LISA February 2013 Highlights


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone again! Alhamdullilah, we meet again! My heart can't stop beating knowing I neglect my blog for a few days! Hehe... This month magazine highlight would be featuring LISA Magazine! Its a new discovery magazine for me! I heard it before but never get the chance to grab one! I missed out so many things! This magazine is the bomb! BONUS! The price is ridiculously awesome! RM3.90 per piece? Oh yeah! Let me give you the picture why is this magazine is so awesome! Lalala~

Sorry for the my international readers, this magazine is in Bahasa, so hehe... This month cover girl featuring this cute lady named Fida! There is a full interview section of her to all fans of her out there! (Why am i keep on using the (!) again and again. Guess Im just so excited! Lolololo...

This season is been hot hot hot with the solemnization of Apek and Leuniey.

 Did you see what I see???? I guess if you read my blog, I can't resist pretty packaging perfume bottle... I wish I can collect them all!
I wish I have an iPhone. Just because of below picture casing... -_-...

What makes this magazine so interesting is the sections. Although there is a celebrity gossip in this magazine, the information is not quite interested as the other magazine. I hate celebrity gossips magazine. Well I did not say I don't hear/watch them on TV but I don't encourage my self to involve in that kind of atmosphere and vibe. What I like more about Lisa they talked about Fashion and shopping guide my favorite section is this - Bijak Wang. I love topics especially on Investing! (Because I love my job so much! Haha) Nah, its a good awareness for us young ladies to know about this stuff right? And  not to mention! They have a spotter! Cool leh! Lastly another favorite is the cooking section!!!! Yum!

Oh yes! They also have a monthly contest! Enter by just SMS! You have the chance to win Taylor Swift goodies including her fragrance, TheFace Shop Chia Seed skincare range, A Good Day to Die Hard Movie Goodies and much more to be listed!

There are a lot more, so go grab one and read it for your self! I think its a worth magazine to buy! 
Grab your LISA Magazine of February issue! Its on store now! <3

Hugs and kisses

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  1. i read Lisa too since it made its debut ^^ really love the price and its content !!

  2. menarik! paling saya suka gambar perfume. muahahaha.. dua2 yg sab bagi anak panah tu sangat2 tempting la. hehehe.. :D

    1. kita minat sama! xpela bau letak tepi, suka sbb packaging je boleh x? hehe...

  3. ingatkan sabrina masuk majalah tadi. hehehe btw, love Lisa. and you know what, kita pernah menang set body shop worth RM 300 from Lisa mag just guna sms RM 1

    1. wah! best nya kalau dapat masuk! hehehehehehe.......
      aah kan! sab pun pernah menag tp majalah lain la..hehe...

  4. Replies
    1. all iphone casing are so tempting.. but dont have one.. haha!

  5. Thanks for this post. I love magazine scan posts, especially ones I have never seen before!

  6. The magazine looks interesting. I'll make sure I grab a copy of Lisa mag :D
