High End Makeup & Skincare Heaven!


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! Did you ever find your self at the state where you just wanna try all the best product out there but just could not keep up to finish them because you might think you can have too many products at home! Don't worry, I'm here to recommend you guys to this awesome website that sure to make you happy! From what I have in mind is, this website is the best place to get small product size high end product before you can spend on the actual product size. Or if you have been loving one, you can get a travel size product that conveniently for you during travel. They have also actual size product that at discounted price. Last minute gift shopping? Dont worry! They are open 24/7 and you can even get awesome sets/ gift set if you are planning to give to someone! From skincare, to makeup, weekender bags and many more. Don't worry my international readers! They are operate in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong & Indonesia!

Best Buy World offers more more than you can ever wish for brands. Most well know brand are in the store up for grabs! All of them are 100% original. Get points when you shop too!

Don't have an account? Create one! Fill in the forms and don't forget to verify your email. You'll get updates on the latest product too!
See anything nice? Add to cart! And they are halfway yours! ;) If its for a special large quantity gift or simply for you and your bff you can add more than 1 quantity!
Finish shopping, proceed to checkout and check your shipping details. Remember to shop above RM100 to get free shipping! ;) You may modify your delivery address if the address is different from your registered address.
Payment method can either be Cash on Delivery (COD) or Bank Transfer (Maybank).
Check again your order confirmation. You will be receiving an email from BBW to confirm your order. Check History to see whether your order is successful. If there is a problem, kindly contact them. They will be happy to help. :)

Happy Shopping!
For more information visit -
Website - http://my.bestbuy-world.com/
Facebook : Best Buy World Malaysia
Customer Service : 03 - 21643557
Mon to Fri 9am - 6pm
Fax no. 03 - 21633390
Email : info-my@bestbuy-world.com

Hugs and kisses

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