BCL Kawaii Workshop with Mr Tanabe


Salam & hello everyone!
This week have been filled with lots of fun makeup activities. Another workshop I went recently last Sunday. This is also a date between me , Mieza and Farisha! It was held at Damansara in BCL Cosmetics HQ.

As usually, we all get spoiled by lots of makeup displayed on the table to play with. Just a lil introduction that BCL is a Japaneses cosmetics brand, and the workshop is conducted by Mr. Tanabe and all his crew fly all the way from Japan! Mr. Tanabe has been in makeup industry along with shiseido for almost 10 years! Pretty amazing right.

 The featured powders that comes in two shades. I like the one in pink

 They all come all the way from Japan! And yes, they speak Japaneses through out the whole time, but there is a translator there.

 Mr. Tanabe helping us too during the tutorial. We are learning on how to do kawaii Shibuya girls look. Featuring liners liners and liners.

 Mr. Tanabe also brings us chocolate all the way from Japan! I took one but did wanna eat it because haah.. takut tak halal.

 Looks who photo booming. All girls just having fun selfie and snapping pictures together after the workshop. I learn new things too during the session. Below are my complete look for the tutorial, It was my first time wearing my eyeliner downwards. Its the key to kawaii innocent droopy eye look. Hehe. I freaking love the mascara, and yes I will review it soon! Look at the goodies! Yeah new makeup stuff! Will review some of the product I like ok, just keep on visiting!

BCL is available in SASA Malaysia as well as other participating pharmacies stores!
Don't forget to check out BCL Facebook page for latest info ya!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. comel!
    yg sronok dpt free gift tu kan :)

    cne boleh pegi event mcm ni ea?
    mcm close event je ni :)
    lucky u

    1. alhamdulilah rezeki.. kene selalu stalk page fb brand2 cm ni.. kadang2 dia ada open for public.. ^_^ so kene like fb page tu ya! hehe...

  2. :O >.< LOL Can't believe you put that picture xDDDDD

  3. done follow and comment ur blog dear...ye la i pon nak tya benda yg sama..mcm mn nak join event2 mcm ni ye...at least dpt blaja basic make up pon dah bersyukur sgt dah..btw dont forget follow & comment my blog jg ye..^_^

    1. thank you dear... ^_^ kene like brand2 mcm ni, kadang2 ada buat workshop and leh join. dari situ leh la expose kan diri, in sya Allah dapat pnya....

  4. kawai2... bestnya eyeliner n mascara!!

  5. it was fun meeting you, farisha and other girls ^_^ i really love that photobomb picture XD hopefully there'll always be next time, lagi ramai :D

    1. btul! hope there will be more event where i can meet you again! ^_^

  6. Macam mana tu pakai eyeliner downwards? ajar skit.hehe

    1. instead of wing kan dia, you line kan kebawah. so nmpak droopy cm tu.. innocent kononnya.. haha

    2. oooooo..akan ku try cara ini tengok macam mana. hehehehehe..tarik ke bawah je la tak de wing wing dah?
