Raya 2013 Collection

Salam & hello everyone!
We still have a few weeks till Ramadan! Are you excited? Although it is not yet Ramadan, clothing for the Eid day have already been launch. Many of you guys I bet already have done a lil shopping right? Yes, I also have. Haha. I love to buy ready made baju kurung/dress for raya. I dont really like to send and to be tailor made, because of some bad experience. If you havent, you can check out our local designers! Yes, all of them are gorgeous! So hold your self back ok? haha.

Mimpi Kita
Behind Mimpikita there are 3 sweet sisters. They are the responsible to all exquisite design for all Mimpikita pieces. Mimpikita always combine pastel like colors combos that really holds up together. The color combination is out of our mind but when it is finish, they look super gorgeous and fashionable. You can purchase them by order. Price quote all by custom order at their Facebook page or boutique at Bangsar.
From Left to Right :  Cilla Dress  |  Mesa Dress  |  Orissa Kurung 
I might say I am impress! I can only think that you need to be a celebrity or getting married if you wanna get Rizalman dress. Rizalman designs are exclusive and may not open to public that often. When he collaborating with Zalora, its a big chance for all of you to grab his artistic work! The price I might say very affordable since you are getting Rizalman pieces. You can get this online at Zalora.
From Left to Right : Bridgette Peplum Dress  |  Orange Rita Kurung  |  Pink Ingrid Peplum Kurung

Lisa Surihani have been collaborating with Jovian Mandagie for this raya collection. I might say everything look sweet and cute just like Lisa! You can purchase this at JStore (Jovian Boutique at Bangsar)
From Left to Right : Hudaa  |  Norkiah  |  Ili

I first know Nurita Harith when I saw saw her Raya 2012 collection. Gorgeous. This year she did it again with more pastel like colors. Very soft indeed. You can order through email and phone at her Facebook page.
From Left to Right : Celia  |  Roisin  |  Valerie

Simple and affordable. Not to mention High quality clothes! They just launch some dress that suitable for this coming raya! You can purchase this straight from their online store.
From Left to Right : Navy Viola  |  Viola Green  |  Magnolia Pink

Well, there is more in the future. Im eagerly waiting for the Melinda Looi, Que Qollection and Fuzana Mokhtaza Raya launch around next week!

**all images credits to respective designers.

Hugs and kisses

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  1. really love with the design from Lisa Surihani for Jovian, especially yg Hudaa tu. nampak simple tapi elegant. :)

    1. I love the scallop cutting at the dress! pretty right!

  2. Oh my, I absolutely love "Valerie"! o__o Thanks for such an interesting post!~ <3
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  5. Very pretty indeed :)
    I wish I'm working to afford this..haha..

  6. sy suka design maimunah tu yg baju kurung tu..ingat nk beli utk pakai ms graduation nnti..

  7. Ahhh, I love the dresses by Mimpi Kita.

    Perhaps you can model the clothing that you bought? Would love to see them!

  8. Nurita Harith looks awesome! Why so many blonde, white girl models tho? LOL

  9. aaa too many choices. rambang mata! >.<

  10. cantiknya! saya suka Nurita Harith & Mimpi Kita. Jovian Mandagie for Zalora pun cantik! :)

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  12. They look so sophisticated 0_0
