Her secret to Rosy Fairness

Salam & hello everyone!
Meet my new BFF! She has the perfect rosy radiance skin that ever girl dream off! She is lovable, friendly confident young lady! Wanna know who she is?


She is just like YOU!
Just like us modern women today that is always connected to social media everywhere.As well as, she know how to take care of her skin even with her busy life! So doesn't mean if you are busy you can't get a rosy fairness beautiful skin like her!

She can't live without her phone! To stay connected with her friends, she have to have it everywhere!
Lipstick is a must! Pouts pink lips brightens her day!
Pink heels! To stay sassy and cute, her favorite pink heels is a must to her looks!
And lastly of course! Her favorite and trusted skincare that keeps her skin glowing and rosy fairness!

She is also a tech savvy chic like us! Social Media updates and all things on the web help she stay connected to her friends and all the latest news!

Don't forget to follow her in Twitter! : https://twitter.com/PerfectlyMsRosy
And go to the Facebook app to chat with her! Go to https://apps.facebook.com/loreal_my_cms_photo/
and if you have an Instagram, don't forget to hash-tag #rosyfairness so she can see!

She loves her family so much! She said its like a pillar to her life! She likes spending her time with them, they all means world to her! And also, She have 2 best friend that she knew since in primary school! They are the best friends that any girl could ask for!

Well, she is basically like me! She loves all things pink and anything to do with fashion and makeup!
Last but not least, she loves to take care of her skin with her favorite skincare product!
Its the L'Oreal White Perfect Skincare Range
and its the key to her rosy fairness!
That is Ms Rosy!

Wanna know more about her favorite skincare regime that gives her transparent pink glow!? Let me show you!

First of all cleanse!
To have a perfect routine of skincare. Your skin need to be clean from impurities and dirt! This shall help you! It is the L'Oreal White Perfect Transparent Rosy Whitening Cleanser. It Purifies and Brightens! It smell so good and you skin feel fresh after cleansing! It is enhanced with ingredients like the powerful Pink Tourmaline Gemstone and Melanin Vanish™ to protect against melanin synthesis.

Secondly, Tone your skin! Use the L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Toner It hydrates your skin instantly and helps to maintain absorption to the next step! To better prep your skin for other whitening products, this refreshing toner helps to further hydrate skin for better absorption. Toner is really an important steps because it prepares you skin after cleansing! It feel so fresh! Don't forget to use it in upwards swipe motion gently!

Thirst step!
The ultimate Double Essences! Use the L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Double Essences! Like they said, two is better than one! This products comes in 2 holes in one pump! As you can see it have 2 different essences in one bottle, The pink ones are the Watery Rosy essences and the White ones are the creamy white essences. Combine both and you get the ultimate rosy fairness like Ms Rosy! Get anti-spot and anti-skin darkening action as this essence helps to lighten skin tone and fade brown spots so that skin is more even  and radiant. It is a all new improve with Melanin-Vanish! Excessive melanin production can saturate cells with dark pigments leading to skin darkening and the appearance of spots. Its obstructs light diffusion through the skin. White skin cannot be yellow and dull, you will look weak, this essences helps to boost up pink glowing radiant to your skin!

Step 4 (For day time) use the day cream! Its the L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Day Cream SPF17/PA++
The cream is so bouncy! It is not heavy and it smells so good! The best part is, the cream contains SPF17/PA++ to help protect your skin from harmful UV rays that also can cause skin darkening. UV filters protect against UV-induced darkening, thus reducing the appearance of brown spots and freckles.Use this under you makeup! It also provides long-lasting hydrating properties and helps tighten pores to give skin a refined look. Your skin is protected and radiant for the whole day!

Step 4 (for night routine).
Use the same 1-2-3 steps and during the night time, switch the day cream to this night cream. It is the L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Night Cream. It is so moist and if you can look closely to the gel, it has sparkles on it! A very fine ones! That help to make your skin glow!~ Use this before bed and look at your skin in the next morning just perfectly fairer and rosier skin.

Perfect Skin just like Ms Rosy!

Here are the basic regime from Day to Night of Ms Rosy!

But what is the main items that keep Ms Rosy skin so rosy radiant?
The main 3 feature product that help Ms Rosy skin glow is these 3 star product. Now it is new improve with 50x More Powerful in just one drop! 1 drop of Melanin Block which founds in the previous formula is making it more efficient to combat dark spots, dullness and uneven skintone!
It contains Melanin Vanish and Tourmaline Gemstone, to reduce dark spots and get glowing radiant skin with a touch of rosiness.

The best part is, these White Perfect skincare range is perfectly tested on Asian Skin!

White Perfect Milky Foam (RM21.90 for 100ml)
White Perfect Toner (RM22.90 for 200ml)
White Perfect Double Essence (RM59.90 for 2X15ml)
White Perfect Day Cream SPF17/PA++  (RM33.90 for 50ml)
White Perfect Night Cream (RM36.90 for 50ml)

Now it is no more a secret! You can also be like Ms Rosy!
Perfectly radiant rosy skin for you too!

With the perfect simple skincare regime, now you can have glowing skin that sure to turn heads!

