Wishlist Wednesday #2


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

I miss last week Wishlist Wednesday series did I? Thanks to my avid reader Puteri Panda for noticing it. How flattered I am! <3 i love the overwhelming response from you guys who advise and give me so much info on Sales, deals and recommendation! Thank Allah I manage to post again today! So lets hear it!

1. Sneaker Wedges from ALDO
I have been into swaggy shoes lately. I really want a sneakers wedges! I think they look cool for a night out look. Well I cant afford (yet,hoho) the Isabel Marant ones tho. ALDO would do just nice. I wanted the glitter one, cant find the picture in the website, I saw the glitter one at The Gardens ALDO. Super pretty! They cost RM300+ a pair. I want! But Im a lil curious on the material used for the sole. I saw 3 dots on the leather, The SA said its a imitation leather. Well, I dont trust him/her 100%. I might have to be careful with it or I just have to find a similar shoes that does not use "that" material for the shoes.

2. Ma Cherie Shampoo from Shiseido
Despite the packaging, oh well. Because of the packaging I really wanted to try this shampoo! I heard some bloggers love it. They have in two version which is Air Feel and Moisture. I dont know which one I want because I havent seen it yet. They said it is available at Watsons and Guarding, but I never got the chance to see it in person. They cost around RM45 each for the 500ml bottle. Pretty  nice.

3. Origins Spot Remover
If you been watching youtube especially UK beauty gurus, they have been raving this product for so many time. They said it is the most effective acne.spot remover gel. The bottle is pretty small. They are price at RM65 at Origins counter. I might try it someday to see how it really delivers.

4. Gua Sha Massage Stone
I have been searching for this for quite a long time. Suddenly I remembered that I have a lot of helpful friends in Beauty Blogger Malaysia group that may know where I can find this as I dont know the specific name of this thingy. I Googled 'Chinesse stone" but something else appeared. Thanks to Swe San Lim & Pám Päm & othre bloggers who letting me know what the stone is actually called and where to buy it. I want to try and include this in my skincare routine. This helps to massage you face and drains water from the face that cause your face to bloated. *Updated, I blog this 2 days ago, I have already bought it at eBay at RM14+! <3

5. Revlon Colorstay Whipped
Every time I try to reach for this product at Guardian or Watsons, I refuse. I am not confident with the shades their offer. We only have 4 shades here in Malaysia. I think I need to mix two different shades to achieve my skin tone color. The price is pretty pricey for a drugstore foundation but I heard this is one of the best drugstore foundation and I really should try it in the future. Retails for RM69+ at any participating pharmacies, Watsons, Guardian, Sasa.

What is your Wishlist Wednesday? Don't forget to share with me by leaving a link in below comment section! I love to see! <3

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DIY: Anti-Oxidant Bentonite Clay Mask


Assalamualaikum & hello gorgeous ladies!

Today will be a lil different. im gonna teach you on how to make a Anti-Oxidant Bentonite Clay Mask! Yeah! You can get the Bentonite Clay at Oh My Goodnezz. So what is Bentonite Clay? It is describe as :

Bentonite, also referred to as Montmorillonite, is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays which has been used for centuries for both internal and external maladies. It comes from volcanic ash in the United States that has absorbed nutrients from the earth through the ages. It has been used as a therapeutic and cosmetic clay since 2500 B.C. and has been used in many cultures throughout the world and is considered the most potent clay for cleansing the skin and body. If you have any of the following skin conditions, you might want to incorporate pure calcium bentonite clay into your skincare regimen:

  • Acne 
  • Blackheads 
  • Whiteheads 
  • Congested skin 
  • Psoriasis & Eczema 
  • Dull skin 
  • Large pores 
  • Oily skin 

Bentonite clay is the most powerful clay to use for drawing out impurities from the skin and increase blood circulation, you can literally feel your skin pulsates as it sucks out impurities off your skin! Bentonite clay becomes negatively charged when it comes into contact with water. Since impurities, free radicals, and other toxins are positively charged, the clay literally pulls the impuruties from the body like a magnet. Significant improvements can be seen after using it twice a week on problem areas. 

