Maybelline Color Tattoo Neutrals Shades


Salam and hello everyone.
Today I am going to review the color tattoo by Maybelline. We have 8 shades in total here in Malaysia, and 4 of them for my opinion are the neutral shades.

Name : Maybelline Color Tattoo (Non UK version)
Price : RM19.90
Availability : All participating pharmacies eg. Watsons, Guardian, and Sasa.
In Malaysia, 8 shades are available.
Made in : USA
Net Weight : 14. OZ, 4g

Left to Right : 15 Audacious Asphalt, 25 Bad to Bronze, 35 Tough as Taupe, 45 Bold Gold 

Packaging wise, its made out of a glass jar. Pretty heavy. The names of the color each printed on the top of the lid and you can see the color at the bottom of the jar. The illusion of the jar looks like you have a lot of product there but nope, its actually just half the size of the jar. Pigmentation of this product is super nice. It is not too sheer on first application, and the color is build-able. Its texture is very creamy and easy to blend and feathered out. No funny scent to this product. And the ease of use of this product are also good, for beginners, if you don' have a makeup brush, you can use your finger. its pretty easy to use. A synthetics brush works great with this. My favorite of all four shade above gotta be bad to bronze, it does not shows nicely on my lid but works great for a underline color. Some of my friends said, they pretty much afraid to use metallic colored eyeshadow. Well, this is not to bold for my opinion, it is great for beginners.

If there is a chance, I would like to purchase the color that is not available in my local store, like the cool white and promengante punk. The UK version have a different names to the shades, and only UK version have the matte black color.

15 Audacious Asphalt
A dark grey metallic color with a purple undertone. Have a lil white/silver sparkle in it.

25 Bad to Bronze
A warm bronze color with a yellow/orange undertone.

35 Tough as Taupe
A pretty matte taupe color with a purple undertone. (Can be use lightly for eyebrow color)

45 Bold Gold
A yellow undertone gold color.

What is your favorite color tattoo color?


  1. Nice review, Sab! I love Maybelline Color Tattoo. Warnanya cantik. Packaging pun nice. Teringin sangat nak cuba warna Pomegranate Punk dan Too Cool. Di mana la nak cari ek?

    1. Thank you! Sab ada jumpa kat eBay, tp mahal sikit la. tp cam nak gak beli.. haha...

    2. Sab beli la.. beli la.. Nanti boleh review terus cara pembelian di eBay. Hee.. :D

  2. I've been wanting to try these for ages! The price is quite cheap as compared to the rest of their products eh? I thought they're gonna cost around RM30+ each. Thanks for this post! <3

    1. go buy some! its a very nice cream shadow, harga pun afforable.lg2 beli time sale. it an go down to RM15.00.

  3. this is awesome! pika pun suka and tengah collect all 8 color if possible..hihii..
    great review Sabrina ;)

    1. Sama! hehe... padahal rasa cm xpakai sgt color yg lain tu.. huhu

  4. I want the bad to bronze badly.. Bila nak g shopping ni.. Hehehe

    1. yg tu nice! suit semua skin color! ni minggu ni sabtu ahad? hehe...

  5. I am jealous at how cheap these are in they have pommegranate punk in Malaysia?

    1. my friend as her friend to buy the UK version of the color tatto, as i am not mistaken, the UK version have the black matte color right? and yes, it does cost more when convert to MYR. Nope, we dont have the Pommegrante Punk and Too Cool. I want that color! :( I wish the metal shades will arrive soon here in Malaysia.

    2. we also have a matte black, Immortal Charcoal name dia..if they arrive let me know..i really like plummy tone colours..hehe

  6. I have all, they're damn irresistible and pigmented! I wish we have Pomegranate Punk in Malaysia (T_T)Bad To The Bronze and Audacious Asphalt are my #1 favourite, hehe :D do you know how we can get Pomegranate Punk?

    1. kan..... i found some seller in Ebay selling it. Agak mahal sikit plus shipping and all that, but I rasa macam nk beli gak sebab suka sgtttt!!

  7. I have Bad to the Bronze (got it in a swap a while back) and it's really great for an all-over lid colour. :D I'd love to get Bold Gold, hehe~

    1. bold gold is pretty nice too! anyway, gold is like a go to everyday shade, and this just nice for the base color. ^_^

  8. OMg shades I love this range very much Sabrin :) Nice Review dear

  9. i once saw guardians selling these at RM15 or less but didn't buy them despite overwhelming good reviews on the internet. U__U Am trying my hardest to stay away from L'oreal products

    1. kalau tgh sale, kene beli! this is from Maybelline, but I understand that it must be because of it tested on animals and it contains much chemical in it is it?

  10. love colour tattoo so much. super affordable and the quality is just amazing for that kind of price range :)

    1. kan... the price is very affordable compare to the quality like high ends ones!

  11. <3 maybelline colour tatoos so much. hope they bring in MORE COLOURS! huhu

  12. love love love. Cant wait to get my hands on all of it babe !! <3<

  13. hi sabrina... i want to know..what is the price for MAYBELLINE DREAM SUN BRONZER

    1. hi Hana! Oh, I don't think I saw that in my local pharmacies. I don't know sorry dear..
