I anti Cellulite Event with Celmonze


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Last Friday I was invited to the "I anti celluite" event by Celmonze at Fresca The Gardens. Its a Mexican Bar and restaurant that was located near Juicy Couture. (Oh my) <3 Thank God Illy was coming along or I will again be alone there. So shy I am. Haha... After attend some events, I some how recognize more and more blogger there. I also meet Lily, Ruby, Fiona, Norah and many more.

Celmonze is a well know brand that have been in Malaysia for about 11 years now. Its signature product and service would be their facial treatments and skincare from France. In a mission to make all women around feel beautiful and then they launch a 3 Step Body Contour System created to restore total wellness inside out. The 3 Step Body Contour System is more than a slimming program said Adealine Wong the Celmonze Training Manager.Combined, this programme works to decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, decongest and detoxify while stimulating collagen and elastin,” Wong explained.

Below are some of the product used in this system which customer also purchase them individually.
I receive the Body Contour Anti Cellulite Body Oil from the event door gift. I love the scent! I dont know if you guys like it, I kinda love the herbal smell and the oil is not very oily. It absorb nicely to the skin when you massage it and it does not leave any burning feeling. That good!
At the right side, is Kim. Kim Low, the 1st runner of the Miss Chinese Cosmos Southeast Asia 2012 and the campaign ambassador of Celmonze’s ‘Experience and Win’ 2013 contest shares her beauty secret, “After shower, I massage Celmonze Anti-Cellulite Body Oil on specific areas of my body. It performs 3 core actions I need to bust cellulite. The 1st is promote good circulation, the 2nd is to eliminate toxins and the 3rd is to breakdown fat.”

Win your self a holiday for 5D4N stay at Hardrock, Bali. Heres how, in the launching of Celmonze's "Phenomenal Woman" body wellness programme, they are going to be a "Experience and Win" contest. Purchase the Anti-Cellulite Body Oil at RM268, they’ll receive 60 minutes of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy worth RM300, for free.
The Grand prize the the holiday for 5D4N stay at Hardrock, Bali and 10 Special prizes consist of pampering body care products wort RM1000 and an anti-cellulite treatment worth RM788. 50 consolation winners will receive a voucher for body care products worth RM250 and a detox and whitening body treat worth RM388.

Contest begins on the 5th of June and ends on the 4th of August 2013. While the Facebook contest starts from 8th August to 30th August. More info check out their Facebook here - CLICK ME.

03-7725 9925

Then droll on on what we been served during the event, it is the best nacho I ever ate! 

Hugs and kisses

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  1. babe... seronok jumpe you :) next time hope dapat jumpe lagik!

  2. it is work dear ? btw mesti kena exercise jgk kan utk kasi pecah lemak2 degil , hee

    1. bru pakai beberapa hari, belum nmpak sgt perubahan, hehe... tp yep, excersice mmg main thing kene buat, product2 macam ni menolong membentukan lagi bentuk yg kita nak tu.. seksi meksi sket nnti.. hehe...

  3. adui makk lapau tengok makanan tu.. wangi x product ni?? review tau nanti hehe

  4. Really nice product! And the food looks so delicious.

    ♥ Maho
