Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer in 002 Medium


Name : Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer
Price : RM19.90
Availability : At participating pharmacies such as Guardian, Watsons and others. Come in 2 shades. 001 & 002 (Light & Medium)

Salam and hello everyone!

This post have been in my draft for quite a long time, now I got to get this publish. This is my second bottle of this concealer. That shows how I really love this product. Well it is still not holy grail but its kinda a good affordable concealer that does the job well. Let's talk about the packaging, it comes in a plastic tube bottle with a wand that looks like a lip gloss. It pretty convenient. You can use the want to apply the product on the part where you want to conceal. The texture of the concealer I might say in between liquid to cream, its not runny and not to creamy. Just nice, this is where I start fall in love with it because its easy to blend. The color I am using is 02 Medium, its a yellow tone base concealer, so don't expect brightening when using it.

I usually use this under my eye. Its perfect to use there, maybe I should buy the lighter color if I want some brightening effect. There is no overpowering scent to this. Color available in Malaysia are 2 shade. 01 Light and 02 Medium. It does "crack"/ "crease" sometimes when I apply to much powder to top it of my concealer under my eye. I totally recommend this concealer for anyone who want to find a good affordable under eye concealer.

Overall / Verdict:
 photo 4star_zps1a84e4db.png

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Klik je terkejut sekejap tengok blog, sab. Haha. Saya ada Maybelline concealer ni. Shade medium juga. Saya guna di bawah mata tapi tak berapa nak hide sangat lebam tu, sebab kena guna warna lebih cerah barulah sesuai. Tubbie dah chubby la! Suka tengok! Geram tau!:)

    1. hehe.. ok x? aah, dia yellowish sikit, xada brightening effect. agak dull, tp mmg cover nicely...

  2. i say this new look has a more professional and organized aura, quite minimalist than before :)

    hope 1 day kita dapat la try this concealer, hehe ^_^ coz i have 1 tube of the angelfit concealer tak habis2 lagi XD bought it just before they introduced this mineral line~

    1. thank you mieza! oh xpernah try yg agle fit tu.. hehe... this one quite nice, try this if yg angle fit tu abis.. ^_^

  3. I liked this one too. It does crease if applied too much, but i love it because it's a mineral concealer. I actually believe that it doesnt clog pores like my other concealer, not sure if thats 100% true. Do u have any reccomendations on other mineral/healthy concealers?

    1. im not sure about a healthy/mineral concealer. but this really does the job but a little goes a long way :).

  4. ada juga concealer ni tp jarang guna..

    1. saya selalu pakai concealer! hehe... (byk sgt nk dicover LOL)

  5. tak pernah try concealer ni.. but would love to give it a try :) n Babe, I live your new layout.. comel n sweet macam you!

  6. saya dah cuba concealer lain but still tak masuk kot. until now masih cari concealer yang betul betul dpt cover mata panda ni -.- maybe try concealer ni. thanks for sharing =)

    1. sab rasa yg ni worth trying... dia xterlalu putih macam concealer lain bagi (especially bila amik gambar flash) and senang nk blend. :)

  7. terlalu banyak parut jerawat. sekarang ni guna elianto concealer. itu pun masih tak dapat nak sembunyikan parut dan jerawat. ohh sab ! :'(

    1. try method ni... pakai concealer, pastu pakai powder (pat2 kan), pastu pat lg sekali concealer... :) cuba try! boleh tutup pnya. and pakai concealer yg pekat (creamy sikit) mcm yg ni...

    2. oh ya? will try. thanks sab ! xoxo

  8. salam. i use this too! and my fav as well. rahsia untuk muka nampak fresh! hee :)

  9. salam. i use this too! and my fav as well. rahsia untuk muka nampak fresh! hee :)
