My Verdict on the Lamor 2


Assalamulaikum and Hello guys! Okay... Here is my verdict post about the Lamor 2 Collagen drink. Read my previous post about it here - CLICK ME! . Sorry for another horror picture. That is my total bare skin without any makeup or product. Hehe... Euw Euw Euw. So here is what I gotta say after drinking it for 2 weeks -

As you can see in the picture, on the left is my first picture. I got zits and i pop it.. again... On the second day, its kinda soothes down pretty fast. Usually it takes 3-4 days for it to soothes down. But it does not really heal up completely. Within 2 week, my skin feels moisturizer by pimple still keep on popping out. It does not help to reduce my pigmentation and acne scars. But in terms of my body health, it does have slightly helped. My urine in not yellowish anymore and surprisingly I got to the bathroom for "the big issue time" every morning! Which is a good sign. I have this problem since I was a kid. I have hard time going to the bathroom everyday. Its not good for your health you know... When I woke up in the morning I don't really feel tired and have this kinda body ace feeling. Conclusion is, it does not really helped on my skin but it really helped on my health. It helps to flush all of my toxic in my body. What I can say it, it may take sometimes for it to really deliver to my body. It is may cause by myself for not drinking much water everyday. If you are taking supplement remember to drink a lot of water. It helps! I think its a good morning boost drink because its delicious and it help maintain you body health!

Below are a verdict of some other users.

For more information check out the authorize Lamor 2 seller FB Page -

Contact Lovely Valerie for more information and purchase info!
She can meet you personaly to explain more detail about the product!

Hugs and kisses

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  1. I might have to try this one out. I have so many acne on my face.

  2. can I buy from you?How much it will cost include the I know,in peninsular there is no cost for postage.

    1. Sorry dear, but I dont sell them, You can purchase it from Valerie :) She is a trusted seller, i have meet her personally. She is very friendly too!

  3. Thanks for the information. Ive been doing some articles almost similar to this on my blog,Its good to get some inspiration from elsewhere once in a while. Keep it up !
    skin tightening

  4. I have one left over box from my previous purchase! Please email me if interested! Email : I will be letting go really cheap as I don't drink them anymore
