December 2012 Favorites


Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone! Oh my! I'm late! I suppose to post it on the 1st of every month. Im so sorry. I was so excited of getting started in the new year! As my previous post, I promise my self to start working hard! I wanna make a big difference this year! But that still wont stop me from sharing my favorites of  last December! Let get into it!

1 Victoria Secret - Secret Moment Body Mist in Kissing in Paris [ RM50.00 ]
Before I started blogging I actually had a blogshop selling VS Body Care. But it did went good because I was so busy with my studies. Pity me. Hehe. I grabbed one for my self and I find I'm loving this scent last month very much. The refreshing feeling when applying it after shower is just amazing! Its smells so sweet and fresh! Brightens up my day!

2 Jusco Baby Wipes 80 sheets [ RM8.90 for 2 pack ]
Amazing Amazing stuff! I ditched my November favorites Baby Wipes from Watson after discovering this! Yes! I am a wipes freak! Its saves time and its very convenient  I love this wipe so much! Its super affordable  Great packaging and last very long! The closure is made out of plastic and the sizes of the wipes is perfectly nice. By doing the math, basically it cost 0.05 per wipes! I mainly use it for my face after removing waterproof eye makeup (using eye makeup remover) to double clean my face concentrating on the face makeup like foundation and neck area. I also use it to spot clean my brushes and others uses. I think I need to do a personal review on the uses of this wipes. hehe. Its does not contains Paraben and I don't experience breakouts using this. This wipes are mainly to help removes my foundation more efficiently before the usually face cleansing.

3 Silky White BB Powder by Silkygirl
I find my self loving this last month. I think it goes well with my favorite BB Cream that is the BB Cream Aqua from Bio Essences. Read the review here. It leaves my face matte and soft. It is quite a good product!

4 Silkygirl Big Eye Collagen Mascara [ RM22.90 ]
Loving the lasting power of this mascara. Very lengthening and the curls stays up for hours. Easy to use but quite messy when using it for bottom lashes. I use it with the business card mascara trick Michelle Phan teaches and it helps prevent messes when using this mascara. The favorite part is the lasting power although its quite clumpy. I have the full review here.

5 Face Silicon Pad [ RM4.90 ]
After discovering this, I forgotten my excitement of getting the clarasonic. I think this was quite enough for me. I'm not saying its a total dupe for a clarasonic. But still, it delivers what I want. Of course you have to scrub it yourself, unlike the clarasonic which moves itself. Haha. To be honest, since using the Baby Wipes mention above and this cleansing pad I have not getting pimples for a month. Seriously. I'm very happy. I think the leftover makeup that does not clean off well causes me break out. Using a cleanser alone does not help me. It helps to foams up your cleanser a little and it does help to removes white heads. The bad part is only that it does slips away from your finger sometimes. You can find this at Japaneses store like 100 yen, probably Daiso. I bought mine at Jusco Wellness center.I saw this at Watson but the price is unbelievable  RM29.90+ something each. I think they look pretty much the same although the one I bought does not have a brand but the one I saw at Watson have. You decided.

Well that's all I think. Tell me if you want a individual blog post review for the item above. More pictures and details for a individual post. Sorry again for probably not replying your comments. Still not getting a good broadband for my self... Huhu. See you next time! And thank you again for entering the MIVVA giveaway!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. no conosco los produtos;(
    pero me encanta tus explicaciones
    tengo la sabana como la tuya me gusta mucho ;)
    desde españa
    puedes seguir me ?

  2. mane sab beli Victoria Secret tu? Sarah ade yg sama tp bau lain la.hehe

    1. sab jual dulu... skang secret moment from vs dah discontinue rasanya... ea? yg mana? hehe...

  3. tringin nk try VS pny wipes tu cmbest je..xpenah try lg wipes..slalu guna cleansing gel utk remove makeup..maybe xbetul2 bersih..slalu je break out..huhu..

    1. try baby wipes for double cleanse makeup... murah and sgt convinient! :) sab suka yg ni sbb dia bau baby powder! ada macam2 lagi brand...

  4. baby wipes as make up remover! genious :) nak try gak... definately a cost efficient product :)

    1. must give it a try! the baby wipes discovery makes my pocket smile! hehe...

    2. Inspired by this.. I pergi beli baby wipes Happy sgt :P

      I jumpe baby wipes kat 99Supermat infornt of my house.. I jumpe bay wipes on 100sheets 2 packs for RM9.90 only OMG :P


  5. hye! i love ur review!

    happy new year! :)

    1. thank you for reading dear!

      happy new year to you too!

  6. saya pun belum buat entri fav 2012. masalah internet. lembab sangat. huhu.. Silky White BB Powder tu macam best la. nak try la nanti. VS Kissing in Paris tu baunya macamana? ada tak perfume yg seakan2 baunya? saya ada nampak seller masih jual body mist jenis tu dan scent yang lain.

    1. talk about slow internet line! sama! hehe... ni pun siap makan2 depan laptop nk tuggu dia load.. hehe... sab x pandai describe scent! describe - "Spring Iris and fresh Dew makes sparks fly." yg lain pn best macam sunshine something2.. (xigt) and at first sight. from this line jugak...

  7. this might sound a bit lame, but can u recommend a good facial cleanser for guys?

    i tried using the one that my friend suggested but it leaves my skin kinda dry later on. i also tried another one but it irritates my skin.

    eating oily food at mamak + late night soccer show = sleep anywhere = pimple

    gotta find a solution to the problem above. hope u can help. thanx in advance!

    1. haha! no problem bro! My bf personally ask for my advice... try a cleanser that does not combat oily skin. my bf tried so many brands but non of them satisfy him. this may sound weird but try female brands instead. try to find a cleanser that moisturize. most male brands cleanser i saw always have this minty type of effect. it contains alcohol which dries out your skin. go for Neutrogena cleanser. hope i helps! :)

    2. seriously, female brands??

      wow, never thought of that one before. but since u're the expert in this kinda stuff, im gonna give it a try, in shaa Allah. :)

      ps : ur bf is lucky to have a skin specialist by his side. lol

    3. haha! no biggie! and try to add more products to your skin care regime... try to use moisturizer after cleansing, to make sure your skin is protected and moist. your friends must be laughing at you if they find out! but up to you, its your skin! haha!

  8. I always look forward for your monthly favorites. So many things worth trying. I'm going to pick the Jusco baby wipes to try next. Hahahahaha... So cheap I can't resist.

    1. Glad you find my monthly favorites helpful! <3
      Go try it! :D

  9. The Silky White BB Powder yg you wear it with Bio Essence BB cream tu you apply pakai brush or just dabbed it with the given sponge?

    1. first i apply the bb cream pakai tgn je... sab suka run kat jari dulu then apply kat muka. bedak tu pulak kadang2 kalau sab nk more coverage sab pakai spong kalau x pakai kabuki brush/large powder brush. :)