You’ll notice that your pores will appear smaller because the clay pulls out blackheads, leaving the pore tightly closed preventing further plugs with regular use. So you can see why this type of clay is preferred if you have acne.

Lets get on with the "recipe"!
You'll need :
Bentonite Clay
Green tea
Spoon (non-metal)

**Please keep in mind to avoid metal contact with the Bentonite Clay metal or it may react to the calcium contains in it.
Milk contains mild lactic acid which helps to remove the dead skin cells that block the pores and hamper the skin’s natural renewal process.
I combine the milk and  green tea for the anti oxidant benefits into the mask. Mix until it become paste.

Wait for 15-20 minutes. Drink up the left over green tea while waiting! Nah, I dont drink it, I hate the taste of it. Haha.
Rinse it off with luke warm water and apply your moisturizer as usual. 

To know more about Bentonite clay and other natural goodness stuff check out :

Happy trying! Stay tune for more mask recipes in my DIY Beauty series!

Hugs and kisses

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My Entry for Spa Party by The Butterfly Project Invites


Hello and Assalamualaikum everyone!

Phew! Its already 6.30? I have been editing this for the whole day! Haha! Glad I make it done by today for this post. I don't wanna miss any great event again just because my schedule are just too tight. I miss alot of event in the past few months due to my studies and hectic schedule. I didn't even get a chance to properly sit down and surf the new as well as the net is freaking slow.

So basically,  The Butterfly Project ( Beauty Bloggers Malaysia) is holding up another event that is going to be held on 29 June 2013 ! Only 50 blogger/vloggers are going to be selected. Thanks to Tammy who really work hard on finding sponsor and brand who want to collaborate together to make this thing happen. Thank you! If you are interested go to Tammy Spa Part invite post here, and find out more! Be creative, show how much you wanted to go to this party! So here is my reason, why I must not miss this Spa Party and a little video for you guys!

3 Reason why I will not miss this Spa Party ?

1.Being a part of The Butterfly Project is one of the best experiences I ever had. Never felt lonely in this blogging beauty world when I started joining this group. Would be a great celebration to meet the other blogger and vlogger in such awesome event that have been tailor made for us! With the entire awesome brands that are collaborating, I know this would be a massive event!

2.I never been to a nail salon but I want to go there so much but I am very shy to go alone! If I won an invitation, I know that there will be 49 bloggers/vloggers will accompany me and I don’t wanna miss having a DIY pampering mask session with them too!

3.I can meet all the vloggers and bloggers in person and get to know them more! Feeling all girlish together with good food, pampering session and lots of fun activities! This would be one of the best and biggest event I would attend if I won! I would not wanna miss it!

Thanks to all brand listed below! <3

Idea Food Solution - http://www.ifsmalaysia.com/
The Body Shop Malaysia - http://www.thebodyshop.com.my/
so Soft. so JOHNSON'S® - https://www.facebook.com/JBC
Havaianas Malaysia - https://twitter.com/MYHavaianas
TT Mask Malaysia - http://ttmask.my/

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I anti Cellulite Event with Celmonze


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Last Friday I was invited to the "I anti celluite" event by Celmonze at Fresca The Gardens. Its a Mexican Bar and restaurant that was located near Juicy Couture. (Oh my) <3 Thank God Illy was coming along or I will again be alone there. So shy I am. Haha... After attend some events, I some how recognize more and more blogger there. I also meet Lily, Ruby, Fiona, Norah and many more.

Celmonze is a well know brand that have been in Malaysia for about 11 years now. Its signature product and service would be their facial treatments and skincare from France. In a mission to make all women around feel beautiful and then they launch a 3 Step Body Contour System created to restore total wellness inside out. The 3 Step Body Contour System is more than a slimming program said Adealine Wong the Celmonze Training Manager.Combined, this programme works to decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, decongest and detoxify while stimulating collagen and elastin,” Wong explained.

