Iftar event with XPax @ Milk & Butter Bangsar

The door gift we receive. So cute! Its a cake by the way! ^_^

Salam & hello everyone!
Just a lil quite post about a recent event I went. It is a Xpax iftar event for the Win a Branded watch contest! Brand such as Ball, Fortis, Maurice Lacroix, Oris, and Bell & Ross to be won! Thank you for having me here as I am very honored to be in an event with such awesome bloggers who have been blogging experience awesomely! I went ther with Mr.T and it was held at Milk & Butter Bangsar. A very cozy place to dine in!

The event were started with a buka puasa feast followed by a performance by Liyana Fizi. Then there were a game held during this event! A very fun one! Two winner will win a watch from ToyWatch! How cool is that. Sorry for the lack of picture, my phone went off (again). So there were not much of a pictures I able to take. How the game is played is where we need to grab as many peanut as we can with a paper clip! Well, not my luck for the day! hehe.. I was shaking when I tried to grab the nuts!

Photo credit to Sabrina from vixendeity
It was a fun event and at last I get the chance to meet Sabrina and Farisha! It so fun meeting you guys!

Photo credit to Sabrina from vixendeity | Sabrina & Farisha
I cropped my picture because my picture was quite ugly. hehe...

So here is how! 1 day left people!

Check out previous post here :

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Hahaha omg Sab ada ke crop. You? Ugly? Kelakar je la.

    Did you manage to eat the cake? I didn't eat mine pun :p

    1. Hehehehe... nope, i keep on staring and poking at it until dah xleh makan dah...

  2. kek tu apsal cantik sgt..tergoda betul tp xsanggup nk makan sayang..:)
