Sleek Ultra Matts V2 Review


 Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

After months of trying this palette now I present you the review and thought of this palette. I got this palette from UK. She was on holiday so I manage to ask her to help me buy this palette. Thank you dear friend. :) You can get this in many online shop now days or just order it straight from their official website. It will cost you around RM50 and below.Why I wanted this palette so much is because of the mattes color offered in this palette. All of the eye shadows in this palette are mattes. Since I have so many shimmery glittery eyeshadow, I wanted something to tone it down a little.

Lets talk about the packaging, the packaging is a matte type of plastic that catches dirt easily. I don't like that but its ok. The size of the palette is "just nice". Easy to travel with I predict. As when you open it, you can see a mirror in there. Pretty handy. The size of each circle are pretty similar to the new 50 cent coin (Malaysia) but a lil smaller. Just a lil.

At first impression I was quite disappointing with the quality. Its very hard to swatch. But after a while it is not what I thought about. I think when I first swatch it, well, its pretty brand new right, so the surface is kinda very hard to swatch. How do I explain this? I hope you understand. So what I can say is, YES! The pigmentation is super super super pigmented! Smooth and all you need is a just a little! Work so well with brush compare to fingers. Last long too! Does not fade and crease.

I am not satisfied with my picture quality, it looks like the color is not vibrant at all. It is actually very-very vibrant. The little downside of this palette is that it is a lil chalky, I warn you! So better be careful and try to cover your under eye with tissue or something when applying it.

My favorite shade would be Ink, Noir, Paper Bag and Villan!

I totally recommend this palette to mattes lover out there!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Lovely mattes! I wish they would come out with more matte palettes. Nice review dear :D

    1. hi Sleek brand lover! hehe... i know how much you love Sleek products! And you review is actually encouraging me to try this Sleek products!

      Thank you dear!

  2. Orbit and Thunder looks promising, i wonder if I can carry the shades, lol

    1. i cant wear thunder alone, since my skin tone is very "yellow". it looks weird... hehe... orbit is pretty nice too! since its mattes, it can be like an additional color to a certain eyeshadow. especially for contouring the lids, need a lil time experiment with it! :)

  3. this is so nice! I really like orbit and maple..... i wish sleek is available in malaysia. the blushes are awesome toooo... huuu

    1. kan... the price is affordable to me, if there are available in Malaysia with such quality, it would be great! many compare their blusher to Nars blusher. a great dupe they said!

  4. how many layers did you swatch on your skin? i usually use shimmer colours, but i think i might want to start to try matte colours :D

    1. its about 2 - 3 layers. for shades like Orbit, Noir, Maple, Paperbag and Villan.. i swatch it 1-2 time. these are the most pigmented and smooth shades in this palette. shimmers and matte go along well too! hehe...

  5. It looks like a really nice palette, and I've always wanted to try Sleek but I didn't know it has a very powdery texture. I don't like fall out!

    1. a lil drop of the powder can cause major dirt if we have already wore foundation on the face.... it is not convenient during rush time...

  6. The colours look really nice and pigmented, especially the darker ones. I'd love to get a Sleek palette to try out myself! :D

    1. you should try! many good review on their palettes!
