May 2013 Favorites


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! Its June already? It already half of 2013! Wow! 2 weeks of a coding and html for me. Since its my semester holiday, I decided to after again my blog design service. 2 blog successfully done! Thank you Chris and Alvy for trusting in my service! Lets get on what I have been loving through out of May!

1. BB Plus Collagen
A new discovery from me! I think I'm in love! I love the fact that it is not sweeten, so I can add in any drink I want. Surprise how it help to reduce my period pain actually. I had period cramps and decide to drink this in the morning and my period pain kinda disappear. I think I can see the potential in this product. I have a lot of things to say about this product. Stay tune for more!

2. Silkigirl Magic BB White
I love the act its super light as well as give me this nice coverage. Not to heavy and not too "thick". Easily blend with the sponge provides. The color suits my skin nicely too! Goes so well with my Garnier BB Cream!

3. La Derm Perfecting Hydro Plus
Review it in this previous post. How I really love this moisturize! One of the best moisturizer I ever tried! Its so luxurious and gives me this kinda perfect canvas for my makeup! My skin is hydrated and my makeup looks this kinda dewy healthy looking finish!

4. Baviphat Kiss Scandal Dual Tint & Gloss
I got this from my recent Hishop Box, you can view it here. Been loving using tint lately! I wish I can make a vampire makeup tutorial using this product! The product it self looks like a blood! LOL! The tint taste kinda good too and does not have this overpowering taste and scent. Just nice. The clear gloss reminds me of Inglot lip gloss. The scent and the texture kinda the same. You can get it here - Click Me!

5. Silkygirl 2-in-1 Eyeliner in 01 Blackest Snow
As I mention in my previous review of this product (click me to view). This is the best white eyeliner I ever tried! I have been loving some white liner look over the past month. This eyeliner is one of the most reach product since last month! They have in brown and blue if I am not mistaken. In sya Allah, I would love to grab the other two colors.

What is your April favorites? Leave a link in below comment section so I can pay a visit! I would love to see!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. macam menarik je silkygirl eye liner tu.. sebab ade white sekali... :)

  2. Ahh, SG products are so good right now! and love your post!

  3. Hi sabrina..cute post..if u like white eyeliner then u should try nude eyeliner in the waterline too..looks more natural..really miss those cute and dinky asian products..
    come drop by my blog to see my latest post and possibly the closest chanel highlighter dupe!!

    1. I would love to try nude eyeliner! Any brand you suggest? I cant find one in my local store...

  4. Great favorites! Never heard of the brands but I like the lipgloss! Love how it has the clear with it:)

  5. Oooh I love the look and sound of that eyeliner, I really need a new one xx

    Gemma ♥ |

  6. Oh really interesting favorites sweetie!
    Now I´m following you in GFC and Facebook
    I hope your follow me back in both!

  7. saya pn pakai eyeliner 2 in 1 yg sama..:)
    saya follow blog sabrina..:)
    jemputla ke blog saya nanti
    time kcih..:)