Below are some of the product used in this system which customer also purchase them individually.
I receive the Body Contour Anti Cellulite Body Oil from the event door gift. I love the scent! I dont know if you guys like it, I kinda love the herbal smell and the oil is not very oily. It absorb nicely to the skin when you massage it and it does not leave any burning feeling. That good!
At the right side, is Kim. Kim Low, the 1st runner of the Miss Chinese Cosmos Southeast Asia 2012 and the campaign ambassador of Celmonze’s ‘Experience and Win’ 2013 contest shares her beauty secret, “After shower, I massage Celmonze Anti-Cellulite Body Oil on specific areas of my body. It performs 3 core actions I need to bust cellulite. The 1st is promote good circulation, the 2nd is to eliminate toxins and the 3rd is to breakdown fat.”

Win your self a holiday for 5D4N stay at Hardrock, Bali. Heres how, in the launching of Celmonze's "Phenomenal Woman" body wellness programme, they are going to be a "Experience and Win" contest. Purchase the Anti-Cellulite Body Oil at RM268, they’ll receive 60 minutes of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy worth RM300, for free.
The Grand prize the the holiday for 5D4N stay at Hardrock, Bali and 10 Special prizes consist of pampering body care products wort RM1000 and an anti-cellulite treatment worth RM788. 50 consolation winners will receive a voucher for body care products worth RM250 and a detox and whitening body treat worth RM388.

Contest begins on the 5th of June and ends on the 4th of August 2013. While the Facebook contest starts from 8th August to 30th August. More info check out their Facebook here - CLICK ME.

03-7725 9925

Then droll on on what we been served during the event, it is the best nacho I ever ate! 

Hugs and kisses

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Yadah Anti-T Skincare Series Review


 Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! Happy Monday!

I am so so excited to share with you guys about this skincare sets. It is the Anti Trouble skincare sets from Yadah! As you all know the cleanser have been my favorite for the last month. I love love love the bubble cleanser. Really help the ease in my skincare routine. Foaming you cleanser are very important while cleansing your face. The micro bubbles will help to reduce the chemical harshness on your skin! This skincare consist of 3 main product. The basic step in skincare regime. Cleanses, Tone, and moisturize! They also have another product for spot treatment and serums. Will review it in the future! In sya Allah...

Claims : The Anti-Trouble range wastes no time giving blemishes the boot. It is specifically developed to unclog pores, eliminate excess sebum and lessen the like hood of breakouts and blackheads without the dryness and irritation. Begin to see visible result with regular use especially for blemish prone skin.

Step 1 : Yadah Anti-Trouble Bubble Cleanser

Contains Salicylic Acid and fight blemishes. Comes with a hard plastic bottle and and foam pump which I love! The pump comes with no problem, easy to control and dispenses nice amount of bubbles. I usually use 2 pumps in the morning and 3 pumps during the night. The foam is very fluffy and really cleans my face. Just love the sensation during cleansing  So much fun! It have the same pH balance as the skin to maintain it moisture balance. It claims to reduce inflammation and acne causes by bacteria in the skin. I think it really delivers because cleanser that foam can deeply cleanse your skin better. It is enriched with sage, aloe vera, rosemary, camellia leaf and green tea. Compare this to the Bubble Deep Cleanser, the bubble cleanser have more of a citrus scent while this is more to a green tea scent.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.my, Zalora Malaysia

Step 2 : Yadah Anti-T Toner

Comes with a glass bottle. Pretty heavy and thick. The toner comes with a pump. All I need is only 2 pumps on my round cotton pads for my entire face. Very watery and easy to glide on my face. I felt this toner is like a 2nd stage of preparing my skin. No overpowering scent and no cooling feeling. Feels like water. This toner is free from preservatives, paraben, fragrance, TEA, benzophenone, artifical coloring, mineral oil, animal extract. It helps away to sweeps dead skin cell that can lead to break out. It tighten pores and calms down blemish prone skin. Formulated with native Korean blackberry to control excess sebum and reduce inflammation.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.myZalora Malaysia

