Yadah Anti-T Skincare Series Review


 Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! Happy Monday!

I am so so excited to share with you guys about this skincare sets. It is the Anti Trouble skincare sets from Yadah! As you all know the cleanser have been my favorite for the last month. I love love love the bubble cleanser. Really help the ease in my skincare routine. Foaming you cleanser are very important while cleansing your face. The micro bubbles will help to reduce the chemical harshness on your skin! This skincare consist of 3 main product. The basic step in skincare regime. Cleanses, Tone, and moisturize! They also have another product for spot treatment and serums. Will review it in the future! In sya Allah...

Claims : The Anti-Trouble range wastes no time giving blemishes the boot. It is specifically developed to unclog pores, eliminate excess sebum and lessen the like hood of breakouts and blackheads without the dryness and irritation. Begin to see visible result with regular use especially for blemish prone skin.

Step 1 : Yadah Anti-Trouble Bubble Cleanser

Contains Salicylic Acid and fight blemishes. Comes with a hard plastic bottle and and foam pump which I love! The pump comes with no problem, easy to control and dispenses nice amount of bubbles. I usually use 2 pumps in the morning and 3 pumps during the night. The foam is very fluffy and really cleans my face. Just love the sensation during cleansing  So much fun! It have the same pH balance as the skin to maintain it moisture balance. It claims to reduce inflammation and acne causes by bacteria in the skin. I think it really delivers because cleanser that foam can deeply cleanse your skin better. It is enriched with sage, aloe vera, rosemary, camellia leaf and green tea. Compare this to the Bubble Deep Cleanser, the bubble cleanser have more of a citrus scent while this is more to a green tea scent.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.my, Zalora Malaysia

Step 2 : Yadah Anti-T Toner

Comes with a glass bottle. Pretty heavy and thick. The toner comes with a pump. All I need is only 2 pumps on my round cotton pads for my entire face. Very watery and easy to glide on my face. I felt this toner is like a 2nd stage of preparing my skin. No overpowering scent and no cooling feeling. Feels like water. This toner is free from preservatives, paraben, fragrance, TEA, benzophenone, artifical coloring, mineral oil, animal extract. It helps away to sweeps dead skin cell that can lead to break out. It tighten pores and calms down blemish prone skin. Formulated with native Korean blackberry to control excess sebum and reduce inflammation.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.myZalora Malaysia

Step 3 : Yadah Anti-T Emulsion

Usually Korean Moisturizer are called Emulsion. They are more likely very light weight and liquid-y. This emulsion also comes with a glass bottle that is quite heavy and hard. Comes with a pump and the pump cause no problems to dispense the product neatly. This moisturizer leaves no sticky layer/feeling after applying it. Absorb pretty nicely. I think it is very good as this skincare is targeted to acne/oily prone skin. Helps to "mattify" your skin and leave you skin feel fresh and nice. I love using this moisturizer during the day. Feels light on the skin especially when you are wearing makeup. Contains eucalyptus, clove flower and citrus fruits. There is a lil scent in it, quite refreshing scent but I dont know hoe to describe it. Hehe.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.my, Zalora Malaysia

Overall : 
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I love this skincare range. I really recommend this range to girls out there who are looking for a easy skincare regime sets that helps to overcome most common girls skin problem. The third step which is the emulsion will help to prepare you skin look fresh and matiffy. To you school girls or college girls out there who do like wearing tones of makeup but wanna make sure you skin look clean, neat and fresh try using this. It is not too overpowering in terms of chemical, its contains natural ingredient  perfect for girls who want something simple and delivers.

Wanna win this skincare sets worth RM212? Don't forget to join below contest by Hishop.my Facebook!Click this link to find out more - CLICK ME!Go to Yadah Malaysia Facebook page for more info!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. nice contest, seriously I have acne now..

    1. you should try this! <3 it all made from all natural ingredient!

  2. i'm using this anti-t cleanser now, and i cannot stop from loving Yadah products anymore. hehe <3

    1. Best kan... i freaking love the cleanser too! <3

  3. my acne on and off within days, feel like trying the cleanser too. just wanna know if the toner and moisturizer will turn out sticky or not, cause i hate those sticky sticky feeling after apply skincare products

    1. nope, the moisturizer is very light weight and absorb nicely on the skin. it blends out smoothly and leave your skin feel a lil matte.

  4. Happy birthday Yadah...see u on 25 May ^^

    All price so standard, easy remember RM59 for each :)

  5. Gonna try out this after I finished using mine one :D hehe I'm going on 25th too, see ya!

  6. teringin nak cuba tapi tak pasti beli di mana.mula2 zalora lepas tu hishop.lepas tu kira nak survey di sasa tapi tak sempat tadi. sab tau tak sasa jual berapa?

    1. sekarang hishop tgh ada sale on Yadah, ikut sale la... hehe... sasa maybe sama harga je...

    2. oh, sama. beli kat hishop la. free delivery cuma RM50 pembelian. hehe..

  7. I think I might try the emulsion. I'm in need to find a new moisturiser. Based on the description that you gave, checked. Non sticky, absorb fast,and mattifies the skin. just what I needed. Thanks sab! Sorry I couldn't join you. Someday insyaAllah. :)

    1. you should give this a try! I think the moisturizer will last long too, 1 pump is enough for the whole face.

      its ok annyss! there is always next time! <3

  8. cam nk try je..kulit ni sensitif sgt..

    1. tak salah saya yadah ada jual sample dekat hishop cuba try.. :) kadang2 routine skincare kita yg mempengaruhi effect skin care tu dekat kita, paling penting minum air byk2 dan jgn lupa bersenam! ;)

  9. Love to see that bubble . i also have acne problem right now . :(

    1. its fluffy! its ok, it will be solve once you get to know more about your kin needs!

  10. I always wanted to try Yadah products :( !!

    1. come on join the Yadah birtday bash this saturday! you'll get a goody bag from yadah! <3

  11. I love yadah until now!! I would like to buy the anti-t bubble cleanser but...I'm not sure it's oil control or not...

    1. really? glad you love it! i think it is suitable for oily skin...

  12. hi where did u buy the round cotton pad? ive been searching for them for ages :(

    1. oh, that is from watsons! you have to search in cotton section. they usually comes in small "long plastic tube" packages.

    2. I have many acne on my face
      I want to try

  13. This products seem to target only the teenager. I'm 28 I have oily skin, black and whitehead on the nose area and many zits on chin and jawline. Can I use this product??

    1. I am not 100% sure but i think it will still works as it is gentle enough on any skin types.

  14. hi! does the anti trouble yadah cleanser suitable for sensitive skin? Also, i actually wondering if i only have "small mini size-not red" pimple and blackheads on my nose sometimes, will this product capable to remove my light face problem?

    Also, i dont do makeup on my face, is the product suitable for me? do you know? thanks ya :)

    1. yes, suitable for sensetive skin. i'm not sure if they have a travel size one. usually they are free with purchase

  15. Is it common to have more acnes when using this product

  16. Kenapa ramai org claim kalau pakai cleanser bubble foam ni buat kulit kita kering? Saya dh pakai seminggu , someone tegur, kenapa kulit kering sekarang ni? Bahaya ke?
