Spa Party by The Butterfly Project @ Posh Nail Spa


Salam & hello everyone!!! 
Today I am going to blog about my experience atthe Spa Party that I went last week! Don't get jelly! hehe... I recently blog about I wanna go to the spa party and alhamdulilah I won my self to that event. My entry blog post is here
It was my very first time going to a nail salon and a spa. So I am very excited for this event. The theme was bathrobe and slippers. So a few days before the event I went for a little hunt for a bath robe. There were not much of a choice and luckily I got this hot neon pink heart pattern bathrobe as above at Cotton On. It was super super striking and wild! I love like a PIMP anyway! haha!

I went there together with Farah Hanis & Sabrina a.k.a Sabby. (We have the same name) hehe... Thank you Sabby for the ride! Before the event start we mingle around and find our place to put our stuff. Tammy our Mamasan, officially start the event with a speech. Before that we already started doing some activities such as making out own foot scrub and manicure.

The DIY Foot Scrub booth
Pretty bloggers waiting for pedicure!

I did not get the chance to eat actually, because I was super busy having fun and mingle around! Hehe, I heard the food was great! Oh well! I miss that! hehe... I only manage to taste the mini burger, yep! It was really good!

Then there were fashion show by Pink & Proper prom collection! All bloggers looks like they have been a model! They were so good and Arisa Chow won first place! 
From Left to Right : Farisha, Farah Hanis, Wiida, Cik Lily Putih, Illy, Sabby, Dina
With Ayna, Cik Lily Putih, Arisa Chow & Tammy!
with Wiida & Farisha

The party was pretty spontaneous, we just help our self on what we want to do as followed with activity tickets, and it was really really fun, we took photos and just enjoy the party! Unfortunately my phone battery went out, :( which I did not get the chance to took pictures with others much more. 

Thank you to the Posh Nail Spa staff Mandy and Rachael who in in charge of my pedi medi. They did a really really good job. Imagine yourself making those pedi medi for straight hours non stop! It must be tiring but they don't even complain or put a frown on their face. 5 star service I might say! Also i get a shoulder massage which was heavenly divine! It was good! I wish I can have another round of it in the future!
The fotobox is quite fun too! I got my self some pictures with the bloggers as a very memorable souvenir. <3

I really had a good time! I meet alot of new blogger friends and some blogger friends which I have been contact through out social medias and blog. All I can say is i really had fun!
Thank you so so much Tammy, Illy, Ayna & Laura for holding up this event! And to all sponsors who help to make this happen! The goodies bag is super awesome! Full size product of makeup items? Awesomeness!

Thank you Posh Nail Spa for such a nice service and ambiance.
Thank you Aspen Spa for such a lovely massage!
Thank you Good Friends Cafe for such a delicious foods!
Thank you Tres Chic Party Planner for such a gorgeous beautiful decorations!
Thank you Fotobox for a fun photo session with all my blogger friends!
Thank you Pink & Proper for the lovely bags and fashion show!
and Thank you Thank you Thank you
Only Beauty , TT Mask, The Body Shop, Johnsons Body Care, Signorina & Havanias Malaysia
for all of the goodies!!! 

***Sorry Illy, I could not manage to have a picture with you, my battery already die aaa! :(

Hugs and kisses

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  1. bestnya!!! mana satu Arisa Chow?:D

    1. yg gambar byk2 model posing tu, line bawah yg ketiga dari kiri... :)

  2. Wow, looks like fun. Too bad you didn't get to taste the food, it looks sooo delicious. o_o

    1. yep, luckily i manage to taste the mini burger... ^-^

  3. semua nampak cantik2 belaka..:)

  4. so u all walk back in pink and proper cloths?

    1. we bring back the canvas bag, pink and proper sponsor the clothes for the fashion show.

  5. *ehem* all I did was turned up and jadi door girl :-p Tammy, Illy & Ayna did all the labor. But, glad you had fun!

  6. nice post babe :) thank so much sebab tolong2 juga :)

    next time jumpe kite lepak2 lagi k? Wee!

    p/s: I love your bathrobe comel giler

    1. no problem... yes! thank you sbb baby sit i! hehe...

  7. it was nice meeting you sab!! hope to see you around!! dina @ bagbeautybaby

  8. party looks amazing

  9. Thank you so much Sabrina for helping us out that day & super love ur robe <3

    1. no worries, im very happy to be a part of it! <3 thanks!
