Freshkon Mosaic Urban Grey | Glasses Online


I am going to review the Freshkon Mosaic in Urban Grey Lens. I love Lens and looking forward to try different lens that is in the market. I got this lens from Glasses Online and will talk to you about it at the end of this post along with a special discount code!
Mostly, I prefer grey or brown lenses because it is more natural and not too weird looking perhaps? And I don't like Big circle lens and avoid looking like an alien.

Name : FreshKon Mosaic in Uban Grey
Price : RM46.00
Availability : Glasses Online (website)
Frequency : Monthly Wear
Diameter : 14.2 mm
Water Content : 55%

For Comfort, I might say it does feel nice on the eye but I can still feel that I am wearing a lens. Its like "hey, I on your eye right now!". For the first 3-4 hours it was comfortable but then when it started to dry, it feel uncomfortable and I use eye drop to solve this. The Design is pretty nice,I love how it has a subtle grey lines on the edge that give a lil enlargement but still does not look like an alien. Haha. Its grayish tone color give a really natural look to my eye. For Color, it is not to bright as well not to dark where sometime it does not make any different whether you are wearing it or not wearing a lens. Its perfectly nice. The yellowish tone in this lens blends nicely on my eye and look more of a brown color when wearing it. Lastly, enlargement, if you love big circle lens, this is not for you. this is more of a natural lens look. The size of this lens is 14.2mm.

Glasses Online

Glasses Online is a Malaysia Online store for all your eyes need. They have glasses, sunglasses and my favorite part contact lens. Its pretty convenient where there are a lot of choices to choose from. I prefer buy lens online because you can read the size description easily and choose the various color offered. Glasses Online offer more than 50++ brands in theri website. For lens, they have most of my favorite brands in it such as FreshKon, and Blicon. I love these brands because they are more of a natural look lens than the "Japanese" big circle lens in the market.

They also always have sales going on in the website offer great deals compare to the retail store out there. You can also call them and have a live chat if you have any question in mind.

Payment options from credit cards, Paypal and all online banking service that is very conviniet for you. Not to mention.

Free Delivery
Free Cancellation
Free 30 Days Return
Cash On Delivery

Go to : 

and check out their Facebook page for more latest info:

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Tag Thursday | Beauty Junkie


Salam & hello everyone!
Thank you Arissa for tagging me! Yeah! Beauty Junkie! I might say I am a beauty junkie because I am pretty obsessed with beauty products. They never enough for me. Haha. I love makeup related post! Anyway, check out Arissa YouTube (click here) and blog (click here).

1. Favorite makeup items
Oh my, this is a pretty hard question! Aaa… Erm.. I love all of my makeup items but ok, probably foundations. I love trying out all kinds of foundations from type to brands.

2. Favorite High End / Drugstore Brand.
Why so hard! Man.. I can’t choose but I gotta say I love Benefit Cosmetics for High End and I love Revlon for Drugstore. But beign a beauty junkie, I pretty much love many brands on certain product.

3. What is the product you would buy even it is expensive?
Er.. Anything that is good and raved about especially when they have pretty design packaging. Blush, Lipsticks, Lipbalms.

4. What is the product that you would not buy even if its cheap.
Not pretty packaging makeup. LOL.

5. How many makeup product do you have?
Whaat? Is this even a question? Haha! I lost my count.

6. Did you purchase all of your makeup.
Mostly yes, but some of them are given for review purposes and some of them are gift for birthday presents.

7. What is your favorite makeup season?
Oh my! I love this question. I love love love Fall seasons makeup. I love burgundy,brown,  dark colored makeup.

8. Any makeup tips?
To achieve flawless nice skin when applying foundation, make sure your skin is really really clean. Before to sleep, make sure all makeup are removed and prep your skin with moisturizer. In the morning, you will get a nice prepared skin for makeup, oh yes, cleanse it again first ok!

9. Do you love wearing lip gloss.
Actually I don’t really like lip gloss. But I would love to use it.

10. Why to the previous question?
LOL! Because I felt uncomfortable with the texture of lip gloss. I tend to lick it and ending up having a stomach ace.

11. What is the most neglected makeup steps.
I always forgot to wear lipstick.

12. What is your first makeup application?
Face powder! But it’s a baby powder, not a compact colored powder. Started when I was in high school.

13. Do you wear makeup to school.?
I am not allowed and afraid to break the rule. I just use baby power.

14. How often do you clean your makeup brushes?
Supposedly one time per week right? Usually once a month I manage to do so.

15 How do you clean your makeup brushes.
Sometimes I wash it using brush shampoo and sometimes when I am in the mood to do more I wash using olive oil and dishwash soap.

16. Do you wear makeup every single day?
Nope, because usually I am at home, I don’t really go out everyday, I only wear makeup when I am going out.