Step 3 : Yadah Anti-T Emulsion

Usually Korean Moisturizer are called Emulsion. They are more likely very light weight and liquid-y. This emulsion also comes with a glass bottle that is quite heavy and hard. Comes with a pump and the pump cause no problems to dispense the product neatly. This moisturizer leaves no sticky layer/feeling after applying it. Absorb pretty nicely. I think it is very good as this skincare is targeted to acne/oily prone skin. Helps to "mattify" your skin and leave you skin feel fresh and nice. I love using this moisturizer during the day. Feels light on the skin especially when you are wearing makeup. Contains eucalyptus, clove flower and citrus fruits. There is a lil scent in it, quite refreshing scent but I dont know hoe to describe it. Hehe.
Price : RM59.00
Available at : Stage Malaysia, Sasa, Hishop.my, Zalora Malaysia

Overall : 
 photo 5star_zps77468cb4.png
I love this skincare range. I really recommend this range to girls out there who are looking for a easy skincare regime sets that helps to overcome most common girls skin problem. The third step which is the emulsion will help to prepare you skin look fresh and matiffy. To you school girls or college girls out there who do like wearing tones of makeup but wanna make sure you skin look clean, neat and fresh try using this. It is not too overpowering in terms of chemical, its contains natural ingredient  perfect for girls who want something simple and delivers.

Wanna win this skincare sets worth RM212? Don't forget to join below contest by Hishop.my Facebook!Click this link to find out more - CLICK ME!Go to Yadah Malaysia Facebook page for more info!

Hugs and kisses

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La Derm Perfecting Hydro Plus & Skinley Review

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best hydrating moisturizer
tiffani beauty
best hydrating moisturizer

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! 

If you have been following my Instagram . You know how much I am excited to share this with you guys. Its the moisturizer that I have been loving recently. It is the La'Derm Perfecting Hydro Plus from Skinley. The key to perfect skin is Hydration. Lack of moisture your skin can risk to many kinds of skin problems. Hydrating can help to brighten up your skin as well as other goodness. This moisturizer contains Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B3, Soya Protein, Serine, Vitamin E. As you all know that hyaluronic acid is one of the best ingredient for hydrating. All goodness in one jar!

What I like about this moisturizer is that is adsorb so nicely and feels so luxurious on the skin. The cream is not too thick and not too light. Perfectly nice. There is no overpowering scent and easy to apply. When it comes to skincare regime, I always look forward to a moisturizer that is easy to use and absorb quickly. Bear in mind, some moisturizer that easily absorb can cause your skin to dryness. This does not cause my skin to dry and flaky. It does not feels heavy and sticky on the skin too! Another thing I love about this moisturizer is that it leaves my skin a good canvas for applying makeup. If I am  looking for that dewy looking healthy skin effect, this does the job. Been loving wearing BB cream lately, and this gives a boost of that kinda healthy dewy looking skin.

I totally recommend you guys to try this moisturizer if you really want to invest on a very good hydrating moisturizer. My skin feel supple after a week using this.

It came with a sturdy plastic jar. Contains 50gm per bottle. This moisturizer is best for all skin types. Retails at RM150.00 , (Click here for more information)

best hydrating moisturizer

This moisturizer is from Skinley. Skinley is a Malaysian retailer of salon brands skin care products. Carries brands like La Derm & Skin Revolution.They really looking forward in delivering the best skin care concerns make any women dream to have that perfect skin. There is a lot of skincare range in their website. 
From cleanser, toner, moisturizer, mask and many many more to be discover.

Be sure to check out what is in stores!
More info go to :

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Wishlist Wednesday #1

Wishlist Wednesday

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Alternately, I will post up my current wishlist or new product I would love to try and buy on random Wednesday! In sya Allah... I saw some bloggers are doing it too. So here is my first ever Wishlist Wednesday!

