November 2012 Favorites


Assalamulaikum! Alhamdulilah.. We meet again! Lat week have been the busiest week I had... Lots of things need to be done. As an opening entry to the last favorite month of 2012, I'm gonna share with you what I have been loving this month. Not much, I have find myself very busy and did really take care of myself very well. I have been loving wearing light bare face makeup. Thank you for you those who liked my new Facebook page! I really appreciate it and to all new follower, you guys made my day! <3 Lets get back to the stuff I'm loving!

1 - Linden Leaves Aromatherapy Synergy Body Oil in Memories (Travel Size) - RM98.00
I got this from The Skin Topic. Will do a full review on this shop very soon! Its an amazing organic shop filled with lots of good stuff! I never used a body oil before except baby oil. This oil is the best! It smells divine! Its totally lift up my mood when I am in a stress. It really deliver to what it say, "aromatherapy". It moisturize my skin too. I could just sniff it the whole day and close my eye. Peaceful!

2 - Bio-essence Aqua BB Cream SPF25 - RM56.00+
I have been loving wearing less makeup this month. Although there is some pimple here and there, but I find my skin is kinda okay this month. This BB Cream is among the best BB Cream I ever use! Super light and it gives you this natural finish! I can barely feel I'm wearing this BB Cream.

3 - Revlon Color Burst Lipstick in Soft Nude - RM35.00+
I find myself grabbing this back again. I had this for a long time. As I said I have been loving wearing light makeup. A nude lip just goes so well with anything!

4 - EOS Lip Balm in Summer Fruit - RM16.00+
Another product that I have been grabbing bag in my bag. This lip balm is just fun! It moisturize well and its very handy!

5 - Lamor 2 Collagen Drink - RM170
This product is not in the picture, finished it and i forgot to keep one for photo taking. hehe. This have been my first ever skin supplement. It was good, my skin improves a bit. You can check it out here - CLICK ME

Well that all for today I think. Need to reply some emails and stuff to be done! Still busy actually! hehe... Will post more. In sha Allah... Thank you again for coming by! Have lots of plan this coming new year!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. macam nak trybjer aqua bb cream tu..


    1. Best! cuba try. color dia agak kelabu and macam x match skin tone, tp in a few minutes dia serap. :)

  2. hai..follow & blogwalking here :) free2 singgah my blog :)

  3. I heard a lot of good reviews on the Revlon Color Burst. After seeing it here, I really want to try it out.

    1. The color payoff is pretty good, but its tends to dry if I have not drink alot of water through out the day! you should try! <3

  4. Hi Sab, I think I see a rose bud in the body oil. Is it really in there?! Oh how interesting...

    1. yep! a real one! they got more than 1 scent, for example, lavender scent, they have some bunches of lavender in the bottle! its look pretty nice right! :D

  5. hi sabrina, nnt bole review tak lamor drink tu? there's been so much hype about it. just wanting to know your experience with it. thanks for sharing..

    1. sure dear! will do, it will post up around this month! :D

  6. Revlon Color Burst Lipstick in Soft Nude mcm cun je Sab :)

  7. Nice favourites Sabrina! Like the colour of the lipstick! And where did you get the Eos lip balm from? Malaysia has it?=D

    1. I got it a year ago during a USA spree in a forum. try check out "Retail Paradies" in Facebook. They carry some too!

  8. sab!!! lama tak nampak? hehe... saya suka tengok no.3 tu. saya pantang nampak lipstick warna natural. EOS lip balm tu di mana sab beli?

    1. hehe...busy la dear! sab beli EOS lip balm tu dah lama masa ada online shop buat spree. Check "Retail Paradise" kat facebook. sab nmpak dia jual...

    2. oh, sis Retail Paradise. ingatkan seller lain. hehe...

  9. great review!

    I have tried the green color EOS lip balm!