17. If I could create one makeup item what would it be and why?
Wow, interesting question! ;) I wanna create a cream foundation that suits all of my local skin tone shade. From Malay, Chinese and Indian skin tone shade. Its suits our humid weather and it can be easily applied! Because I am pretty disappointed with the shade offered in our drugstore foundation. Mostly its only fits fair skin tone color.

18. What is the most makeup items do you have?
Eye makeup items.

19. What is the least makeup items that you own.
Hm… Its actually lipstick, but I am planning to collect them in then future.

20. Describe your makeup routine in 3 words
Prep – Blend – Set

I'm tagging everyone who know deep down inside their soul that, they are a beauty junkie! hehe

"Hello everyone, My name is Sabrina and I am a beauty junkie"


Watch Arissa video!

*pic above taken from Pinterest.

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Wishlist Wednesday #9


Salam & hello everyone!
Missed out so many Wednesday for my Wishlist Wednesday! Phew. For today Wishlist Wednesday I would like to try and have "some" of these gorgeous lipstick from Topshop. Influence again by my favorite YouTuber, Zoella. I really need to have these. Despite admiring its cute packaging I also adore its various "not-so-similar" shades that they offer. Hm.. i did not decide yet on what shade should I get. It cost 8UK Pounds in the UK and RM43 in Malaysia. Pretty nice price, but still quite pricey for me.
*picture taken from Weheartit

Have you tried Topshop lipstick? Is it really good like they said? Should I try it?

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Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer in 002 Medium


Name : Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer
Price : RM19.90
Availability : At participating pharmacies such as Guardian, Watsons and others. Come in 2 shades. 001 & 002 (Light & Medium)

Salam and hello everyone!

This post have been in my draft for quite a long time, now I got to get this publish. This is my second bottle of this concealer. That shows how I really love this product. Well it is still not holy grail but its kinda a good affordable concealer that does the job well. Let's talk about the packaging, it comes in a plastic tube bottle with a wand that looks like a lip gloss. It pretty convenient. You can use the want to apply the product on the part where you want to conceal. The texture of the concealer I might say in between liquid to cream, its not runny and not to creamy. Just nice, this is where I start fall in love with it because its easy to blend. The color I am using is 02 Medium, its a yellow tone base concealer, so don't expect brightening when using it.

I usually use this under my eye. Its perfect to use there, maybe I should buy the lighter color if I want some brightening effect. There is no overpowering scent to this. Color available in Malaysia are 2 shade. 01 Light and 02 Medium. It does "crack"/ "crease" sometimes when I apply to much powder to top it of my concealer under my eye. I totally recommend this concealer for anyone who want to find a good affordable under eye concealer.

Overall / Verdict:
 photo 4star_zps1a84e4db.png

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Tag Thursday | Get Your Freak On!


Salam & hello everyone!
Thank you Farisha & Puteri Panda for tagging me! This is my "Get your freak On" Blog Post!

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Ina. Only family are allowed! Please for the others, don’t call me that. It gives me the creep. Call me Sab!

2. What's a weird habit of yours?
I bite. Seriously. I bite most of the stuff I holds especially when I am thinking about something. My pens cannot last for long, the ends will spoil and sometimes I accidently suck up the ink. Pretty disguising right?

3. Do you have any weird phobias?
I get panic anxiety in dark places. Even in dimmed places. I sometime lost my appetite or event gets pretty blurred in dimmed room. I can’t eat properly in dimmed light restaurant, and I barely do anything in dark room/dimmed rooms. I hate dark! I always get schooled from my mom for turning on the lights 24 hours. Yes, I still sleep with the light on! I hate dark places or I might say.. I am scarred of dark places?

4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? 
It really depends. And I can’t remember. It just come like “magic”! haha!

5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
No offend to anyone, just my two-cent. I don’t really like looking at girls who smokes, if I found out my friends are doing it I will not get mad at you but I just don’t like it. I love my friends! I don’t want you to get sick! And I hate girls who wear hijab with a short sleeves t shirt. Please girl. Don’t make our religion looks bad. Cut Q. and seriously rude people who thinks he/she have a phone to talk so loud.

6. What’s one of your nervous habits? 
Panic and get blurr.

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Near to the wall.

8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
Doraemon named, Doraemon.

9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
Honestly, I never tried Starbuck because I prefer Coffee Bean and Juice Boost.

10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
Drinks lots of water and sleep early. 

11. Which way do you face in the shower?
Err… The Pipe or the shower?

12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
Roll my tongue. Nothing special. Haha

13. What's your favorite comfort food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
Cold ice drinks and “kulit ayam”. Yum!

14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? 
Haha. Bangang, sengal.

15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
Shorts and Tshirt!

16. What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn't that hot?

You mean like hot (sweating) or hot (in to the trend)? Haha! 