1. Baby Lips Color by Maybelline
Yes yes yes! I need all color if possible! I have been collecting lip balms for the past year. I love them! Especially in the cute packaging ones or the unique ones! Since I love my Baby Lip Balm so much, (I have it review here) I would love to get them all. I love collecting them! I think I need these collection to be added in my lip balm collection. I read many good reviews on them. I already bough the Glow Edition, and I NEED to get this Color edition. I saw this at local pharmacies, Watsons & Guardian @ RM12.90.

2. Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 hours Eyeshadows
I have to admit, YouTube gurus and other beauty blogger influence me to get this! Amarixe have it all cover, full review from her!  So many have got these, I would want to have some too! Probably not all colors to be dream of. I would love 3-4 colors from this collection. But not all are available in Malaysia. The color that I want and I have not yet saw at local pharmacies in Malaysia are Too Cool & Promegrante Punk. I saw this at Watsons & Guardian @ RM19.90.

3. Hello Kitty Facial Mask
For this one, Xiaxue influence me. Haha! Yes yes, the packaging actually make me wanna have them. Oh! It would look lovely in my vanity! LOL! This is only available at Watsons Singapore and not here in Malaysia. You have to purchase it through online. I saw this mask are available here at Hermo.my .

4. Nature & Co Vital Purity Mask
After tried a sample of this mask, I immediately feel in love with it. I just love how it feels on my skin, not messy and fast. I love this mask and probably gonna purchase the full size one. The price is a lil high for me, will buy it if I have some extra money. I saw this at Watsons @ RM88.90.

5. Majolica Majorca Macaroon Blush
I have been wanting this for so long. Everytime I went to Watson, I nearly grab these but the price step me off. Drooling on the packaging! So cute! But the color were limited. I don't think we have here in Malaysia, all of the colors above. :( I want the one in mint green tint. I did saw they are available here. I heard quite a good raves towards this blush. Would love to add to my blush collection! I saw this at Watsons and Sasa @ RM44.90. For international purchase, you can get this at Sasa.com , and Ebay.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you can share what is your current wishlist. If you happen to make a Wishlist Wednesday post in your blog, don't forget to share you link at below comment section, I will drop by! If you have any thoughts of comment on above items I would want to purchase next, do tell me below. Is it worth it or I should not buy it. Toodles pretty ladies!

Hugs and kisses

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Silkygirl 2-in-1 Eyeliner Review


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Recently I got the chance to try this duo pencil liner. Just the perfect timing as I was looking for a white eyeliner. There were not much available in stores here in Malaysia. First Impression, I kinda like i but not too much of a liking. because its a pencil type of eyeliner. I prefer a twisted/retractable pencil. I hate the fact I need to sharpen the pencil and it will get shorten, then I could not keep it for long... :(

I made a mistake. After a few experiment, I LOVE IT! I pretty much love the white shade side. It is super creamy and easy to apply. It was my first time having such a well workable white eyeliner. If you notice in some makeup tutorial on making your eyes look bigger, you have to apply a white eyeliner on your eye "tight-line". the inside surface under your eye. Most eyeliner does not "stick" well when I try to line it in. This works wonderfully and creamy. Staying power was ok, and smudging concern, it wont smudge if you don't smudge it. I love this eyeliner, but most probably I am more likely to love the White shade part than the Black one. The black one kinda similar to the other Silkygirl eyeliner which also work nice.

You an get this at any participating pharmacies like Watsons and Guardian at RM14.90.

Hugs and kisses

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Yadah Lip Tint Balm in Shiny Peach 02 Review


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

Did you know I am a lip balm freak? yes I am. I collect lip balm like a total freak. Lip balms kinda fun tho... you can always share it with anyone else, most of my friends and Mr. T will always ask me, "Ada lip balm x? Bibir kering la.." (You got lipbalm? My lips are chapped). And I will happily lend them my lip balm which rotates everyday depends on my mood on what flavor and brand I will bring along. This lip balm is my new favorite, despite the pretty cute packaging thats makes me feel so "kawaii" when taking out of my bag, I just enjoy the smell of it. I can just apply it the whole day or even in the car over and over again... No overpowering scent and does not taste bad.

