Wishlist Wednesday #2


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

I miss last week Wishlist Wednesday series did I? Thanks to my avid reader Puteri Panda for noticing it. How flattered I am! <3 i love the overwhelming response from you guys who advise and give me so much info on Sales, deals and recommendation! Thank Allah I manage to post again today! So lets hear it!

1. Sneaker Wedges from ALDO
I have been into swaggy shoes lately. I really want a sneakers wedges! I think they look cool for a night out look. Well I cant afford (yet,hoho) the Isabel Marant ones tho. ALDO would do just nice. I wanted the glitter one, cant find the picture in the website, I saw the glitter one at The Gardens ALDO. Super pretty! They cost RM300+ a pair. I want! But Im a lil curious on the material used for the sole. I saw 3 dots on the leather, The SA said its a imitation leather. Well, I dont trust him/her 100%. I might have to be careful with it or I just have to find a similar shoes that does not use "that" material for the shoes.

2. Ma Cherie Shampoo from Shiseido
Despite the packaging, oh well. Because of the packaging I really wanted to try this shampoo! I heard some bloggers love it. They have in two version which is Air Feel and Moisture. I dont know which one I want because I havent seen it yet. They said it is available at Watsons and Guarding, but I never got the chance to see it in person. They cost around RM45 each for the 500ml bottle. Pretty  nice.

3. Origins Spot Remover
If you been watching youtube especially UK beauty gurus, they have been raving this product for so many time. They said it is the most effective acne.spot remover gel. The bottle is pretty small. They are price at RM65 at Origins counter. I might try it someday to see how it really delivers.

4. Gua Sha Massage Stone
I have been searching for this for quite a long time. Suddenly I remembered that I have a lot of helpful friends in Beauty Blogger Malaysia group that may know where I can find this as I dont know the specific name of this thingy. I Googled 'Chinesse stone" but something else appeared. Thanks to Swe San Lim & Pám Päm & othre bloggers who letting me know what the stone is actually called and where to buy it. I want to try and include this in my skincare routine. This helps to massage you face and drains water from the face that cause your face to bloated. *Updated, I blog this 2 days ago, I have already bought it at eBay at RM14+! <3

5. Revlon Colorstay Whipped
Every time I try to reach for this product at Guardian or Watsons, I refuse. I am not confident with the shades their offer. We only have 4 shades here in Malaysia. I think I need to mix two different shades to achieve my skin tone color. The price is pretty pricey for a drugstore foundation but I heard this is one of the best drugstore foundation and I really should try it in the future. Retails for RM69+ at any participating pharmacies, Watsons, Guardian, Sasa.

What is your Wishlist Wednesday? Don't forget to share with me by leaving a link in below comment section! I love to see! <3

Hugs and kisses

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  1. i would love to try your no.5 item too, Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation ^_^ watched a lot of videos and reviews by makeup gurus ranting on how GOOD this thing is for oily skin and how it stays throughout the day. But yeah, the color selection here in Malaysia =_='' either too dark for me or too fair on my skin. agak sedih di situ. have to wait longer till my sunburnt face putih sikit kot? hehe

    1. kan... the price is a lil high for me. i think i need to combine 2 shades. and that already cost me like a high end foundation brand. haha...

  2. watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO4_rtNVxn8
    bubz use that massage stone for a slimmer face shape

    1. yep, i got inspiration from that video! hehe...
      (kantoi nk slimmer face gitew... haha)

  3. http://theleakycauldron-fatma.blogspot.nl/2013/05/drugstore-faves-foundations.html

    Hi Sabrina!! I 'd love to try the Revlon whipped too but Revlon is so hard to find here..they are very limited and we dun even have the revlon just bitten kissable balm stains yet..
    I just put up my fave drugstore foundation on my blog, so come say hai!!always looking forward to your post on my blog reading list!!

    1. thank you for dropping by! the foundation looks good right?

  4. boleh2 lupa kan? saya pun terlupa. nak buat tapi tinggal beberapa minit je lagi nak jam 12am(Khamis). haha.. saya suka wishlist sab no.1 tu. mula-mula tgk post sab, oh my citarasa kita sama la. hihi.. saya pun tiba2 nak pakai sneaker wedges dari NIKE sejak akhir2 ni. warna dan design NIKE cantik.:)

    1. sab google kasut nike awk ckp ni. aah cantik!

    2. kan... stylo gitu. material pun selamat takde 3 dots. hehe.. sab beli la lepas tu buat OOTD, hijabista style. ok tak idea saya?;)

    3. mmg nk sgt buat OOTD post dear! tp ada challenge skit.. in sya Allah in the future! thank you syg for the idea!

  5. I was curious what that green thing was, is it like a special type of stone? :o

    1. yep, its like a jade stone. Chinese traditional medical uses and massage purposes. I saw Bubzbeauty use this to help drain the water out of the face to help face look slimmer... :)

  6. Setuju, Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation neh agak mahal. Sy pakai colorstay foundation. baru berjinak2 dgn mekap. so far puas hati. =)

    1. Revlon Colorstay mmg xleh dinafikan. mmg best! :D

  7. I keep thinking about sneaker wedges but then I feel silly, I don't know... doesn't fit my normal style? hah.

    1. i think it is best to wear it with pants! hehe... its just a casual chic look i think!