I'm tagging :
and all of my readers!
leave your blog post in the comment below so i can read!

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Les Classique Chronographe Automatique watch for you


Salam & hello everyone!

Listen up! This is your chance TODAY to win this no ordinary Maurice Lacroix Watch worth RM10k!
The three classical, or even traditional, chronograph counters embody the very spirit of the collection. Exquisite right! Grab your chance of winning now! Here is how :

With a simple entry today you can win your self this watch! Super Engineer with such a detail work and fine watch to have! Reload RM10 twice in a day or RM30 once to stand a chance.

What are you waiting for! So easy peasy lemon squeazy. I will faint-wakeup-faint-wakeup if i own a 10k watch! Or even a suprise from XPax, you can win a RM30,000 watch! woot woot!

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Precious Mineral Any Cushion Review

Name : Precious Mineral Any Cushion Etude House
Price : RM109.90 (Case + Refill)
Availability : September 2013 in any Etude House outlets in Malaysia (for Malaysia) *As for now, the first shade available on above date is Honey Beige W24 (as product review shade)
Made in : Korea
Main Ingredient : Hyaluronic Acid, Sebum Control Powder, Pearl Powder

What it claims :
Anyone can have long-lasting bright and smooth skin with Any Cushion anytime, anywhere!

(Featuring a All in One foundation in just one application):
UV protection (SPF50+/PA+++)
Sebum control
Moisturizing(Moisture Lock)
Color Correction Sunscreen
Sebum Powder
Moisturizing essence
Whitening essence + 

The New Innovation :
As you can see this foundation is pretty unique. It has a sponge soaking up all the foundation in the pink case. The sponge in the case which actually hold up all the product inside is called "Foaming Urethane Foam". It is a development of optimal holding technique considering of both fresh sunblock texture and sanitary container. Another feature are the "Non flowing" concept. This result in a "cell trap" innovation, a lil bit of science going on here, i pretty much new to this. To make it easy its kinda hold the goodness of the product content unlike other product in tubes or bottle which only stays flat inside it.

The Air Puff :
Another product highlights are the blue sponge is actually made out of Rubycell + Polyurethane. Comparing to the ordinary sponges you usually have in your compact powder or buy in stores, this features a minimal product absorption. So you wont get waste to your product which usually thrown away when you wash your sponge right.

How to take care of the sponge :

Super compact, easy to bring anywhere. Made out of plastic and I don't think it would be a problem for traveling. The divider between product and sponge storage is divided. Hygienic and easy storing.

Texture/How it feels when applied:
As another feature of this product is its cooling effect. Well not that minty feeling, but yes I do agree, it feels so nice on the skin. Light and easy to blend. Just pat pat pat and you're done!

Pigmentation/Coverage: I might say its a light to medium coverage. Does not cover spots and acne scar pretty good. But it really does cover my redness nicely. I might say its a dewy finish at a few minutes but then tends to adsorb and look pretty natural on the skin. Honey Beige have a yellow undertone shade taht I think suits fair-medium skin tone.

Scent: No overpowering scent or funny scent. I may say its kinda like a fragrance free product because no scent have been concentrated while I'm applying this.

Ease of Use: Really easy, prefect for beginner  The sponge really helps a lot. Does not adsorb so much product resulting in waste and over patchy application to the skin.

Overall / Verdict:
 photo 4halfstar_zps006b9d7c.png
I don't recommend this for people whole love heavy coverage makeup, or the main purpose of application is to cover up acne. Its a very good everyday go to foundation. In one application you are protected with sunscreen (50 SPF), Its moisturize, yes it does and have a whitening benefit purposes. I love love love using this product during my lazy and a casual day simple makeup mood. Does makes you skin look softer and healthy. Use a good concealer to cover up any imperfection and you are good to go! But I don't really like to applying powder after using this, i find they don't really go together. Well, its my opinion.
Drop down a comment below if you have any question about this product! <3

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Benefit launch new box powder : Rockateur


Salam & hello everyone!
I am a big fan of Benefit Cosmetics but my pocket still does not allow me to do so. Hehe. Since I first saw and knew Benefit Cosmetics, I freaking love it. The art concept and all its quirky cute design packaging of makeups. Benefit is also know for its box powder such as Holaa (My favorite), Dandelion, Throob, Dallas, and many more. I just knew about this because I subscribe to Benefit Cosmetics YouTube channel. This box powder was launch in the US in 31 July. 

Read The Sunday Girl review for this box powder : Click here

Watch below commercial videos for this newly launch box powder. It is still not available in Malaysia yet

What it claims :
Pick up the beat with a rush of heat! This rockin’ rose gold cheek powder gives a famously provocative flush that turns heads on-stage and off. The crowd will go wild for its sexy faceted design, accented in luxe gold. For an encore, the custom angled, dimensional brush gives rich, show-stopping payoff every time.

