amik untung. email sab ya kalau nk... sab tlg belikan...

  16. the price has changed. i went to sephora then i saw RM188 written there. tak jadi beli. then balik rumah couldnt stop thinking bout it. few ringgit extra je pun. haha.. u have quite fair skin sab, would my medium/dark medium skin suits the Naked too?

    1. hah, really? harga dah tukar ea? i think for medium skin pn ok.. sebab medium is more of a warm skintone, and this naked plette suits most warm skintone.

  17. hi sab, so sorry i keep bugging you in this post. hihi..i finally bought my own naked woohoo!! now 1 quick question, how do you make sure the lid does not open when you carry it in the handbag? the magnetic closure macam tak ketat

    1. haha! no prob babe! woohoo! from my experience, it does not really opens up although the magnetic closure is not that ketat. dont worry lah, the packaging it self is safe for traveling!. ^_^
