Koji Eyelash Curler *Best Seller in Japan


Salam & hello everyone!
Some of you may know that recently I have attend Koji Dollywink workshop. You can check the post here. As promise I will review this eye curler for you! It is said that it is the best eye curler and No 1 best seller in Japan! 

To me eye curler is a must have cannot live without item for me. I have been using eyecurler since I started makeup. Kinda a cheat for me during school because teacher were not going to notice I curled my lashes right. Eye curler instantly brighten my eyes! At first try I still remember how I struggle to use this tool. Yep, I do sometime poke my self in the eye! This may seems weird but I find my lashes are longer since I started using this back in my high school days. I find that I use eye curler in every single of my makeup routine. And I like to use it even after using mascara. i know that is kinda like a no no in beauty routine. But I guess it works for me. Lets get on the product details shall we.

Name : Curving Eyelash Curler by Koji
Price : RM80.00
Availability : SASA Malaysia Outlets
Made in : Japan

The product come in a very special box. At first I was wondering what is in the left side of the box since the eye curler is already at the right side! This is really new to me! I never seen a case for a eyelash curler. As it claims "The masterpiece is designed to fit the eye shapes, and the innovative curve provides a splendid eyelash curling". The product will comes in 2 extra replacement rubber, the eyelash curler and the plastic protective case. The case is very handy to my opinion because I like to bring eyelash curler in my bag so I can use it to touch up my eyelash.

Overall :
 photo 4star_zps1a84e4db.png
As you can see the difference between the normal eyelash curler is the shape of the base where you place your eyelash to curl. It also does not have a spring, but some eyelash curler also does not have a spring. What I like about this eyecurler is that how it fits comfortably on my eye while curling, It definitely grabbed all of my eyelash because of the curve design to fit perfectly of your round eye shape. It does not give you a stiff straight up 90 degrees effect to your eyelash but it kinda curls up nicely and give you a curlled eyelash, not the stiff straight lash. But I find that I like to use my normal eyelash curler before mascara, and this is my favorite tool to use after mascara. I found it gentely curl my eyelash after mascara and work nicer that way. Another point for this curler is that the protective case. I love it!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. more expensive than shu uemura ones!!!!!!!!!! how does it compare with other curler result?? u hv pic of using other curler and this one?

    1. i heard about the shu uemura and never tried it. it is quite pricey to for me, but i found its designed very unique! i dont have the pic, but compare to the nrmal ones, this is more gentle and curved.

  2. Huaaaa. Dahsyat. Tp too expensive la for me.. huhu. I bet you like it a lot sab. ;)

    1. i have to agree, but if you willing to splurge on a everyday tool kan.. haha...

  3. Menarik tertarik tapi terstop tengok rege nnye... Hihi

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Woah super expensive! LOL But it does look good, and the case is really good idea for travelling! :D

    1. yep got to agree, but the casing is a point right. so nice! >,<

  6. Nice review, Sab! Menarik tapi sekali tengok harga? Gulp! :)

  7. i love the curler too! serious i rasa i x payah pakai fake lashes. lol i dah draft my post tooo tapi x edit lagi.. heheh

    1. nice kan.. sgt comfortable bila nk curl. post nanti! wanna read your review! ^_^

  8. I love eyelash curlers, this one looks fabulous ;)


  9. So expensive! Menganga jap tengok harga dia. hahaha. But it makes your lashes looked awesome! I don't curl my lashes on daily basis, only if I have special event like wedding, dinner, dates etc. So the cheap one works for me for the time being. Sobs..life as a student. :p

    1. haha.. tu la.. its pretty exclusive...its very comfortable.. oh! i use eyecurler every single day! haha! i dont feel complete without it!

  10. gambar after tu just by using eyelash curler ke?or dah lepas pakai mascara?mmg mencari eyelash curler..baru nak start guna..hehe..tapi harga dia,WOW O.O mahalnye..can u suggest me eyelash curler yg okay okay harga dia..hehe

    1. xpakai mascara pun yg dlm gambar tu... kalau nk baru belajar and try, yg kat kedai jual brg macam ikat rmbut tu (sinma) ke pn dh bgus dah.. :) cuma kene hati2 sebab senang tersepit mata.... sab pun selalu pakai yg tu je...