This blush reminds me of the infamous NARS Orgasm. I never swatched it but by looking at the pictures they look pretty versatile to all skin color and the rose gold shimmery sparkle to it, pretty much the same as people describe. 

I definitely wanna have these if I get the chance! Along with the other box powders!

What do you think about this Rockature Benefit Powder Box? Would you buy it?

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Ma Cherie by Shiseido launch new hair styling & treatment products


Salam & hello everyone!
Another event update I went last month. Pretty much an event that I am very excited to go since I love Ma Cherie and Shiseido products quite much! the event was held at Publika. It was held during the fasting day... hehe.. I actually did not fast during that day because I still having my "P" day, but I was quite shy to drink and eat. The food look nice tho. So nice of them to pack me some food to bring home. Thank you Shiseido team, I really appreciate it.

So Ma Cherie is actually a hair product brand carried by Shiseido sold in local pharmacies. With an cute design princess concept bottle that truly wins many girly fan stuff like me. Meh meh meh...

Me with the flowery beautiful EMcee | Jerine have her hair style done
Me and pretty Illy
The hairstyle of these models are done by all the new range of Ma Cherie Hair Products
Freaking in love with the ambiance, can't stop taking pictures of all the flower. *flower freak alert*

These are the old range of Ma Cherie products. The shampoo and hair conditioner and hair mask

Ma Cherie Decoration Keep Spray | RM29.90
Claims to be Finishes style with ultimate strength and lasting lift. Formulated with Honey Gelee that leaves hair feeling light and silky smooth. Its a hair spray actually that you use after styling your hair (curl or perm). I got this in my goody bag and I got to say I freaking love this product. Although I wear hijab, I do sometime style my hair at home (for fun) and after I curl my hair I spray this on and my hair curls for long hours and does not feel heavy of stiff. The spray nozzel are also freaking awesome, it does not spray directly "hard" but it spread out like a fine water. I hope you understand how I really need to explain this. haha.

Ma Cherie End Cure Milk | RM39.90
Another favorite in this range as I instagram this in my intstagram. (instagram my instagram?) Click here to see my instagram haha! Claims to be a hair treatment that intensively repairs split ends by replenish the nutrients need by hair. Apply on a semi dry hair or dry hair and best appliy on ends of your hair. Smell divine and really makes your hair smooth!

Ma Cherie Honey Gelee (Soft Wavy) | RM34.90 
I did not get the chance to try this one but this product claims to be a product that specialize for wavy bouchy hair. "Gotta wash my hair so my hair bounce like a basketball - Demi Heart attack song" hehe... Again, formulated with the signature Honey Gelee result in a smooth and manageable hair. Rub this product between your hands and work through your wavy hair to achieve that healty bouncy nice looking wavy hair.

I am looking forward to get the shampoo and hair conditioner!

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Raya 2013


Salam & hello everyone!
Oh my... I have been neglected my blog for a week! Apologies for that and oh well, I hope I am not that late to wish all my Muslim reader a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir & Batin! Deep down my heart I would like to apologize for any inconvenient causes of anything that is really out of my sight making you guys mad or sad. This year was truly meaningful. Before Ramadan ends, I get to meet my schoolmates which I haven't meet in 6-5 years! It was a truly bless Ramadan and only Allah know how I really touch and happy for it.
Thank you to each one of you. Really. Seriously. Thank you.

Hugs and kisses

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New Himalaya Herbal Whitening Range Introduction


Salam & hello everyone!

Himalaya Herbal is a well know brand here in Malaysia. Most of us knew this brand right. Known as a natural ingredients product that suit natural lover products. Last few weeks I have been invited for a lil session for their newly launch product. Its a whitening range that includes all the simple basic steps in skincare.

Me wearing my favorite shawl from Tudung People called Arraynna in Red! <3

These are the new range from Himalaya Herbals!

During the mini small gathering event, they show us on how is a proper skincare routine and makeup is applied. As usual, cleanse, moisturize and makeup!
We talk alot and discuss about it and learn so may things. For example, We need to apply our makeup, downwards as possible to prevent clogged pores.

After that we learn about massage steps during skincare application! Thats JQ Lee and my beauty event partner Sabby! (Thank you for the ride again Sabby!)

Thats is another group in the vent, and congratulation to them because they won the massage technique arrange game! hehe..

Below are the correct steps that we need to practice when applying or moisturizer during skincare application!

Goodies! (But I dint get the toner! :(. They must have been forgot to put in my goodies bag) And thank you for being so nice! Since the vent was held during the fasting day, they packed us a cute pink cupcake! Delicious!

Will review soon the skincare rage in future post! do stay visit! 

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