August Favorite 2013


Salam & hello everyone!
I just realize that I forgot to do my July Favorites. Seriously I forgot about it. So let get on what I have been loving for the past month!

1. Etude House Any Cushion | RM109.90
Done a full review where you can check out it here (click me). I love how compact and easy to use this product is. Its a light liquid foundation that makes my skin look glowing. The sponge is really convenient where it does not soak much product and gives a "just nice" application on my skin. You can get this at any participating pharmacies like Watsons, Guardian and Sasa.

2. Color Tattoo in 25 Bad to the Bronze | RM19.90
I have been loving my color tattoos and this is one of the most reach color of this product. Its a bronzy color cream eye shadow that have such a  gorgeous metallic like bronzy color. How do I describe this. It does not appear nicely on my lid actually, but I have been loving to use this under my eye as  liner. It gives a nice bronze shadow under my waterline perfectly and stays there like no body business!

3. Color Tattoo in 35 Tough as Taupe | RM19.90
Another color that I have been loving this month from the Color Tattoo Collection. Its a taupe with a purple undertone cream shadow color that looks pretty matte. I love to use this as a defining color on my crease as well as darken my eyebrow. Since its a cream eyeshadow, it makes my eyebrow neat for quite a few hours.

4. Yadah Anti Trouble Spot Gel | RM35.00
I don't know why I experience a few breakouts on my chin on the past month. This well, does the job pretty well  but still takes a lil time. Its kinda "tame" my acne from redness and heal my acne. It does takes a few days, but it was okay.

5. Daiso Eyebrow pencil | RM5
I got this from my winning box from Arissa blog giveaway and been loving this eyebrow pencil ever since I tried it! It has a dual end color. One is a brown color and another is a greyish color. I combine both shade to achieve a nice brunette eye brow color. I just love the look of this shade on my brow! Its so nice!

Well that's all for my monthly favorites! <3
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Hugs and kisses

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  1. I won the Any Cushion from My Etude House facebook, cant wait to redeem and try them ^_^ Love that Bad To The Bronze color tattoo as well, it made me look fabulous :D as for the Tough as Taupe, it's kinda plain on my lids, mak kata tak lawa pakai =_='' yet to figure out on how to look dabomb with it ;)

    1. oh my really? congratulations! alhamdulilah rezeki! and you also won sabby clinique giveaway right? hehe use it as a eyebrow gel instead, sikit2 pakai, kinda look nice too

    2. thanks sab, u won too right kat sabby punya giveaway ;) nanti i try guna taupe kat eyebrow, i memang so far xde guna pape pun for eyebrows, hehe. teringat pulak masa 1st time we met kat event silkygirl @ the bee, u taught me how to draw my eyebrows :D

    3. hehe... it was so nice meeting you!

  2. and oh Sab, the link on Any Cushion above is not working >.<

  3. Assalamualaikum,

    hi there! just wanna let you know that you're linked because I enjoy reading your blog =) keep on updating yea?

    1. hi! thank you so much! in sya Allah more interesting post soon! <3

  4. Maybelline Color Tattoo! Sejak ada Sale, senang nak kumpul buat koleksi kan, Sab. Hehe. Bad to the Bronze is my fav! Tough as Taupe ada beli tapi belum pakai lagi. Huhu. :)

    1. mesti...! hehe.. kalau leh nk beli color yg xavailable kat Malaysia. maybe nk beli kat eBay.

  5. From your review, i think i want to try the etude house any cushion and color tattoo yang bronze tu.. :)
