Nuxe Huile Prodieguese Dry Oil Review


Salam ladies & hello everyone!
Recently I won this product called Nuxe Huile Prodieguese Dry Oil from Sasa Malaysia and I gotta review it! This product have been in ghostparties blog about her bath time essential, you can read it here. Its was quite exciting as I got my hand on this luxurious multipurpose oil.

Name: Nuxe Huile Prodieguese Dry Oil

Price: RM170.00

Availability: Sasa Malaysia Outlet
Made in: France
Net Weight: 100ml

What it claims:
Multi-usage dry oil for face, body and hair.
Huile Prodigieuse is a dry oil with a unique superactivated formula combining 30% Precious Plant Oils and Vitamin E to nourish, repair and soften face, body and hair in a single gesture.
Face and body are soft and velvety. Hair is supple, glossy and full of volume.
Active Ingredients:
A unique cocktail of 6 Precious Plant Oils (Borage, St Johnswort, Sweet Almond, Camellia, Hazelnut, Macadamia) with a subtle fragrance for a velvety skin, silky hair and an improved overall aspect of stretch marks.

See through glass bottle with a spray pump. Yep, its a spray bottle. The spray pump serve no problem, I can easily spread and distribute the oil on place I wanted.

Texture/How it feels when applied: 
Its feels greasy when applied, obviously its an oil. But absorb really really fast.Leaves skin a lil shine after massage in the oil.

Effectiveness : 
In terms of moisturizing I can see the result within a few use. Its really moisturizing. 

Its not bad but I am not a fan of the scent. I don't know how to describe it but its not a chemical type of scent, more of a natural scent, but not too overpowering. It was ok.

Ease of Use: 
Super love the idea of the spray pump. Its easy to use and does not cause messy application. Ypu can easily spray on your hair and body.

Overall / Verdict:
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I like this oil but I need to discipline my self on using oil for my body. I found myself rarely reach of lotions/oil for my body. I have dry skin problem around my elbow and body. I think this oil really does the job and really wanna put this product in my after bath routine. Its very luxurious and moisturize your skin and hair nicely.

Hugs and kisses

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  1. cantik gambar!! maybe you should try brushing as well..I just started last month.

  2. i ada yg same but sample size la from Lilac box last few months :) I like it sebab die macam thick so tak drippy sgt :)

    1. nice kan... but not a fan of the scent, but love using it tho...

  3. Multi usage dry oil. sounds good. tapi bila oil tu rasa macam minyak pulak kalau letak muka. dah la muka kita jenis berminyak. hmmmm

    1. maybe for our weather tak sesuai pakai kat muka, kat UK sbb maybe sejuk sgt.. tp mmg best la pakai kat badan, sambil tu leh urut kaki yg lenguh... haha...

  4. i like it as a body oil, and yes like you sabrina, i'm not really a fan of its smell. hehe~ nasib baik the smell is quite decent, kalau kuat lagi, memang headache.

    1. btul! the smell is quite decent, and ok la.. xanoy sgt...

  5. wah, menarik juga ni..mana tahu nanti boleh cuba juga..thanks for the review..;)

  6. Cantiknya gambar!! Pakai camera ape ni??

  7. Ohh very interesting I haven't heard anything like this. I like your blog! Would you like to follow each other on gfc?? I shall follow you right now =^-^=

    - kat

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