MIVVA March 2013


Assalamulaikum & hello ladies! I have been surprise again by MIVVA this month! Thank you for sending me another box! <3 I did not get the card with the description of the products I get and the card others got... :(.  Let's get on what inside the box and what I think about it! ;)

From Left to Right :
1. Purifying And Brightening Nano Lotion | RM49.90 for 100ml
This is kinda the continuation of last month MIVVA box, read the blog post here. Got the toner from last month MIVVA box. So its kinda cool! It is also full size, not sample! Claims to be a Lotion that minimize dark spot. I am looking forward to try this along with the toner!

2.Secretleaf Pure Oil Series 01 | RM75.00 for 15ml
Of all I'm excited for this. Wanted to try face oil for so long. But, the downside of this is that. Yes, I got the full size 15ml bottle but but but.... To my surprise it does not look like 15ml, only contains 20% of what it suppose to be in my bottle. The pump barely reach the surface to suck up the product properly. :( I don't know whether it spill out before packaging or what. So I only get 1-2ml of this product. Sad me.

3. Hybrids® Skin Perfecting Primer Dewy Finish | RM150 for 30ml
Yeah! Makeup product! This box include 5ml of this product! The product sample comes in a pump bottle. The primer is not a clear transparent type of primer but more like a color primer that does not leaves white cast or color to the face. Pretty perfect! I love it!

4. Hyseac Cleansing Gel | RM61.90 for 150ml
The sample size that I got from this box is 50ml. It is a good amount of sample. Claims to be a cleanser for Oily skin, enlarged pores, irregular skin texture, muddy, dull complexion, blackheads, red blemishes, acne-prone skin types. Will try to include this in my skin care roiutine.

5. Bio Gel Eye Mask | RM59 for 5 pcs
1 pair of eye mask that roughly cost RM11.80. Pretty good! Claims to be a 100% natural eye mask. Free from chemical and all that jazz. Looking forward to try this!

Overall I was quite disappointed with the presentation. Well, some get some don't. I don't like that. But I love how MIVVA suprise their subscribers with little cute gifts! This month includes this cute towel fold like a puppy! Goes well with the theme "Know your skin". All product really shows the important and product that can help maintain good skin. Love all the ideas and could not impress enough with most of the full size product included. Excellent!
If you are interested to subscribe go to MIVVA website and register for next month MIVVA April Box!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. alamak rugi x subscribe march..

  2. no.2 yang saya teringin nak cuba. orang kata bagus.

    1. sayang sab nya macam tumah, xberapa nk dpt try product ni.. :(

  3. hurm.. few full size products.. quite worth it :)

  4. Something unrelated... I love your bedsheet. LOL!

    1. hehe... its from ikea! most blogger have that bedsheet for photo taking backdrop... haha!

  5. Hi Sabrina, I just read about your Secretleaf oil spill! Please contact me at michelle@mivva.com and I'll help to rectify this :)

