Wishlist Wednesday #1

Wishlist Wednesday

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Alternately, I will post up my current wishlist or new product I would love to try and buy on random Wednesday! In sya Allah... I saw some bloggers are doing it too. So here is my first ever Wishlist Wednesday!

1. Baby Lips Color by Maybelline
Yes yes yes! I need all color if possible! I have been collecting lip balms for the past year. I love them! Especially in the cute packaging ones or the unique ones! Since I love my Baby Lip Balm so much, (I have it review here) I would love to get them all. I love collecting them! I think I need these collection to be added in my lip balm collection. I read many good reviews on them. I already bough the Glow Edition, and I NEED to get this Color edition. I saw this at local pharmacies, Watsons & Guardian @ RM12.90.

2. Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 hours Eyeshadows
I have to admit, YouTube gurus and other beauty blogger influence me to get this! Amarixe have it all cover, full review from her!  So many have got these, I would want to have some too! Probably not all colors to be dream of. I would love 3-4 colors from this collection. But not all are available in Malaysia. The color that I want and I have not yet saw at local pharmacies in Malaysia are Too Cool & Promegrante Punk. I saw this at Watsons & Guardian @ RM19.90.

3. Hello Kitty Facial Mask
For this one, Xiaxue influence me. Haha! Yes yes, the packaging actually make me wanna have them. Oh! It would look lovely in my vanity! LOL! This is only available at Watsons Singapore and not here in Malaysia. You have to purchase it through online. I saw this mask are available here at Hermo.my .

4. Nature & Co Vital Purity Mask
After tried a sample of this mask, I immediately feel in love with it. I just love how it feels on my skin, not messy and fast. I love this mask and probably gonna purchase the full size one. The price is a lil high for me, will buy it if I have some extra money. I saw this at Watsons @ RM88.90.

5. Majolica Majorca Macaroon Blush
I have been wanting this for so long. Everytime I went to Watson, I nearly grab these but the price step me off. Drooling on the packaging! So cute! But the color were limited. I don't think we have here in Malaysia, all of the colors above. :( I want the one in mint green tint. I did saw they are available here. I heard quite a good raves towards this blush. Would love to add to my blush collection! I saw this at Watsons and Sasa @ RM44.90. For international purchase, you can get this at Sasa.com , and Ebay.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you can share what is your current wishlist. If you happen to make a Wishlist Wednesday post in your blog, don't forget to share you link at below comment section, I will drop by! If you have any thoughts of comment on above items I would want to purchase next, do tell me below. Is it worth it or I should not buy it. Toodles pretty ladies!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. baby lips best, color tattoo pun best,hello kitty mask pun best, mask pun best.... semua la best hahaha

    cume yg macaroon blush tu je yg illy belum try :)

  2. I buy the tattoo colour d... But i dont like the purity mask... The texture is good but the smell pull me off... I luv smth more flowery or fruity in scent.. No herbs for me... Lol

    1. i love the scent! probably i love herb scent... hehe... im looking forward to the color tattoo...

  3. Sabrina, you should really get the Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow! I bought it for RM15.92 each after 20% discount at Guardians :)

    1. got discount for that? wah! i should buy then! gotta keep eyeing on sales at gurdian! :D

    2. wah?? got 20% somemore! I bought during the guardian event it was still rm 19.90 during that time//

      Zaaazzz... running to guardian now!

    3. seriously ladies, buy the maybelline color tattoo at Guardian, it's just RM15.92 there and you wont feel that guilty/burnt a hole in ur pocket to buy more than 1 at once, hehe! And Sab, i want pomegranate punk too! kalau xde kat msia, i've been thinking nak kirim from a friend at US. tapi sabar dulu kot, hehe~

    4. tulah! rasa cm xsabr nk check out guardian. hope dieorg ada sale lagi.... maybe dia akan smpai kat Malaysia one day, tp xtau bila kan.. kat certain online shop pn ada jual..tp pre order and mahal sikit...

    5. Yes got discount confirm. I bought 2 somemore. All this new product need to be patience. Some normal price, some 10% while some 15% or 20%.

      Guardian event time is newly launched so no discount.

  4. I will do this! hehe.. minggu lalu, saya ada nampak Baby Lips Pink Glow. terus teringat kat sab sebab sab kan suka Baby Lips. nak juga try tapi masa tu cuma window shopping je dulu. belum gaji. ekeke.. yeah, sab mesti try maybelline color tattoo. lepas tu buat review. hihi.. macaroon blush comel. selalu je tengok kalau pegi watson tapi tak beli dan saya baru tahu harganya sebegitu. pengsan. saya ada Hello Kitty mask tu. dah lama rasanya hampir 2 tahun kot. tak tau letak kat mana. ntah2 dah expired. haha..

    1. aw... thank you sbb igt sab... hehe... xpe, nnti beli... nnti dah buat wishlist wednesday ni jgn liupa share ye! <3

      xpela kalau dh expired, kalau jmpa boleh buat peyeri meja mekap, sbb comel kan! hehe....

    2. welcome.. baby lips pink glow tu best tak? sab buat la review. Hello Kitty mask tu cuma ada satu je tu sebab tak pakai. hehe.. sab, saya da buat wishlist wednesday.:)


    3. bessttt! nnti sab buat review! ok, blogwalking now! <3

  5. Love your list! ^^ The Color Tattoos are really good, nice colour pigment and very long lasting. I think the mint Majo blush is sold out few years back coz it's limited edition. >_< I love those macaron blushers! I have a pink one that I use every day and it still hasn't hit the pan yet :O

    1. i really need to buy the color tattoo! all of you have been advise me! hehe...that would be a nice point to buy the blush since the price is a lil high for me!

  6. yeah dah buat da.. dijemput hadir ke blog saya:) http://deemataque.blogspot.com/2013/05/my-wishlist-wednesday.html

  7. err i bukan mmg dh follow ur blog ke? confuse.. uhuhu mcm mane bole xde.. -_-

    1. rasa ya.. tp.. hehe.. biaselatu.. technical error! <3

  8. Salam
    I love the baby lips as well, although the packaging here is kinda different here in Canada :)
    I've been using my color tattoo more and more and it's great.
    Great blog you have here

    1. yep, your in Canada is a lil bigger and all of them are in different packaging. pretty cute actually! <3
      i will defiantly looking forward for the color tattoos! <3

      Thank you so much dear!

  9. oh byk la blogger suka tu maybelline 24 hours tatoo eyeshadow, price only rm20 is considered afforable.

    Mind if we follow each other?

    1. yep, looking forward to buy some!

      followed you dear!

  10. i LOVE that maybelline baby lips thing! dah guna utk lama dah

    1. i love the non color editions! going to buy the color ones! <3

  11. its already a week since you posted this entry . today is wednesday so tak sempat na make a post .sedihnye :(
    btw the baby lips color packaging is really cute. i like too . and i love that hello kitty. i have one hello kitty mask . bought it at watson with rm7.9 per pcs. ah a bit expensive for me . huahua. about maybelline color tatoo, i never bought any maybelline eyeshadow but i always try them at watson, it is awesome . i am just like you. the price makes me think twice <3


    1. hehe.. xpe, there is always a new Wednesday, hari ni pn xsempat nk post, tp dh get ready list baru ntuk next week. we~~ watson mana ea ada jual mask tu? i thought only available at watsons singapore...
