Wishlist Wednesday #6


Salam & Heloooo everyone! Today Wishlist Wednesday gonna be a lil different. Not makeup - not fashion. It is one of my favorite and top search on YouTube! Organizations! I am a messy person, trust me. But I love love love to get organize. When I started to clutter things around I always find the best way that help me to do less clutter if that make sense? I change the way I organize things quite frequently. As for now I am still not yet officially have a proper room for all of my things. In sya Allah, in 2 years time if I can afford my own house, I would totally have all my dream space as what I really wanted.

One of my dream section would be the "Accessories Section". I want a section when I store all of my "last touch up" to what I am dress on that day. I love jewelry, but the main problem is I don't have a proper place to store and in the result I lost them and they may have been spoiled. I would love this section concludes all of my accessories displayed and stored nicely like a boutique inspired section.

Fabric Mannequin
I want a fabric mannequin, probably will do some project on this. I don't want the fabric to be plain white (kinda scary), I probably will makeover this mannequin to a more stylish look with some colored fabric help. This will hold all of my necklaces especially the long ones. Since its a fabric I can also store my favorite or special brooches there.

Chrome Mirror
A big rectangle (preferred the same width as the Malm drawer) silver or I call a chrome mirror would be just fabulous there. A glance of what I am wearing and a convenient mirror while I am wearing my hijab would be totally nice.

MALM 4 drawer from IKEA
4 drawers is the perfect sizing for me, especially the height of this drawer make it more easier for me to look at everything. My planning would be :
1st drawer : Extra accessories, cluttered type of pins and small hijab accessories.
2nd drawer : My Hijab & shawls Part 1 (Warm Colors)
3rd drawer : My Hijab & shawls Part 2 (Cool Colors)
4th Drawer : Misc stuff of accessories

Bracelet Display Holder
I have been influence by AnnieJaffrey Organization Ideas. I just  love how the amount of jewerly she had and how she display and store it. This kind of display also help you get your stuff in and out easily. I would proably store my watches and bracelet here.

Acrylic 2 Drawers & Suede Organizer
This will concluded my small accesories such as brooches and rings! The suede organizer make it looks more nicer and neat.

Then I will add some decorations like a candle holder, flowers or quotes picture frames! Let the accessories do the colorful deco it self! Well that is all I want for my accessory section! Dont get me started with a makeup section! Haha! I have that in my wishlist too! :P Below are some of the videos that inspire me and inspirations I got. Do check them out! <3

Hugs and kisses

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  1. saya suka wishlist sab kali ni sebab ada beberapa wishlist kita sama. hehe.. saya nak sangat mannequin. dah survey harga tapi agak pricey la pula dalam RM500. huhu...mcm acrylic 2 drawers dan bracelet holder pun agak pricey. haha.. saya suka IKEA sebab design nice sangat. I wish IKEA ada di tempat saya. hewhew..

    1. yeah! kita punya minat lebih kurang sama ya.. hehe... sab pernah ada manequin, beli yg murah tp bila sampai xcantik.. mmg kene beli yg high quality sikit...

  2. The acrylic drawer is also on my wishlist, but they're pretty expensive so I make do with Daiso plastic storage stuff, lol. For me, I'd prefer a full-length mirror so that I can take OOTD shots. XD

    1. i would love a full length mirror too! but preferred on the other side maybe beside my closet? hehe...

  3. Wow, menarik jea semua brg2 ni..asyik suka mannequin dan suede organizer..

  4. out of all your list I only have the cabinet :P hahahaha

    p/s: The acrylic drawer is super tempting!!

  5. Oh really interesting and helpful.}


  6. so we have the same wishlist! yayy :D hehe btw can i ask you something, how to edit the picture like you and what font you use?

    1. really? thats cool! hehe... i use photoshop and photoscape. photo shop to crop those images and photoscape for wording and arrow lines. The font are called Amatics . hope i help! dont hesitate to ask me questions dear, in sya Allah I will answer... ;)
