Shopbob Haul | Tech Accessories


Salam & Hello everyone!
Recently I won a gift certificate to shop at Shopbob! Thank you so much Booroos ! Shopbob is a US Shopping website that sells designer brands clothes and other stuff such as bags, shoes, accessories and home gift stuff. I was very pleased with the customer service. You don't have to worry, although you do not live in the US, you can easily contact or inquiry things or problems occur during shopping in the website. They reply fast too! I love how they hold most of my favorite brands like, Juicy Couture, Tory Burch, Marc by Marc Jacobs and many more. I was planning to buy 3 iphone case from Marc Jacobs. But one of my choices have sold out. So after browsing and browsing made up my mind with above items. I really love their Tech Accessories shopping section. i find their iphone case are very very nice. At first I wanted to buy the Moschino bear iphone case. It was super cute but the price was a lil bit out of my league, because it was made out of a silicon which we can easily find elsewhere cheaper and it get dirty faster.

Shipping cost 10USD if you spend below 100USD. Shipping is FREE internationally if you spend 100$ and above. It is really a great deal. Package arrive at my address 6 working days by DHL. My package were packed with a bubble wrap and a whole lot of brown paper! Safe assure! I really love how the product I bought look like hands on. Look 100% similar to what shown in the website. I really had a great experience shopping there only that I hope they have a lot of stocks for hot items! Items sold out pretty fast. Again thank you Booroos for this opportunity!

*oh I don't have an iPhone 5 YET! On my way to purchase it soon. ;) Saving up... saving up... saving up...

Hugs and kisses

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  1. nice phone case babe :) I wish you will get your iphone 5 super sooon <3

  2. Shopbob Oh my... I'm speechless..

    1. why? but i bet it is because of all the cute accessories right? hehe...

  3. cantik la gold casing dari Marc Jacobs tu. sab ada pegi Juicy Couture di Pavilion tak? beli online dgn di sana mana lagi murah? :)

    1. sab xperasan lak ada iphone case ke x.. xselalu masuk... tp selalu tgk kat website official dia. iphone case or tech accessories selalu on sale. smpai 50% pn ada...

  4. The casing is really pretty, and so is the hot pink pouch! <3

    1. i need a bright colored pouch so i wont get panic when im searching my phone in my bag! hehe... >,<

  5. Hi Sabrina! Thanks sudi ke blog Mamayiyen :)
