My Entry for Spa Party by The Butterfly Project Invites


Hello and Assalamualaikum everyone!

Phew! Its already 6.30? I have been editing this for the whole day! Haha! Glad I make it done by today for this post. I don't wanna miss any great event again just because my schedule are just too tight. I miss alot of event in the past few months due to my studies and hectic schedule. I didn't even get a chance to properly sit down and surf the new as well as the net is freaking slow.

So basically,  The Butterfly Project ( Beauty Bloggers Malaysia) is holding up another event that is going to be held on 29 June 2013 ! Only 50 blogger/vloggers are going to be selected. Thanks to Tammy who really work hard on finding sponsor and brand who want to collaborate together to make this thing happen. Thank you! If you are interested go to Tammy Spa Part invite post here, and find out more! Be creative, show how much you wanted to go to this party! So here is my reason, why I must not miss this Spa Party and a little video for you guys!

3 Reason why I will not miss this Spa Party ?

1.Being a part of The Butterfly Project is one of the best experiences I ever had. Never felt lonely in this blogging beauty world when I started joining this group. Would be a great celebration to meet the other blogger and vlogger in such awesome event that have been tailor made for us! With the entire awesome brands that are collaborating, I know this would be a massive event!

2.I never been to a nail salon but I want to go there so much but I am very shy to go alone! If I won an invitation, I know that there will be 49 bloggers/vloggers will accompany me and I don’t wanna miss having a DIY pampering mask session with them too!

3.I can meet all the vloggers and bloggers in person and get to know them more! Feeling all girlish together with good food, pampering session and lots of fun activities! This would be one of the best and biggest event I would attend if I won! I would not wanna miss it!

Thanks to all brand listed below! <3

Idea Food Solution -
The Body Shop Malaysia -
so Soft. so JOHNSON'S® -
Havaianas Malaysia -
TT Mask Malaysia -

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Nice post and video Sabrina :) good luck babe!

  2. Gud luck! Sabrina. Saya pun dah lama fikir pasal.event hihi banyak cuti lagi nak habis kancam nak gi jer da fahampir 6bln x jejak.kaki g kehel hihi

  3. hey . it is such an awesome video . good luck and hopefully you will be there :D
    and yeah , did you forget to link (here) in your post .. :)

    btw guna apa tu utk buat video tu ?

    1. oh! sorry! i edited it! thanks dear!

      i use swishmax! its a flash making video software... :)

  4. you really put in effort in the video! *thumbs up*
    i would like to meet you girls too so imma crack my head up to come up with a post :D

    1. Thank you! <3
      its ok! just do your best! the effort is what counts! <3

  5. great video there....I don't have idea for my post yet!! Scratching head..

  6. Sounds like a cute party! I'm sure you'll be chosen, just remember to upload lots of pictures so we can all sigh with envy hahaha

    1. aw... sure, i will share with all of my readers! <3

  7. Good luck!

    Now following your blog on GFC!

    Be great if you could check my latest posts out and follow back :)

    Great Gatsby Style

    Thanks :) Charlie UK Fashion Blog | Lurch Hound Loves xx

  8. comelnye video! xoxo Good Luck dear!
