Ray Magazine (English Edition) Dec 2012 Highlights

This month cover girl : Erika Mori

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to you guys! Ray magazine came up late this month, I have my hand on this month magazine after 1 week December start. Been searching for it at every magazine store, but could not find one. As you all know I am a huge fan of Ray Magazine  especially when they have this English version! Now I can read. Haha. The last time I bought Korean/Japaneses/Taiwan magazine, I only browse their pictures and gestures in the picture to understand. Hewhew. I love this type of magazine because it have lots of beauty, fashion and shopping information rather than some info that keep on repeating the same time over and over again and overload ads. its sucks. I am not a K-Pop fan, but I really like how they appreciate beauty and their beauty and fashion style are soft and feminine. Let get on with the highlights! As you can see I have a new categories labels for my blog post. Do check them out! A lot of plan going up next year!

This month star highlight is no other Karina! I have seen her alot in other magazine. Since its the holiday season and some countries are raining snowflakes, most fashion highlight are focus on winter clothing. Trench  Coat style! I love trench coat, the only problem is I dont know when I will wear it since we dont have 4 season here in Malaysia. Hehe. Probably wear it when I have a chance to go to a 4 season country right. Amin! 

My favorite part about Ray Magazine is their How to/Tutorial section. from hair to makeup. This month hair tutorial is more of a soft festive look, Brunette hair really make a face look innocent. Hm..

Makeup tutorials! Festive looks and other subtle party look you can try!

My favorite part was the Basic Care of acne! They cover up to 3 pages from how to balace out your hormone level, types of acne, the T Zone care, Cheek care, Period Care and body acne care. From tips to trick and product recommendation!

Dolly wink product highlight! Argh! When can I have these! They are so expensive! But cute! <3

Need Christmas gift idea for your lovely ones? They have it all right here! Look at the Sephora Blockbuster Makeup Set! Droll! <3

Lastly, I cam across the last page. Etude House make a massive nice promotion you can check out. Look at that makeup bag. Pretty cute!
Purchase RM120 above and get the limited edition pouch
Purchase RM200 above and get Moist full Aloe Skincare Kit + Limited Edition Pouch
Purchase RM300 above and get the pouch + traveling bag + moist full aloe skincare kit

My rate for this month Ray Magazine★★★★☆

Happy Reading everyone! Grab yours now! <3

You can get it at : myNEWS.com, Newsplus, MPH, Borders & Kinokuniya

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Never read dis mag..kalau biasa pun p salon rmbut...n while waiing for treatment kat kedai amoi...tgk2 gmbaq ja...mostly in chinese...so cannot understand...tpi gmbar pun da menarek kot kn

    1. Kan..samela, tgk gmbar je... Vivi & Ray magazine dah ada edition English. So dah leh baca dah.. hehe...

  2. Hi Sab, thanks for this awesome post! Am going to grab this mag nanti. I always buy Popsister mag(Taiwanese edition)sbb terlalu suka mekap and fashion Japanese even couldn't understand a thing...haha tgk gmbar je lah. Tak paham pun berjam-jam tgk sbb lawa2 mekap and baju2 dlm majalah tu.

    1. thanks dear! kan.. i love this type of magazine, xpandai baca dapat tgk gmbar pn xpelah! hehe...

  3. Karina is beautiful!:) Dont think we have this here in the Philippines though! I love the makeup tutorials section on this mag :) I actually stopped and read them :)


    1. me too! lovely magazine with such details and graphic make reading much more fun!

  4. I've never heard of this magazine before! It looks lovely though, the how-to tutorials in particular look amazing. Thanks for sharing! <3

    Love, Fatima (fashionpilgrim)
    Twitter: @fashpilgrim
    Facebook Page: Fatima A.
    Instagram: @fashionpilgrim

  5. Thanks for posting this! I love to see magazine scans so I really appreciate you taking the time to share :-)


    1. my pleasure dear! but i didn't scan them.. hehe...
      thank you so much for spending some time reading my blog. i really appreciate it.
