Hishop May Suprise Haul


Salam sisters & hello ladies! Phew! Its been a hectic week for me! >.<  Last week I receive my Hishop Box for May! *dance in circle* What did I get? Let scroll daaaoowwwn!

1. Jelly Pong Pong Lip Frosting Irish Pavlova
So far I'm loving this! I love love love cute packaging makeup products! Its yummeeeyy!
Read full review here.
You can purchase it here.

2. Yogurugen Colon Detox
Well... im not expecting this. A little paranoid when it comes to Japaness food. Well, Im a muslim and it my concern about things I eat. Claims to be a drink for Intestinal Cleansing, Detox, Slimming, Skin Improvement, Promote Intestinal Health & Strengthen Immune System
You can purchase it here.

3. Skin Mineral Foundation SPF 15
Just reviewed it yesterday. I kinda like this product. It was ok, only that its a lil messy and heavy. I love to wear this during my night makeup look where I love matte and a lil heavy coverage.
Read full review here.
You can purchase it here.

Overall :
I love Hishop! i really do! I really love my box this month! Looking forward for more. Hehe... I love Jelly Pong Pong stuff!

Enthusiast of beauty product would definitely click this link <3 - hishop.my

Hugs and kisses

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