I am not good at describing scent, but it smells divine! This tint gives you that nice moisture and nice tint. It also claims - "This intuitive silky gloss reacts with your body temperature to transform from its original shade into your own custom shade of lip color leaving your lips moisturized and supple in a shiny tinted finish." I don't know about that since I applied it so much, I think it just looks nice on my lips.

Yadah is a well know brand that use natural ingredients. No worries, no animal derivatives are used in this product. It is enriched with cupuacu butter, shea butter, sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil which act as natural conditioners with tomato, gromwell and moroheiya for its natural color pigments.

There are four available color at the moment, Cherry Red, Shiny Peach (the one I'm reviewing here), Sugar Pink and Bling Bling Yellow. I'm thinking of getting Cherry Red and Sugar pink to my lip balm collection. 

You can get this at Stage Malaysia Store, and Sasa Store. Through online, you can get this here at Hishop. Zalora also carries Yadah product but I did see this one in store. Retails at RM25 each.

Like Yadah Facebook Page for more news, promos and contests! Click here.

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Garnier Light BB Eye Roll-On Review


Assalamualaikum & hello ladies! How you guys doing?

I ran out of a liquid type of concealer, so I went on buying this to try. The product looks promising as well as unique. Its a roll type applicator that actually help to spread out the product nicely on the skin. What this product claims that it is infuse with Pure Lemon essences and Mineral pigments. The lemon essences helps to visibly removes dullness around the eye area. The Mineral pigments help to conceal imperfection on the eye skin. Said to be a nude coverage and natural effect. Only comes in one shade, Natural. Instant visible effect and easy spread.

What I can say about this product is, oh well, it was a okay. Nothing special tho. It absorb nicely. The roll actually gives me this cooling effect. Kinda fun. Haha. But I don't find the roll ball helps me. 2 dots can help cover the whole area under your eye. The top applicator is pretty messy as you can see in the second picture. It does not crease, I prefer to use this when I feel like I want a light coverage makeup. I might say it is a lil hydrating, brighten up my eyes and a lil fresh. I like that part, but I really hates how it is very messy. I always need to keep the top clean with a tissue.

You can buy this at any local pharmacies that carries Garnier product at RM19.00+. I have the BB Cream and I think I love it! Will review it soon! Toodles!

Have you tried this concealer?

Hugs and kisses

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I am a Hishop Ambassador


Assalamualaikum & hello pretty people!

Have you heard of Hishop.my? Well I bet you have! Hishop carries lots and lots of great brands that you can ever imagine. They also carries some of my favorite brands like Nature & Co, BaviPhat, Yadah, Candydoll, Jelly Pong Pong, Tony Molly and more! If you are a beauty junkie, you gonna love this online store! There is always some promotions and great deals you can get! Spend RM50 and get a free shipping! I love how everything is nicely packed in a box! Its pink! What can ever impress me! <3

Thank you Hishop for inviting me to join the Beauty Ambassador Program. Interested to join? Click here. Let see what I got here in my April Welcome Pack,

From Left to Right :
Beautymate Purifying and Hydrating Nano Toner 120ml
Scent Affair Honey & Oatmeal Purifying Softener Fragrant Body Wash 275ml
Touch In Sol Aloe Treatment Mask 1 Pack
Baviphat Kiss Scandal Dual Tint & Glow
Nature & Co Vital Purity Lift Mask 1 Pack
Milkdeal discount Voucher

Jaw dropping? Yes indeed. All of them are full size product. From body care, skin care to makeup! I am jumping excitedly when i open the package. Hishop claims to self hand picked all the items for you depends on the category you have choose and like. Well I am impress! I love all of the product I receive! I have start loving some and can't wait to review them! <3

Get RM20 off by using this code
Discount code: LOVEHISHOP 
(expires 30 June 2013)

Subscribe to their newsletter for more latest and fast updates! They have a lot of event and sale coming!

Go to Hishop.my to see what in store and drop to Hishop Facebook Page for me info and latest news!

Hugs and kisses

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