SHILLS Rose Bulgaria New product Launching Event

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Last Friday I went to the SHILLS New Product Launching. They are the Rose Bulgaria Skincare Range. It was fun and pink! I meet up lovely Illy to the event. It was held at the Mid Valley Gardens Cafe. Such a lovely cafe! It is so beautiful! The cafe is located between the bridge from The Gardens mall to the Mid Valley Mall.

Here is a brief about the product, The skincare range.
What it claims that the Damascus Rose is the purest essential oils that cultivated for the production from this precious rose species that fine grows at the Bulgaria Mountain, an altitude between 300m and 1200m. To preserve the natural rose otto, SHILLS determine not to add any chemicals and artificial during the distillation of rose essential oil from the rose petals! SHILLS strive to bring the au naturel Damascus Rose formula that restores the youthful beauty while keeping the skin moisture and hydrate to ensure a velvety and healthy complexion glow of the skin.
1kg of rose essential oil is made out of 4000kg rose petals!

The whole range of the skincare from SHILLS Rose Bulgaria.
Before the event start, these two cute little girls performed a dance routine. Looks like Latin dancing. Idk... Hehe... It was full house! There were so many bloggers. I bet they don't recognize me as I am now wearing a hijab. hehe... Its ok... During the explanation, I could not view it very well as there were no seating and there were so many people. The seating section is only for eating. So me and Illy stroll around the cafe to hands on some products. We got to try and test the product! Yeah!

That's Illy! Pat pat pat the toner~
Here are some of the product I got to test it out.

Out of all of the product I am excited about this jelly mask. It looks so cool! The texture is very jelly! Duh! After testing on products we all were invited to the buffet area! What else? Makan! The food is quite good!

I have a lot of fun! I meet alot of new people to! Hehe... Thank you Illy for accompany me! So fun hanging with you! We did not went home empty handed. They gave us a goddie bag! I got the toner, trial pack skincare set and RM20 vouchers to shop at SHILLS! Yeah! <3

Here are the price list -
Rose Essential 5 in 1 Deep Clarifier 250ml – RM79.00
Rose Essential Cleansing Gel 100ml – RM79.00
Rose Essential Hydrating Toner 250ml – RM59.00
Rose Luxury Essence 30ml – RM99.00
Rose Essential Hydrating and Whitening Day Cream 50ml – RM99.00
Rose Essential Whitening and Repair Night Cream 50ml – RM99.00
Rose Petal Jelly Mask 70ml – RM99.00
Rose Essential Firming Eye Cream 20ml – RM118.00
Rose Brightening Lift Jelly Eye Mask 10 pairs – RM99.00

Don't forget to like SHILLS FB Page here to get more information!
Thank you Jeffry for inviting me!
You can purchase these online here!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. it was fun meeting you babe :)

    I always loved your details blogpost *wink*wink*

  2. I love rose! hihi. nice review, sab. suka tengok sab pakai hijab. :)

  3. wow love the pics. last pics most love I dont know can snap so many.. actually got mine with eyes closed :P

    1. we could not see the hands on done by the emcee, so we we strolling around the event and the camera men ask whether to take pictures some more... haha!

  4. Omg you were there! I was there too! Alamakkkk..I didn't know it was you :( Im a fan of your blog but still new here, so I guess Im still blur on how you look like. hehe.

    1. yeke? ahaha! i dont blame u! i dont have my own pictures in my blog, how to recognize! hehe... its ok! thank you so much for loving my blog!

  5. These products look great! espesh the Jelly Mask, the only thing is, is that I am not a fan of Rose! :(
    LaceyLoves x

  6. Hi Sabrina,

    I enjoyed stumbling across your blog today. Came over from Yukiko Tan's blog.
    You have a nice-looking site here with good photos and info!
    Duncan In Kuantan

    1. Aw... you so sweet! Thank you!
      Nice photo aa? Hehe... I only use my Blackberry camera..nothing fancy.... Love your blog too! <3

  7. Really nice!!! thanks for sharing it with us. keep it up......
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  8. Replies
    1. quite nice, i love rose scent but this one, the rose scent is more like "Sirap" to me.. hehe... the jelly mask is nice!