Oh wait! Wanna be BFF with Ms Rosy like me?
Don't forget to join the fun with Ms Rosy!
You can talk to her, know her more and even meet her!


More info and contest details go to :
***Product was given during the Ms Rosy Tea Party event
***This blog post is also an entry for L'Oreal Ms Rosy Fairness secret Blogger contest. DO wish me luck! <3 <3 <3

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Saya pun pakai loreal white perfect ni. Cuma pakai cleanser dan night cream tapi memang sangat berkesan untuk hilangkan bekas2 jerawat! Pernah cuba tukar yg lain tapi lepas tu pakai balik hehee :)

  2. HOLY...MOLEY......... cantiknya post ni!!!!!! makes me wanna be Miss Rosy tooo!!!!!!!!!!

    cubit pipi Sabrina *pinch* so cute your skincare step pics!!!!

    1. Thank you Tammy and also thank you for giving me this opportunity! <3 <3 <3 Wish me luck!!!

  3. Hey Sabrina!
    This is really an amazing post! You are so creative!
    Thumbs up for that.
    Thank you for sharing!
    I really need to try all of the products from Loreal.
    Ohh And I followed you.
    Maybe you want to support me back by following.
    Thank you
    Sincerely Renny.

  4. eiii comel sgt ni! good luck babe! <3

  5. hishhh sab ni suka buat comel2 tau... teruja kita!!!! good luck my dear sab. dah comel ni memang ada harapan menang!!!!

    1. hehe... semangat kita! thank you Nanie! In sya Allah amin... ^_^

  6. Such a beautiful posts! You look amazing babe! All the best!

  7. very nice post! love all the photos! =)

  8. Love all your picha pretty Sabrina!! Very nice post!! Congratez to you first ya... hahaha!! <3

    1. Leh not yet win! dont congrats first! haha... thanks babe! ^_^

  9. Aaaaa.... You look so cute, dear! Suka tengok Sab dalam gambar2 entri kali ni! Sweet sangat. Aww.. rasa nak picit-picit. Geram ah! Good luck, Sab. Mudah-mudahan Sab menang nanti. Amin. Hujung bulan nanti nak cuba juga la L'oreal White Perfect. Thanks, Sab sebab intro pasal L'oreal ni. Tak sabar nak cuba.<3

    1. thank you dear! pipi kita tembab sgt niiii... alaaaa.... hahahaha... in sya Allah amin.... cubalah! putih and glowing nanti!

  10. oh hey.. i have been using this for ages. been trying back and forth untuk curang. but i just can't.. :) its not that expensive either.. love it to the moon and back. by the way, ur post is so creative yet lovely.. :) done following u dear

    1. they are pretty good does it! <3 im in love with the scent! thanks dear!

  11. wow...love this post to max
    1st time be here
    lve ur blog...so cute =)

    1. thank you so much! hope you will come again for the 2nd time, 3rd time, 4th time and never stops! it means world to me! <3

  12. i have used this range all thru uni masa kt malaysia and i love it..sadly, that range is not available here..anyway love this post and you are too cute for it..good luck at winning it!!

    1. kat uk mesti susah cari whitening skincare kan! haha, that is what i learn from my studies.. hehe... sbb uk people lg nk tan bukan nk putih... thank you so much Fatimah! in sya Allah amin...

  13. Mesti menang nie...super adorably cute pink pose...love it...good luck dearie...

    Follow my blog if u can...Im just starting out and you're one of my inspiration :)...www.withlovekisses.blogspot.com

    1. in sya Allah aminnn! oh my you just made my day...! <3 ^_^

  14. Waaaa... Really nice post! Goodluck Sab

  15. wowieee!! what a great post. very detailed and loved all the pics. siap backdrop bagai hehe..well done!

  16. Very cute & lovely post.
    Thanks for sharing Ms Rosy's secret to fairness.
    Good luck dear...

  17. Replies
    1. xtauuuuu... haha! mana ada! rasa gedik sgt dlm post ni.. :P

  18. Very nice post. luv the background! what editor edit you use btw? mine to share.. hehe

    1. thanks! sure! i use photoshop and most of them i use photoscape. you can look at my previous post about it here! hope i helped! ^_^


  19. hello Miss Rosy! your pictures so pretty. Makes me want to try the Double Essence :D

  20. woahh so cute post nie.. all also so pink2 and wink2.. =)

  21. dear, boleh tahan berapa lama ya set kat atas tu? :/ first time nak try huhu

    1. kalau pandai jimat2-3 bulan in sya Allah boleh tahan.. :) selalu skincare mcm tu...

  22. superb entry...really2 like ur entry dear...cuteness to the max...and congrats!!! (^_^)

    1. aw...Thank you so much for the kind words! hehe... <3 ^_^

  23. Wow cute pictures you got there~
    I feel like to try this product, can recommend me which one is a must to buy first?

  24. Cute packaging! Rasa nak pakai la pulak...tapi boleh ke untuk saya sebab saya almost 15 years old?

    1. if you main concern is hydration and whitening, you can go for this. :)

  25. salam..sy nk letgo loreal paris white perfect toner and night cream.baru pakai 2 kli..harga asal for both items rm68..sy nk letgo rm48..hrga blh kurang lg...pm 01126931736
